Should we drink chilled water?? Must read

in #health6 years ago

We all have a common habit that we come home and directly rush to the fridge and have chilled water..
And why not?? In this 42° C temperature, all we need is to cool down our body and mind as well.


But we all have been instructed not to do this by our parents from our childhood and we all are not following them as well.😀
What actually makes them say that??
Have you ever thought??
Drinking chilled water have many side effects and some benefits as well.
We will discuss both.


  • When we come from outside, our body temperature rises due to heat.
    We directly drink chilled water which causes sudden decrease in core body temperature which affects the health of our heart.
    And you won't believe, there are many cases where a person have chilled water directly after coming home and he had a heart attack..
  • If you believe in ayurveda,it strictly says no to chilled water under any circumstances and in any seasons.
    There are many reasons behind it-
  • If we drink chilled water, it disturbs the gastric juices and digestion as well.


  • Chilled water freezes the fat cells and they become harder to digest.and ultimately leads to fat deposition.


  • If we drink chilled water, our body has to bring if to normal body temperature first so this will lead to delayed hydration.
  • Our body has to bring chilled water to normal body temperature and that will use extra energy which will lead to loss of energy at a long run though you feel freshness instantly after drinking.


  • Chilled water can cause sore throat.


  • Chilled water can freeze many spinal nerves which can cause headache.



  • Drinking chilled water during exercise will drop you body temperature which is raised due to exercise and this will give you more stamina to do more exercise.


  • Improves mood


  • Increases metabolism
  • Reduces pain while applied topically
  • Improves skin health if used to wash your face as chilled water will improve blood supply to skin.

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This is very informative. The truth is, so long as the weather is warm, i have always been for chilled water. But as you here allude to, chilled water has some ramifications of fat build up and makes its digestion burdensome.

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I am usually pretty clued up about health matters and also I am very interested in the topic of foods that harm and foods that heal.
I am surprised that this knowledge has passed me by, I like that I got some actual scientific explanations of things that drinking chilled/iced water can cause.

For instance we are all familiar with brain-freeze from drinking ice cold drinks or eating ice cream too quickly I did not know the science behind this and as I love to learn new things...Thankyou :)

I ahve alays believed that drinking chilled water was great for weightloss as the body burns calories bringing up the temerature of the water although it seems I may well be wrong!

This whole thing of drinking chilled water sounds like a minefield...Maybe I should stick to drinking chilled beer and then maybe I will stay healthy! ;)

A good read, thankyou and take great care :D

Thanks for the appreciation.
Regarding the weight loss part, there are two different opinions.
According to some it helps lose weight as you said but according to ayurveda, it actually builds up fat in the body.
Now it is up to you, what to follow as there are many concepts which have different opinions in ayurveda and you have to follow any one.

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