Lawmakers In Montana Looking To Legalize Sales Of Raw Milk

in #health8 years ago

At the moment, raw milk is only legal in a handful of states, while many other areas still choose to prohibit the sale of milk if it hasn't undergone any pasteurization. Despite the warnings from health officials for raw milk, many people are adamant in their support of it and they still greatly value the product.

Just recently, the Montana House of Reps went ahead and approved of a bill that would allow for the sale of raw, unpasteurized milk in the state. House Bill 325 received a final vote of 69-30 and it is now going to head to the Montana Senate to be considered.

The bill was passed with the support of 13 democrats and 56 republicans, with 1 absent.

If passed, the new rules would allow for direct-to-consumer sales of raw, unpasteurized milk. It would also cover milk coming from either cows, goats, or sheep. Meanwhile, many health agencies and officials still warn that the only safe way to consume milk is by pasteurizing it.

Despite the overwhelming criticism for this product and the many who remain standing firmly against it, there are many others who support it. And there are a few states who have passed laws that allow for in-state sales of raw milk, states like California, Arizona, New Mexico, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and others.

Past research suggests that there are multiple benefits to be had from consuming raw milk, such as suggestions that it could help in protect infants from respiratory problems, or might be able to help with allergies or lactose intolerance. Still, a number of health officials will tell you those claims are hog wash. And peer-reviewed studies have also reiterated the notion that there aren't any health benefits to be had from drinking raw milk.

Critics have gone so far as to call any claims about the benefits of raw milk, nothing more than an unsubstantiated myth.

But there are still plenty of folks out there who love their raw milk and stand by the belief that it's a superior product for them than the common milk products out there today which are pasteurized.

When it comes to how you can buy the raw milk in the states, each area is different. For example, in California and Utah, you can purchase it from a retail store. But in areas like Nebraska and Kansas, you will have to go directly to the farm if you want to buy it. In Colorado, consumers take part in cow-sharing, where they enter a contract with the farmer which includes buying a share of a cow in exchange for raw milk from the farmer.

Despite the illegality surrounding the product, a number of farmers continue to sell to seemingly increasing numbers of customers, as raw milk popularity continues to grow. Aside from these efforts in Montana, lawmakers in North Dakota are also looking to make changes. And who knows who might be next.

Banner thanks to @son-of-satire



The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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Here in New Zealand where the government is partly owned and controlled by Fonterra - the world's largest dairy company (dairy is a big part of the NZ economy), propaganda about the dangers of raw milk is constantly promoted.

In actual fact quality raw milk is very safe, but any milk that has been pasturised is toxic. And homoginised is pretty much pure poison.

Raw milk is available, but partly underground.

We have a lot of info online on our website -

thanks for sharing! man i would love to see NZ some day! looks like such a beautiful place

Thanks @sift666 went investigating after reading your comment, found a Raw Milk Vender in Auckland.
Hadn't got to the part of changing milk, as didn't know were to begin, that was quite easy to find lol.
Now just have to not get lost getting to the farm and hope they have some left as it looks like they sell out quick.

Lol, wth is going on, didn't even know raw milk was ILLEGAL in some countries. Glad it isn't in central Europe.

Legalize liberty, and we won't have to do it a piece at a time.

Thanks for the post.

People honestly think that boiled milk is less healthy then unboiled milk?

At this point I am convinced that people will believe anything.

I don't see why raw milk is illegal, I mean I wouldn't drink it but who cares what I drink.

people drank unpasteurized milk for many years without any issue lol :) my family of farmers for example knew only that method for most of their lives.

Unpasteurized milk is fine, certainly great if you are milking the cow yourself! However it doesn't store as long and for mass distribution this can allow the growth of a variety of pathogenic bacteria.

I'm not questioning the safety of drinking unpasteurized milk, I am more questioning the logic behind pasteurization making the milk less healthy. That is what I just don't follow.

i am not sure what the logic is for the many thousands who prefer the raw milk? :) lol surely it varies. When you pasteurize anything you can kill the good bacteria along with the bad bacteria, which is why many people are opting for cold-pressed and unpasteurized drinks, raw milk today etc, rather than the boiled chemical juice and such that' so ubiquitous on the shelves, guess they want the raw nutrients, but like I said I don't pretend to know what the justification is for each of them haha, thanks for reading tho! cheers:)

Legal in Arkansas, and this was actually taken into consideration prior to moving here!

Raw milk is the only healthy milk. Thank goodness it is legal in Washington State where I live.

I thought you might find this interesting about [Louis Pasteur] ( and his deathbed confession.

thank you! cheers!

I will now go have a BIG glass of raw milk to salute your post! By the way it makes fantastic Kefir.

Raw milk just absolutely makes the best products. I make my own butter. Firstly because the price of butter in South Africa is just crazy. The butter I make from the cream of that raw milk taste better than anything you can buy

Nothing better than Raw Milk!

it sure does! been wanting to try some kefir for awhile now!:)

If you do not yet have kefir grains Cultures for health is a reliable company. I love the health benefits of raw milk kefir

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