
It can be really helpful to reduce carbs for weight loss, great point. However, there's many instances where carbs can be really useful too. It's just knowing when it's appropriate to eat them :)

This is true. That's why I'm fat

Macro nutrient intake ratios are not correlated with weight loss. You can lose weight eating pure sugar if you are in favorable energy balance. In this case an deficit. Reference this professor who lost a diet eating exclusively junk food to prove the point:

It is important, if fat loss is the goal, to ensure adequate protein intake.

Carb cycling does have some anecdote to support it's effectiveness as well so it can be a useful tool.

HOWEVER Calories are king

See my post for more information:

Also please read this

Calories are king, though for most people sitting and counting them every day isn't going to support their goals long term. Cutting carbs helps us reduce calories by reducing certain food groups, curbing cravings and changing our taste buds.

Calorie deficits don't just come from eating less calories or training more, however :)

Tracking macros can work for everyone. The first step IMO is bringing awareness to your diet. You will be less successful with intuitive eating if you don't have a deep understanding of what is going into your body.

I'm not sure what you mean by your last sentence, unless you are referring to the fact that things like vegetables have a high food volume at a low calorie count.

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