Believe In Yourself: How Can Positive Thoughts Influence Positive Outcomes?

in #health4 years ago

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We hear it often, but it can be difficult to believe: if we think good things, good things will come. This can be a difficult mindset to wrap our heads around, especially for those of us that lean on the more rational and logical side of thinking. The idea that all we have to do to be happy is to think happy seems like something from a fairytale. Despite that, however, I’ve also found it to be true.

As a successful entrepreneur, I have had my fair share of moment where I have doubted myself. Despite these moments, I have found that when I was met with success, that it was built around the times where I knew I could do just that: succeed. By thinking positively, I worked productively and, in turn, yielded results. Is it true that you can do anything if you simply believe in yourself? How can positive thoughts influence positive outcomes?


I define confidence as: how strongly you believe in your capabilities to achieve your own definition of success. Going into a task large or small with a positive attitude can give you confidence to meet and exceed those goals. When making your to do list, having a confident mindset can allow you to think bigger and yield more incredible results. If your goals are overwhelming you, break them down into smaller milestones to make them more approachable and manageable. Here are ways to stay motivated while trying to achieve massive goals.


When you think positively and have goals that you’re confident that you can reach, energy naturally comes with it. This energy is built from two things: the positivity and the lack of stress. While thinking positively has many benefits, one of the best for your productivity is simply helping to eliminate stress. Oftentimes, stress leads to psychological exhaustion which has a lot of other negative side effects attached. By having the energy that stems from being positive combined with the energy you’re saving from not being stressed out, your options are limitless!


When we think with a rosier outlook, our plans reflect that. Thinking negatively makes it more difficult to simply put one foot in front of the other. Thinking long term is nearly impossible when you don’t have a positive mindset. When you’re doing big things for yourself and your business, it is always mind over matter that is most important.


At the end of the day, mental health is just as important as physical health. We’ve heard it before and you’ll continue hearing it because it’s true. Just as being physically strong helps us go to work with a clear mind, strong will, and overall better outlook, mental health does that on possibly an even more effective scale. By maintaining our health, we’re ensuring our best selves are showing up – and hopefully for a longer time!

As a leader in the digital marketing field, I’ve worked hard on my mental health and have seen the return in both my personal and professional life. Learn more about how I’ve pushed through the good and bad days to build my business on this interview I did with CoinReviews.

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