
Thanks, freaking was 215 in January- at 161 thats alot of FAT!

I am 215 right now, trying to induce a heart attack but its not working lol.

There is a lot of truth in jokes, I am happier now that I don't feel so shitty from being fat, my stomach used to kill me all day long, no pain at all in last 3 weeks. I will help you in any way I can if want, I used to say often what you did about heart attack, now not so much.

That's good that you have a positive mindset. I could loose a bunch of weight, but It wouldnt help me with my ugly face. I use to be in shape when I was young and a girl told me that you could be in the best shape ever, but if you have an ugly face, you are doomed.

Ugly face means you are special, much better than a forgettable, there really is no such thing as ugly. PMA- positive mental attitude, we are what we think. I know its easier said than done but it does change you. The girl who said that to you was just ignorant and superficial and mean spirited, I feel bad for people like her, I was that way for most of my life, now I try and love everyone like my brother.

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