Seriously ; Get with the program , your 300 second a day exercise workout ! ! !

in #health8 years ago (edited)


People today have spent years getting lazy and unhealthy. Every year people make resolutions to get better at being healthier and fitter. Crazy diets disrupt normal metabolic metabolism of calorie intake, no matter what people become determined to lose weight. Thus the crazy exercise regimes begin and fail to work along with the crazy diets . . .


Let us take up weights , these exercises are supposed to burn additional calories for greater returns from workout routines. However most people are not educated as to the dangers of weight training , plus weights mainly only work isolated muscles so workouts become inefficient. Worse most weights workouts are designed to build muscles not to get fit , these two things are different . . .


Jogging is awesome and perfect for burning out joints, nothing like early onset knee reconstructions. But running has an even great negativity ; it burns calories but it also burns muscle tissues as well. Now muscles also burn calories even when your not working out, so losing muscle mass is a poor option.


Swimming is awesome at overall fitness; so where and how convenient is your swimming pool for a regular workout . . .


Yoga is about crazy positions and life changing injuries , unfit people have no health status to manage these extreme workouts. Sure there are beginner classes but where can you be sure to get proper qualified instruction. One day you might be fit enough to risk Yoga or Pilates without risking serious injury ! ! !


Pilates is about rhythmic workouts to increase overall flexibility and core strength. But truly are you supple enough not to get injured by all that jumping around ? Think about it ; how would you know how to listen to your body without knowledge , experience or careful instruction ?


Thus we can simply work out till we enter the pain barrier or we can slowly choose to just spend five minutes a day building up our upper body muscles. Today people spend 75 % of their time sitting , a sedentary lifestyle ; people today have lost muscle mass from their upper body. Muscle burns ten times more calories than fat tissue so by reactivating these wasted upper muscles we metabolize more calories every day.

So let us begin . . .


PUSHUPS ; Whats to say , 99% of people understand pushups get results ! ! ! If you can only do a half pushup that is a fine start , just 60 seconds every day . . .


DIPS ; This builds serious shoulder and upper arm strength and works well with your pushups. Use the corner of your solid kitchen counter or a sturdy chair , but be careful ; make sure you have something to rest upon if your arms give out , again just as many as you can do in 60 seconds . . .


SQUATS ; Your legs are your largest strongest body muscles. Now we aim to build them up, of course the pistol squat is just crazy hard, but ultimately you will earn this workout status symbol , ( like a one handed pushup ). In the mean time just stand and slowly bend your knees lower till you approximately have your thighs parallel to the floor. Rest after your sixty seconds ! ! !


PULLUPS ; If you can only do one exercise , make it pull-ups ! ! ! Think about it ; is a fifty pound dumbbell a serious weight to move ? Well with pull ups you are lifting the entire 150 pounds of your body-weight. This is a massive undertaking , believe me pullups will give you the strength of a gymnast over time. Do not expect to do one minute of these , just slowly try and do one extra every few days. The best in-home bit of equipment is the interior door-frame chinup exercise bar ; cheap and ultra effective . . .


LEG RAISES ; Slowly raising your outstretched legs is an challenge to your abdominal core strength. Understand situps and other traditional exercises are often a waste of your workout time or worse just dangerous ! ! ! Again slower is better, avoid using momentum and keep your body alignment using correct form. 60 seconds while slowly concentrating on the slow feeling of the muscle motions.

Slowly over time you will reactivate and build up your muscles , increasing strength , flexibility , muscle conditioning and joint mobility. All the while lowering your risks of osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease as well as filtering the blood and cleansing the lungs . . .

How can you say you cannot afford five minutes a day to rehabilitate your life?
Think about it ; what is it , only 300 seconds of every day for the rest of your life ! ! !

Thank you Pixabay for the kool images ; )

After all your to poor for a personal trainer , to busy for a gym membership and to lazy to burn ten minutes a day in just exercise . . . Consider your other options , maybe buy one of those worthless fad gimmick machines off the shopping channel ! ! !


It is official I can now do SEVEN pullups ! ! !
( memo to self ; apply for the Marine Corps , tomorrow ) . . .

Thx 4 Post

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