I Am An Unvaccinated 17 Year Old: I Do Not Believe In Herd Immunity And This Is Why!

in #health7 years ago (edited)



I have never been vaccinated and I don't feel I am a danger to society! Would you avoid me in the street? Run away? Maybe you would if the medical industry has succeeded in their propaganda campaigns.

For all 17 years of my life no one ever told me I was a flea bag of polio, measles or whooping cough!



As Time Moves Forward

More people start to realize the truth, there are risks associated with vaccines.

Mostly due to the dangerous ingredients like mercury and aluminium (used as preservatives).

However, many still argue that we’re better off getting vaccinated than not, so much so that children are ostracized from their schools if their parents decide they don’t want them to be vaccinated.


In My Home Country Of Indonesia

You will not be forced out of school if you are not vaccinated, perhaps there are more sensible people in Indonesia's schooling system?

There are school vaccinations in public schools in Indonesia, however you may disagree and be allowed to excuse your child from the needle...

Unless they do it BEHIND YOUR BACK!

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A friend of mine has their child in the Indonesian public school system.

One day, an unmarked white van came to the school, possibly from the Indonesian Pediatric Association (IPA).

They came to give all the children a round of vaccinations (without telling you exactly which vaccine will be administered).

This time, they did not ask for the parent's consent, my friend's child was vaccinated without her knowing anything!

My Friend Was FURIOUS

She came to the school the next day to tell them exactly how evil they were acting (she was an anti-vaxxer).


What Does The Government Say

Vaccines can prevent outbreaks of disease and save lives.

When a critical portion of a community is immunized against a contagious disease, most members of the community are protected against that disease because there is little opportunity for an outbreak.

According to Vaccines.gov

According to the above I should not be a danger to other vaccinated people.

This is because the official story is if 83-94% of the population is vaccinated for a disease, the illness will not be able to spread to the other unvaccinated populous.


Why I Distrust Herd Immunity Completely

Because Of Tourism

The percentage of a population that is needed to achieve herd immunity is 83-94%.

How does the influx of visitors to a country affect this?

Let's look at a few countries as examples:

Australia FLAG.jpg



In 2015 Australia's population was 24 million people and Australia received 7.4 million visitors that same year. This equates to 23% of Australia's population arriving during the course of 12 months. I know that visitors are not checked for vaccinations on arrival. However this may not effect herd immunity because the tourist may come and go from the country as they please.



United Kingdom

The UK has a population of 65.6 million people and in 2015 had 36 million visitors. This equates to an influx of over 50% of the population over the course of 12 months. I know visitors to the UK are not vaccinated or checked for vaccinations on arrival. However this may not effect herd immunity because the tourist may come and go from the country as they please.



United States

The US has a population of 323 million people and in 2014 75 million people arrived as tourists. This equates to about 23% of the population arriving over a 12 month period. However this may not effect herd immunity because the tourist may come and go from the country as they please.

According to these statistics the threshold of herd immunity will not be achieved (83-94%) in these countries.

I do not believe any country checks if you are vaccinated upon arrival, this would have a negative impact on the tourism industry which many of these countries depend upon.

EDIT: I have made a few factual errors when I originally posted this, please read @theaustrianguy's response to my post.

However this may not effect herd immunity because the tourist may come and go from the country as they please.



What Does This Mean When We Look Back At Herd Immunity?

This clearly shows that the medical industry seeks to capitalize on fear and propaganda.

When @jockey posed this question to the Steemit community they gave him 2 answers:

1: Australia is considered an affluent country so people coming to Australia must be rich and therefore vaccinated. As a frequent visitor to Australia I can attest that there are full planes arriving daily from places where are not considered so affluent such as India, China and Indonesia.

2: Tourists are spending time in tourist destinations and are not mixing with the majority of Australians. This also doesn't make sense to me as although Australia is large 85% of the population lives within 50KM of the coast. These are also where the many of the major tourist destinations are.

Jockey's Article

These are very loose answers which do not provide definitive evidence as to why herd immunity should still work in a country where the population is mixed with people who may not be vaccinated. Thank you @jockey for raising these points to the Steemit Community :).



What do you think? Should herd immunity be trusted? Is the medical industry tricking us?

And more importantly, are you afraid of me because I am unvaccinated?


Informational Sources: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Who is @Chron?

@chron is a 16 year old robot-headed Steemer, currently based in Bali, Indonesia.

I am currently working in association with @samstonehill on the following projects:

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  • A member of the Steemit Bloggers Community, heading the CHARITY Q&A. Join us on Discord, we don't bite.

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Defiantly checkout James Corbett you YouTube:

  • How Big Oil Conquered the World
  • Why Big Oil Conquered the World

Understand the history and change the future. After this history it should be clear how and why vaccines are used against us.

