From S.A.D. To Hopeful

in #health6 years ago


Phew! Maybe I will finally get this post out today. I’ve meaning to write an update for what feels like forever.

My son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes after we went to the ER almost 2 weeks ago. At the time, we were very ignorant about the disease and only knew what modern medicine tells us. So naturally, we were quite upset with the news.

After we arrived back home, I was researching my heart out. I knew there had to be more than simply living off of insulin shots.

Everyone, doctors, nutritionists, educators, kept reiterating to us the same thing over and over again. “There’s nothing you could have done to stop this. This was going to happen no matter what.” But the one that stuck out to me most was: “There’s nothing you can do to improve his condition. You can’t treat this with diet.” When I heard this, a front went up and a voice said, “That’s a lie.”

So as I was saying, I went home and did my own research. I came across a long article that offered some hope.

First thing I did, cut out dairy and gluten. That article, amongst a few others agreed that T1 diabetics need to cut out all dairy and gluten from their diet. (Although, I read goat milk would be ok? But I don’t have access to that anyways.)

I noticed some improvements least at some points in the day. My kids love their snacks. They love apples, bananas, and baked goods. As long as I bought dairy-free and gluten-free snacks, I thought it was ok. Nope. Didn’t matter how small of a sugary treat he had, whether it was bars or fruit, his body did not reapond well, and we could tell immediately.

A few days later, I made a comment over at @mericanhomestead’s patreon, and he told me about a website he saved since diabetes runs in his family. I have been absorbing all the info I can from that site. I bought their recipe e-book, and we have made even more diet changes. Now, all sugar is out, along with anything that is high-glycemic.

The last few days, we’ve really seen a difference! His blood sugars are starting to stabilize, and his moods are so much better! Last night in fact, his blood sugar dipped too low. When I talked to the Dr. today, she told me to take him off the long-acting insulin for a few days and see how he does. (He hasn’t had to take short-acting for a few days now.) So for the time being, he does not have to take insulin.

Of course, it had to be mentioned before I hung up that they can only hope this will last for awhile, but they know from experience that it won’t last forever. Well, time will only tell. I’m filled with hope that this lifestyle change will help him heal.

I think the only thing making this new diet change easier than I expected, is knowing that we’re doing it for my son. While I don’t know the exact reason the Father allowed this happen, I can’t help think part of it may have been to wake me up. Like it was His way of telling me to eat His food, not man’s food.

I didn’t think we ate that badly. However, the Big Man often told me that I fed our family way too many carbs (and not the good kinds either.) In reality, we really were eating a Standard American Diet.

After this diet change though, the Big Man tells me if we keep eating like this, there’s no excuse we shouldn’t all have a six-pack. Haha!

I will try to give updates in the future for how this is all working out. Maybe I’ll share some new recipes I’m using too! I thought for sure, we’d have to eat the same ol’ boring things everyday, but that’s not true! I just made son chocolate chip cookies that the kids can enjoy, guilt free!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day! God bless.


As a type II diabetic I can also attest to the fact that changing one's diet to cut out sources of carbohydrates does a lot to help control diabetes.
I personally started my recovery by cutting out starches and sweet drinks. And then learning what foods my body can tolerate while controlling my diabetes.
Everyone is uniquely different and a one size fits all mentality by healthcare professionals does not always work.

I congratulate you for researching this on your own and developing a plan for controlling your child's diabetes.

Keep it up!!! There is a reason it is called "practicing medicine".

Have a great week!
Steem on,

Thank you! The diet change seems to be working fairly well. He did have a day where he was low most of the day, which is strange because I thought the main reason a T1 experiences lows is from too much insulin(he hasn’t taken any now for a week.)
I agree that a one-size-fits-all aproach does not work. It’s unfortunate that that’s what the healthcare has come to. We’ll see what his doctors think next time he goes in. If they think we are crazy, we may have to “switch to someone closer.”

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I'm so glad he is doing better. My brother is a type 1 diabetic, and I remember very well all the stress my mother went through.

We just started a gluten free diet today, to see if it helps with some chronic health conditions. I have a massive headache. My body is demanding gluten :) I think the headache is probably a good sign.

I’ve tried multiple times to improve my diet. Diets like the 21 Day Sugar Detox, Paleo, and the like. Never lasted long. But now I'm not doing it just for myself, so I think this time around, it will actually stick. I have to say, I miss pizza already. And I may or may not have my own stash of chocolate chips that I sneak into when no one is looking :D
Hoping the gluten-free diet works for you all! I think it gets easier after those first few days.

I hope those pizza cravings resolve for both of us :)

Kicking carbs is like kicking a drug.

I have a friend who, as an adult, was diagnosed with Type I diabetes as a complication of an infection resulted in organ failure. Refined sugars are out, and carbs in general are minimized in his diet now. He is able to do quite well though if he follows a combination if diet and medicine. It will be harder for a kid to adjust and cope with the desire for junk food, but you guys can do it! And an added benefit if the family follows the same diet should be reduced risk of Type II diabetes as well.

I watched a video a doctor did on T1 being the result of infection(s). The upside is if it’s a result from infection, does that mean it can be completely reversed by attacking the infection?
My son is young, and so I hope that by teaching him from such a young age about properly feeding and taking care of our bodies, that it will be second nature to him. And if there comes a time where he decides to try conventional food, the consequences will deter him from wanting to keep eating those foods.
After eating this way for a few weeks, I’m already noticing that I don’t enjoy the processed foods like I once did!

