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RE: My story, my life, my pain

in #health5 years ago

Sorry to hear that. Yes, the psyche affects health more than we realize.

It's unusual for a woman and especially a grandmother to have drinking problems. Usually it's men.

Have you heard about the EMDR method? From what I can tell it looks very promising.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) je metoda, ki se je prvotno razvila pri terapiji travme (PTSD), danes pa se uspešno uporablja tudi pri vrsti drugih težav. Močni, emocionalno nabiti, travmatski doživljaji so lahko tako siloviti, da se v naše možgane vkodirajo na drugačen način kot običajna doživetja. Zato se lahko zgodi, da se takšne težke izkušnje ne morejo povezati z ostalimi, bolj adaptivnimi izkušnjami in ostanejo na nek način zamrznjeni v nas. V tem primeru se zgodi, da se posamezni segmenti tega spomina na različnih nivojih pod vplivom kakšnih zunanjih sprožilcev aktivirajo.


Hei @direwolf thanks for this advice. I haven't heard of this technique yet. My best friend is a psychologist and she has prepared me tests to least find out the cause of my problems. We try with therapy, but she is emotionally involved and she knows me to well and I need someone that looks at my problems objectively. I will ask her what exactly this therapy is and how it works. Thank you again

You're welcome.

The method is very new (a couple of years) but supposedly more effective and faster than convential methods.

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