Just protect yourself form the other assaults in the food air water as much as you can and stay sharp. Keep waking people up and fast! This world is really toxic. Thanks for sharing.

Edit: removed.

The person you are talking about is a scammer on the steemit chat.

The scammer on the steemit chat is impersonifying the real @jamesc.

Jamesc is a very generous person and have never asked for SBD in exchange for votes. If you have any doubt contact me in private. I'll remove my flag if you edit your comment. I'd really appreciate it.

ahhhhhhh, ok. I'm sorry I missed that.

well that was two big mistakes on my part! I'm just going to set this day behind me :)
Thanks for letting me know.

Amazing @jamesc!

I sure will, first thing tommorow!

I have been looking for some new research and this sounds perfect 😇

I try to do my best.

My home in Indonesia has a rain water filter system which saves us from flouride, however now I might be more worried about chem-trails getting in my water 😰

It is my pleasure to wake people up, somebody has gotta do it 😁

Buy a water distiller bro. And buy a PPM water meter tester, very cheap. The goal is least parts per million, preferably none; pure H20, aka Distilled Water. Ask Sam, say Seb sent you! ;)

Sounds awesome @sebcam, will look into it 😀

Hello Dear, I want to chat with you.How can I do that?

Corbett's information is spot on!

You made a huge mistake there...

I will give you another answer you can add to @jockeys list. Let's just stick with Australia as an example.

In 2015 Australia's population was 24 million people and Australia received 7.4 million visitors that same year.

Ok, if you just do poor calculation, 23% of all people there are tourist.

But guess what, you forgot the most important point --> tourists don't stay there forever. Never will there be 7.4 million at the same time.

Let's just assume that all people stay for a month and that there is no holiday season.

That would make 7,4/12 --> 0,6 million people per month.

Now we dont have 23% of all the people being tourists --> we are down to about 2%.

Yes, I know, there are tourist seasons with higher amounts of people. But there are vaccinated tourists as well. And most of them actually will stay far less than four weeks.

So what do you say to this?

The thing is, if you do just a poor calculation like above, you should also calculate the illegal immigrants that come in on a tourist visa and end up staying for a long long time (some forever). Now I don't know exactly what the number is for Australia, but from my time in Japan I know that for Tokyo for instance, with a population of roughly 9 million in 2015, there were also a couple of million (yes, for sure)illegal immigrants there. OK, some of these would be from Western countries like I was, but most would have come from countries like the Philippines, India, Pakistan etc. and most likely large numbers of those would not be vaccinated. I'd say the same is true for Australia, large numbers coming in every year from those countries where people aren't vaccinated. So if you make any calculations, you'd have to calculate these in as well....

I have just made a post here about this, please check it out for more detail: https://steemit.com/health/@theaustrianguy/a-response-to-chron-why-you-should-believe-in-herd-immunity

Now I don't know exactly what the number is for Australia

Well, I don't as well. So its kind of hard to calculate with them if you don't have them ;)

Well, in the time I was in Tokyo, the official population in the city was around 8 million. After spending some time there and listening to people around me, as well as the visible signs (you could see it when someone wasn't Japanese for instance) there was enough proof that there were anywhere between 2 to 4 million illegal immigrants in Tokyo alone. That's 25% to 50% of the total population. It's hard to know what those numbers would be in Australia, unless we have the exact records of what comes in and what goes out. (immigration records would help, something I'd be willing to look into). I am now reading your post and you will most likely hear from me.

Let me know what you find @misslasvegas 👍

You can watch our dialoge (between me and mlv) on my post as an example of good dsicussion culture ;) Maybe you can learn sth. there as well...

@theaustrianguy: from my experience with you, I feel that you're one of 'the good guys'. Meaning: I still have hope for the medical profession as a whole. And at the same time, I am almost sure that when you finish your study, and start as a doctor, that you will have experiences that will teach you that everything is not as black and white as any of us think. I just hope you'll stay on the 'good side.' That's why I hope you will stay in touch so we can follow you in whatever work you will do in the future.

I responded under your post and have edited my post


Very valid points here chron! They have been raised before and I'm glad you are raising them again! I don't understand this either! Next step: "No Jab, No Fly!" UPvoted and resteemed mate! =)

Have you read my post as an answer to this one? Maybe it will help you understand it as well ;)

Yes, however not everyone knows this yet, better to keep everyone informed as we go along 😉.

Thanks for commenting, you are awesome jockey 👍

You are completely correct mate! Bravo! UPvoted =)


No Jab, No Fly, and a quick microwave in the RapiScan Machine should do it :-/

u right i am agree with u

Thank you, I'm glad you see the truth!

