
I find sugar terrible, 3years back I did a 30day added sugar free diet and kept a diary of it,what I was eating and how my energy level were. Literally I was getting bread and also cereals without any sugar inside, they taste like army rations or cardboard lol. At the time in Berlin I was living with hardcore sugarheads and it was the hardest place to do the detox..
I got over the urges for sugar by eating bananas and raw cocoa beans lol. I still get "memory hunger" when I see that Norwiegen brown cheese brun ost (30% sugar!!) or ice cream for example, but I have definatly reprogrammed the mind to instantly hate sugar and to be aware of its addictiveness.
Ill be doing a post about sugar for sure soon 😊

I have been experimenting with a sugar free diet . It is absolutely shocking the amount of products that include sugar in their ingredients. In the mainstream supermarkets anything else than uncured meat,fish, fruits,seeds and vegetables seems to contain sugar or sweeteners (which is even worse.)

I will look in to the cacao beans idea. I guess they are bitter so mixing them with a banana or some almond ''milk'' would make the taste more palatable. I do like chocolate though so i don't know how to get around that..

:) Its really discusting the "illusion" of choice we think we have, that huge supermarket with 1000's of items and just as you say most have added sugars.. I read 95% of food sold in supermarkets have added sugars.
There isnt actually much choice really :)

I just kept looking at "chocolate" packages, and nearly all apart from dark chocolates have 45%-50% sugar and like 3% real chocolate lol

Yesterday I started being really strict again and a customer got me a latte, and I had to pour it away after a polite "thankyou sip" infront of them. Even one mouthful , i felt it. And no added sugars in anything yesterday , today I wake up fresh and not groggy!

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