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RE: The Truth About Vaccines

in #health7 years ago

I'll ask around, the two medical doctors I consulted now said to the best of their knowledge that they think so.

I found this quote from WHO's website

Polio has been eradicated in WHO’s American, European and Western Pacific Regions, while the number of countries where polio is deemed a serious public health problem has dropped from 125 in 1988, when the eradication drive was launched, to only four – Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan – where the disease remains endemic.

Also this

A similar scare linking the mercury compound vaccine, thiomersal, to autism led to its elimination from most USA and European vaccines that contained it, despite the lack of scientific evidence to support this measure. Indeed, five large-scale studies failed to find a link between thiomersal and autism, and, according to some studies, the incidence of autism has risen after discontinuation of thiomersal use in vaccines.

They even made mention of Dr. Offit:

American infectious diseases expert and vaccinologist Dr Paul Offit traces public distrust of vaccines to the so-called Cutter incident during the 1950s, when thousands of people in the USA developed vaccine-induced polio as a result of being given vaccine containing live polio virus from Cutter Laboratories. In his 2007 book entitled The Cutter Incident, Offit recalls that of 220 000 people infected – including about 100 000 children – 70 000 developed muscle weakness, 164 were severely paralysed and 10 died.


Well yeah a lot of propaganda but that said I don't know if it helps malnurished children. Have you heard about MMS? It's a cheap cure for malaria. Help in a couple of hours, successfully tested by the red cross and then never heard from again. Classic example. Medicine can't be cheap!

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