Dear Diary: This Cold Months Is Not Good For My HealthsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health5 years ago


I am always under the blanket these few months already because it is the season of low humidity and cooler weather. It is nice for my sheets and clothes as they do not soak up in sweat but for me not to sweat is taking a toll on my well-being because any food or drink that I take adds to my body fluid volume and adds misery to my breathing pattern.

Having a hard time breathing is one thing but if you have a trouble breathing then eating is affected because every swallowing of food especially drinking makes me feel like I am drowning. It is because food and drinks will just takes up space in my body and is contributing to squeeze my already drenched lungs.

The only break that I get from this misery is when I take my dialysis which only relives a bit because the nurses won't take away extra fluids in my body. I also try to sleep because sleeping just allows me to spend my time into not having to feel these hardships.

So I really can't wait for the cold months to be over at least the hot weather will allow me to perspire so I can shed some fluids that can hep me with my breathlessness issues. But the hot weather will mean some kind of comfort that I have to sacrifice which okay though, the benefits of it will outweight the discomfort that I experience in athe hot weather that I am waiting and longing for.


The cold weather will soon be over and a warm and hot weather will come, I do understand how it makes you feel because you need to sweat to release some of these fluids from your body system @cryptopie

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