how I quit smoking... and how weirdly it wasn't all that hard...

in #health7 years ago

Let me just start of by saying this is the way it worked for me...

and its not because this worked this way for me that this is a magic trick that works for everyone

I smoked for 24 years and for the most part of that time it was the Marlboro red type and on average a pack per day.

Then I met my fiancee and she is one of those people who are able to smoke at a party and then not touch a cigarette for weeks.  Not me.

So for her sake i cut it down to Marlboro lights and to about half a pack... and that was about 4 years ago.

That gave us a nice balance but still the complaint of kissing an ashtray did come up from time to time.

Then earlier this year they came out with this new thing in Switzerland:  

The IQOS, a little machine developed by Phillip Morris 

this is a quote from their website: 

So basically i was smoking these things for about 3 months, in the beginning they taste a bit different but once you get used to them they are really nice...

Then I found I had forgotten my little machine one day after about two months using it and I decided to bum a cigarette from a colleague.  I took 3 puffs and had to put it out, absolutely awful... The taste was disgusting and there was the difference. 

 Someone who is or has been a smoker and has been ill and could not smoke for a few days knows this.  You just  take up the habit after like nothing ever happened but here the case was different.  I had not quit smoking but just wasn't used to the tar and burnt taste anymore.  And for me this made all the difference...

I also noticed that I was breathing better and had better endurance when cycling and walking.  So using this IQOS is one step one the way to quitting

You already take one step on the way to quitting and that makes it a lot easier.  And I have to say I am not alone in this, a colleague of mine has also quit smoking now the same way and he claims the same thing.  Its just much easier to quit once you have smoked these things a few months and even if you do not quit I would advise them.  The house does not smell, neither does your breath and there are no ashes to stink up the place either... 

For the moment they only sell in these countries 

If anyone has the same experience please let me know, im curious

So STEEM ON (and not SMOKE ON)


Good job @felander! I gave up 21 years ago after starting age 13. It was THE HARDEST thing I've ever done that took will power (I don't count giving birth as you have no choice!). This sounds like it would make things so much more doable. Sharing out to my business page. It looks like a good technology.

thanks for the resteem...
and it was a stepping stone to stopping, anything that helps is good thing....

Thats awesome. I want to quit so bad but i wont lie but ahard day at work then you sit down outside and have a smoke. Our great grandparents on down probably at one time. But congrats on breaking the habit. Check me out its not all about food.

thanks for the comment, and like i said, its not for everyone but if it helps just one i will be happy

After a few months after i quit i could taste and smell so much better. keep it up

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