Enjoy Steemit buddy 😀

He was not - check my recent post on that topic for the correction of his calculation!

I have corrected my mistake, thank you @austrianguy

Your health state is miracle only to blind believers in authority. I know many people that are healthy and unvaccinated. I'm one of them, didn't get vaccined for over 15 years.

Thank you for realizing the truth mate.

The above person is just blinded by science and can't admit vaccines are poison because he has given vaccines to innocent children and his brain simply cannot even start to think he poisoned those children.

Thank you for being honest, STEEM ON 😀

Yeah, blinded by science is the right word. But those same people keep dumping CDC records on people like us calling it the truth, when at the same time calling us 'google doctors'. All while the only info they got is CDC reports in google...No one in that group has actually looked at the facts themselves without googling it, yet they accuse others of doing so.

Exactly @misslasvegas! We are all basing our accusations (both sides) on information we cannot prove for sure!

That's why this is a controversial topic!

Alot of money thrown at it to make it hard to find any real info.

Thank you for helping me out in a few other convos under this post 👍


you're more than welcome. It is a controversial topic for sure. And I am sure there is good and bad on both sides. As a truth seeker, I will keep doing just that. I may have certain opinions, but this doesn't mean I can't be wrong. And I would not be myself if I couldn't admit I was wrong either. If we all work together (both sides) with proper research instead of name calling and accusations, I think we might eventually find out the truth.

I responded under your post and have edited my post



Good article, @ chron. I don't believe in vaccines either, I think they are made so that the people in power can make money. Vaccines spread disease, not stop it.
Herd immunity is a convenient illusion.

Thank you very much @honeydue 😀

Glad you've come out of the bubble of propaganda!

Truly disgusting, If I ever have a chance to talk to one of those elites, I would stab him with one of his own vaccines and then spit in his face!

Thank you for sharing with us your opinion, greatly appreciated 👍

Some real food for thought @chron - I have to say that personally I share your perspective completely! Great post... keep em coming :)

Thank you @jaynie, glad you are raising a open minded family 😀

Yes, I most certainly will!

Thank you for sharing your perspective 👍

Have a rain free, unvaccinated day 😉

If you also had the same logical error than @chron, check out my recent post on what he calculated wrong. Don't see this as an offense - I just want to help understanding...

I have corrected my mistake, thank you @austrianguy

Somewhere even I had seen a video saying, there is nothing called Cancer, and that word is spread by the big medical industry to earn money. Unless there is significant community to prove against them, who is going to hear ?

Wow, that sounds amazing, once you get down to it, vibration and energy towards anything, even disease, plays a large role.

For example: Everyone is worried about "cancer" after the medical industry says it is the worst disease out there. We will all push our energy towards worrying about cancer and it could become reality, hope you understand.

Thank you for this comment, will look into that 😀

Saying that cancer doesn't exist is even hundred times more stupid than not believing in vaccines. I can understand the last one to a certain extend if you are informed badly. The "there-is-no-cancer" theory however complete garbage and just possible if you completely ignore reality.

All I know is they treat us as a Subject and not accountable for anything they do 😁 So its all our luck and destiny.

I have seen many examples, where there will be a journal saying this is bad, and then after a year, someone else will say that is exceptionally good.

not accountable for anything they do

You mean the doctors? Well, where I live you have the right to sue whoever you want. And believe me, some doctors even lost their degree after such cases....

I have seen many examples, where there will be a journal saying this is bad, and then after a year, someone else will say that is exceptionally good.

So you would prefer it if somebody discovered something better or newer wouldn't publish it?

Medicine and other science is (fortunatelly) developing all the time.

He has a right to speak as he wants @theaustrianguy, one day you will come to see that humans can do more than you could imagine.

You might be left behind though, you aren't quite as open-minded and ready for evolution 😉

Stand up for your rights @sanmi

What I'd prefer, and insist on presently, is the right to be skeptical of claims, and to act accordingly, which means not having known toxins injected into me or my loved ones, against my will.

I have probably been injected with polio vaccine contaminated with SV40, which CDC lied about, and said there were no studies showing causal relationship between SV40 virus and cancer.

There are studies which show a causal relationship.

I am right to disbelieve them, particularly when I can see $B's of reasons for them to serve my children up to Big Pharma for Big Profits - of which they, the CDC, get Big Pieces.

Want me to trust the science? Call out the liars, end the revolving door between the CDC and pharmaceutical companies, make the vaccine manufacturers bear liability for vaccine injuries, and return the USG to prosecuting those injuries, rather than defending the manufacturers, and end any attempt to make vaccinations mandatory.

That would be a good start.

Yes, amazing points, hope you feel your way out of the lies!

Thanks for commenting 😀

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