Money: tax hike in California read more

in #money7 years ago


What effects you more, what the president said or higher state taxes? Lets talk about California's Senate Bill 623
Ok this a bill or a forever tax i call it on drinking water. Its to make it safer, or so it says. Dont we pay for that in our water bill each month. Clean water shouldn't be considered a luxury but more like a human right without it we die, right. If you live rural areas you procure your own water from your land. Now are they to pay a tax on water they don't use? Necessities like power, water, gas,cell phones and even cable tv and internet have a strong monopoly on all Americans. We pay them becuse we have to and god forbid arguing your case. We pay them for water treatment, isn't that part of our water bill? It will be an extra 95cents more in Cali just to pad pockets and pay for there fuck ups. We see whats happening in Flint, Michigan and and they still haven't fixed the problem. Acceptable levels of lead to drink. Didnt they take lead out of paint for a reason. Dont be weak say something. No more screwing us at ever turn with everyday items, oh ya they told us we need them(internet,phones cable). Im no conspiracy theorist but i see what is happening to people. The ability to think is gone just tell me its free and what to do. I regress. Do you wanna pay two dollars at a restaurant for a glass if water? And what about restaurant owners? America has laws on monopolies but It starts with the people, with us. Again, What effects you more, what the president says or higher state taxes? And dont forget the 42cent tax hike on gas coming real soon.


@johnbcheffin12 Remain Aware, Alert, and Armed - the zombie system is facing its grave.

Vigilance is key. Rick Grime style right. lol. Thanks for reading. Stay positive and trust no one. Haha

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