I want to create a space of wellbeing here on Steemit

in #health7 years ago

Good to be back!

I've been missing Steemit. The inspiring people from all over the world I got to know here last year. When I logged in and saw all your comments I got so happy - thank you!

Now I want to discuss different aspects of health, share recipes, tips and interesting research about our body and mind. Hopefully also host some challenges again! Since last I've been studying to become a Stress and Relaxation Coach with cognitive specialisation and looking forward to share my new insights with you.

It feels like I've missed so much these months. Do you got any tips of "must reads", stories and news that I can't miss? Please share, I would love to read them and get updated.


I think you'd see this first before my other reply on the comment you left me
anyhow, welcome back!

am just glad to see you looking all so well and better than the last time you left, so many things have changed around here
I wish you luck with coming back!

Thank you so much, it's good to be back! :)

Sponsored vote from witness proctologic

Welcome back. it's like almost a year.
Too many things you missed. All the hardforks and downvotes.
Just take it easy. after all, you going to be a stress and relaxation coach, right?
Good news it the price of steem is bettern than last year. So, for nothing, your wallet is still worth more.
Start curating again but you need to know 100% draws too much power.
As @englishtchrivy told me 25% is the new 100. :-)

Thank you!! Yeah it's been a long time :) Good point, I'll focus on the present! I'm glad the price of Steem is better. Great advice about the power, thanks a lot! :)

You're welcome

Wow! You are back!!!!!

Thanks so much for commenting on my recent post and letting me notice your presence! Oh how I hope that you will be warmly welcomed back into our community. I've thought about you periodically over the past year, and was blessed to see you active once again!

Thanks a lot!! I have thought about you to! :D :D

Cool, we have even more in common! I'm a psychologist (university level) and aspiring coach (as I used my psychology background for lots of different projects in the past) as well :-) Will keep on reading your stories!

Oh nice!! I'm so interested in psychology - will keep on reading your stories too! :)

I don't know that I have a must read story for you, but an intriguing technology I work with that I think might interest you. Have you looked into the Lucid Light? It's a neuro-stimulating light that elevates brainwave states to levels above what can typically be attained by those who have been practicing meditation of years as it uses light signals to activate the pineal gland and the endocrine system. Of course, in the U.S., it is only utilized for education and entertainment purposes. ;)

Wow, cool! Never heard of it before but it looks really interesting and I read more about it on the link. Is it the frequency of the light and/or the spectrum of the light that activate the pineal gland and the endocrine system? (maybe both) Do you know if there is any scientific research related to this? Would be so interesting to read more about it :)

Welcome back

Hi! Nice to meet you and thanks for your kind comment on my blog! Jag ser att du också är från Sverige, vad kul:-) Jag har inte heller alltid så mycket tid att lägga på Steemit heller, men gör lite insatser då och då.

Vad roligt, så kul att möta andra svenskar här inne! Jag är sugen på att dra ihop en Steemit-meetup i Sverige, vet inte om du har nära till Stockholm. Men tänkte kolla runt lite om intresse finns i #teamsweden och steemit.chat :) Är det något du skulle vara intresserad av att gå på?

Jag är absolut intresserad av det, vore jätteroligt:-) Jag bor ca 10 mil från Stockholm så det är inte speciellt svårt för mig att ta mig dit.
Vore verkligen superkul!!

Åh vad roligt att du är intresserad och grymt att det inte är så långt att åka, nu blev jag ännu mer taggad! Ska fundera lite och reka intresset, hoppas att det kan bli av. Hör av mig när jag vet mer! :)

Låter bra det, jag hänger gärna på:-)

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