Howdy hebrewhousewife! wonderful news! most people would just accept what the doctor says and that's it. Hey Keto is also extremely helpful for diabetes, in fact it usually heals them. zero sugar in Keto. It's a tough one at first but there's all those sugar replacements that don't raise blood sugar too.

Isn’t it sad how most people make healthcare professionals their authority? Especially during a time when we have so much information at our fingertips to research and make our own informed choices.
I think you could call the diet that we are on a keto diet. We don’t follow the percentage recommendations for fats, proteins, and carbs, but we eat the same foods that are allowed(minus dairy.) Tough is right! I’m pretty sure I went through withdrawals! But I think I’m over it now...
I’ve been using stevia now. Funny enough, it still doesn’t make the foods all that sweet. Maybe cause I’m not using a whole lot. But I’m sure the point is to change our taste pallet, which it has!

You are 100% right, the Doctors told me I would loose Debbie in 2007 from her MS, and there was no cure, or any way to improve her situation!

I went herbal for primary treatment! She is still here, and improving every day. They are not good with chronic conditions!

Add Xyletol to the stevia, both are zero glycemic index sweetners that the body can recognize, so they are metabolically safe.


Wow! Praise the Most High, that is awesome to hear!
Now of course doctors have their place, but I can’t help shake my head at all this political health insurance/healthcare nonsense. It’s our responsibility to take care of our own health at the root, and how easy it is now with all the resources available to us today.

Her Doctor is not totally stupid, when I had to take her into the Hospital recently; he backed me up on the herbals! It took me three years to get him to listen, but he is on board. He wrote an order to the hospital to render all assistance to me to help dispense herbal medication he had prescribed for her, while in the Hospital!

I had the resident Pharmacist come up to see if he could help! That turned into a training session on herbals, a very strange thing, ROFLOL! But they did Not give me a hard time about giving her the herbals. I was surprised, to say the least!

He learned! :)

Be Blessed!


I'm glad to hear things are better. I'm still sending prayers your way.

I have had similar experiences. Please read my latest post. I'm new at this so I hope it's allowed to ask you to do that.

Interesting read, thanks for sharing! We did not cut out meats and eggs like this diet plan we’re on right now suggested, so he is still getting the fats and proteins from that. Oh boy, I can’t imagine eating them raw though! Eek!

It all tastes fine so long as the quality is good:

"The diet should be rich in animal foods including raw butter, cream, whole milk and cheese from pastured animals; raw meat and fish; beef and lamb; seafood, especially shellfish; unrefined salt for trace minerals; bone broths for minerals; unfiltered olive oil; molasses, egg yolks; and a variety of fresh and fermented vegetables, especially beets"

But eating a high sugar American diet on the other hand - Yuk!

HalleluYAH! Good decision @hebrewhousewife. I commented at length (twice) on your previous post that the Creator's Way is the only way. Be encouraged, you may all be challenged at the radical change now but you are already experiencing the benefits. Have a look at the documentary That Sugar Film. You can understand why carbs are a no no as the body converts it to sugar. You may want to head over to the naturalmedicine page. You can learn a LOT there! Shabbat Shalom

Thank you @buckaroo! Finally catching up on comments. Steemit hasn’t been as high in the priority list lately. The other night, the kiddos went over to grandparents house for the evening, and my husband and I were all excited to buy some pizza and ice cream while they were gone. Turns out, it wasn’t all that enjoyable. And we were still hungry not long after. So there’s a good chance we won’t be doing that again.
We watched the documentary. Very interesting! I feel like I’ve become a health nut overnight now with having to change our diet!
How is your stepson doing now after finding out about the plastic toxicity situation?

Shabbat Shalom @hebrewhousewife! And welcome to the wonderful health journey. I must say I'm very proud of you and your family for taking such a brave step. It is part of ABBA's calling us back to our roots, and the way He intends us to live. Whole! Complete! Full of life. Sorry that I'm not on Discord but you are welcome to contact me on [email protected] and I will help you with health matters, where I can. Many blessings for you in your new adventure and ABBA bring complete healing to your son

Hello...I realized that I had not commenting on your post. Not that I have anything big to say but did want to give you all encouragement! The Father's way is always best even if we have to change. I'm confident that you will be a diligent mother and will be able to find a way to beat this, naturally!


I'm sorry I didn't find this before the payout window ended.
So glad you have found something promising for your son. I once read about a man with type 1 diabetes who stabilised it by eating a ketogenic diet. This made me look into ketosis and I basically learnt that there were two ways for your body to convert foods to energy. One is from carbs using insulin, but the other is from fats which uses the brain and other tissues, so no insulin needed. The hardest thing seemed to be kick starting the body to stat using that process, which means stopping carb intake completely until it does.

Anyway, it's great to hear other anecdotal evidence on this working. Blessings to you all and I hope things continue to go well for him.

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That’s quite alright because I’ve become awful at replying back to comments! I’m hoping to jumpstart back into a daily routine again though.
Yes, that all sounds about right. I feel like I should have a degree in nutrition by now with all this research I’ve been doing! Thank you for the blessings. Thankfully, he is still doing great, and still no insulin!

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