My Journey To Health and A Delicious Recipe For An Anti-Alzheimer's Smoothie

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I suddenly received a real and vital download about my mortality when I was approaching my 55th birthday. I was hit, with the force of thunder and lightning, that when I hit 55, I would be only 15 years younger than my father was when he started showing the first telltale signs of the Alzheimer's Disease that would slowly and gradually destroy him. At 81 years old, there is now little left of him. So much so, that no-one bothered to organise a meal or anything for his 81st birthday. I don't even know if anyone actually visited him on the day. He is now a ghost, beyond birthdays.

Both my father's mother and father died of Alzheimer's. Scientists have identified a gene that is linked to the disease. It isn't a given that you will get Alzheimer's if you have this gene, but the likelihood is more than significantly increased.

Fortunately, for me, there appears to be none of the gene on my mother's side of the family, although my maternal grandfather died at 53, so we can't be sure. My siblings and I have to consider the probability that we have at least a 50% chance of inheriting the gene, which means, effectively, that two out of the four of us will get Alzheimer's, at least, according to the laws of probability.

Aside from the genetic cocktail I may have inherited from my father's lineage, I have also added in my own lethal catalysts. I smoked for 30 years. I indulged in all sorts of drugs for even longer. I went through spells of binge drinking. I had a brain haemorrhage (partly exacerbated by use of cocaine and ecstasy). And on top of that, when I had my epiphany, I was 18 kilos heavier than I was when I was 30... most of these kilos put on from indulging in junk and snacks.

After the epiphany I gave up eating crisps and sweets and forewent fizzy drinks (I still, occasionally indulge, but it is not habitual like before) and I started going to the gym to get rid of some of these extra kilos. At its worst, I tipped 90kg on the scales. I also started making anti-Alzheimer's superfood smooothies, which are also good against cancer too (I'll share the ingredients below). And just six weeks ago, I decided to water fast on a Saturday and fruit fast on a Wednesday, which had helped to accelerate the weightloss. I am now down to 81kg and am much fitter too. It is so nice to feel the flab turning to muscle... and I can actually now see a subtle hint of abs... I'm not rocking a six pack yet, but now it is not looking out of the question any more.

Of course, I cannot say for sure that I will not get Alzheimer's, but according to the book I read on the subject - "100 Simple Things You Can Do To Prevent Alzheimers" by Jean Carper - I have now considerably reduced my chances... and, aside from anything, I feel pretty bloody good.

I reckon, having a fit and healthy body is probably one of the best gifts that you can give yourself... and I would urge everybody, no matter what their age, to go down to the gym at least a couple of days a week and to go to a couple of yoga and/or meditation classes too... but if you really don't have the time, at least indulge in my Anti-Alzheimer's Smoothie.

I use apple juice or red grape juice as the base for this smoothie. I pour approximately 0.75 litres into the blender (enough for three glasses of smoothie), then I add all the magic potions and powders.... measured in tablespoons.

1 x Turmeric
0.25 x black pepper
1 x coconut oil
0.5 x hemp protein powder
0.5 x chia seeds
0.5 x flax seeds
0.5 x cinammon
0.5 x spirulina
1.0 x milk thistle seeds
1.0 x cacao nibs
0.5 x maca
0.5 x moringa olifera

I whiz them all up and then I add a handful of blueberries, black grapes, seasonal dark berries, pineapple and banana.

It makes for a delicious smoothie, and masks the not so nice flavours of some of the superfoods. Not all of them are for Alzheimer's. Some are for the health of the liver and internal organs.

Feel free to share my recipe with all your aging friends!

Big love!


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