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RE: Pink Himalayan, Kosher, Pickling, Table: Salts

in #health7 years ago

But.... Like the AHA's ideas on red meat, etc (90% bunk)

I dont know that the recommendations on salt these days applies to everyone. If you are a processed food junkie...then certainly. Have medical reasons...then yes, probably.

All I know is that salt has been used for millenia. It can't be all bad. And as I probably only eat 10-20% the processed food that most Americans eat...
I am and feel I can be fairly liberal with my salt intake. But I don't know...I dont claim to be an expert in everyone's nutrition.

And @goldendawne ...I am not meaning to contradict or argue.... These are just my thoughts that I have each time people start talking about salt intake.

I ask that everyone take these opinions .....with a grain of salt XD


.....with a grain of salt XD
No pun intended? lol

I understand where you are coming from. I do.
In my case, as I am sure it may be the same with your wife, I do notice a difference in my sodium and salt intake. Too much... I get an episode.

But, in response (and no harm taken) I partially agree with you.
Salt has been around for centuries and used on a daily basis.
So.. keeping that in mind.

  1. Are people like my husband who is on blood pressure RXs really in need of the RX? No probably not. Perhaps the lowering of his sodium intake is the key. Which is what I am working on.
  2. People are addicted to processed/fast food and those are loaded with unnecessary preservatives and gosh knows what else. They don't get their "fix" they have withdrawals; just like an addict of illegal or RX medications/opiods. (perhaps the government and USDA, FDA, or whomever the dept is, should look into regulating the fast food industry and maybe they should consider this as a "War On Obesity".
  3. Moderation, moderation and more moderation.

People have become lazy to some degree. Fast food, pre-packaged foods, etc. If we paid more attention to what we were putting in our bodies instead of what was on our smart phone screen, it could change.

Yes and yes!
For my wife the salt control does make a difference.

I almost deleted my comment because I was afraid it sounded argumentative... So glad it didnt seem so to you!

Oh heck no- I'm glad you didn't.. I am always open to polite and open-ended debate.
It's nice to hear others' POVs as well as share mine.

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