Bill Introduced In Hawaii That Seeks To Legalize Sales of Raw Milk Products

in #health7 years ago

A bill that was recently introduced in Hawaii would make it 'legal' for raw milk sales to take place in the state. The bill contributes to an effort which seeks to end federal prohibition of the product. Bill 257 (HB257) would legalize the sale of raw milk products in Hawaii, it also covers labeling requirements, and would allow for consumers to obtain raw milk through herd share agreements. This means that people would be able to get their hands on products that could hit the market only 120 hours after milking.

Currently, raw milk sales are completely prohibited in the state.

Raw milk is illegal in many areas throughout the USA, as the FDA insists that we need to fear unpasteurized milk because it might pose health risks. Those risks are being fear-mongered over by the same people who want to try and keep-up with the charade that cannabis is bad for you. The FDA has for many years been in the business of telling people what they can and cannot do with their bodies, because they don't believe we have the right to decide what we do with our own property.

There has been a lot of stories in the news recently about people falling ill because they drank raw milk products and because of those stories, many urge caution when it comes to dabbling with consuming raw milk products. But many will remember growing up on the farm and being able to drink raw milk products fresh from the cow, our parents and grandparents didn't die or get sick because of it. And despite the risks posed, isn't it supposed to be our body, our choice?.

Legislation like HB257 is looking to nullify the federal prohibition against this product and Hawaii isn't the only place that is looking to make way for consumers to get this product in the market. There are similar efforts in Alaska, North Dakota, and other areas. Consumers can already find raw milk products in Washington state and other areas.

The next step for this bill in Hawaii is for HB257 to be referred to a committee where it will need to pass with a majority vote, before heading further into the legislative process.




I would however add "if properly handled" (with the hygiene stuff that is implied). This is probably why it has been made illegal in the first step (I guess here).

Which sounds weird to me. It looks like: 'if there is a problem, instead of trying to find a solution, let's remove the problem'.

but, but raw milk is dangerous. The government told me so and they are never wrong. :P

Generally, when raw milk turns, it simply changes into another consumable. The problem is hygene. If other materials get in the milk, which can happen easily if great care isn't taken, then the milk can be affected by it. Otherwise, it just morphs into various forms that are generally fine. This is where we get things like kefir and cottage cheese. Remember curds and whey?
Pasteurized milk, on the other hand, is absent of the beneficial organisms that make raw milk so safe. So when pasteurized milk turns bad, it is not consumable. It actually becomes dangerous. But pasteurization protects the manufacturers when something does get into the milk. And this invariably happens on huge operations. With small operations folks tend to be less industrial and more focused on the care of the cow as well as the milking process. You'd be disgusted by the cracked and infected utters that are hooked to the machine in industrial operations, not to mention the conditions the cows live in.
We get raw milk now. Sometimes I don't go through it fast enough and it starts to turn. As long as the flavor doesn't bother me, I just keep on drinking it. So far, I haven't died.

Does it ever end? Why cannot some people just leave other people alone. Rhetorical question, it is about money, power and control.

If we get success in repealing this nonsense then big pharma will just come in and say they own it because it contains phytocannabinoids. Yep, we need them to survive by our endocannabinoid system. Stop the DEA/Fed's from adding all other non-THC cannabinoids to the Schedule 1 Controlled Substance Act.

It's called population control by the eugenicists.

They tell us how to lead our lives then do the opposite themselfs. They have to much to say

Raw milk has been consumed for thousands of years, if it was so dangerous the Dutch would be extinct (my husband is Dutch).

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Raw milk is "illegal" in NZ because it sells for 4 times what the milk monopoly pay the farmers for the std milk and 25% of the NZ export earnings come from dairy sales (mainly milk powder)

It's all about the $. We have ways to get around it, and have a website here:

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