Run for Steem January 15-22: Short Run + Cross Training Importance

in #health6 years ago

This post is my post submission for @jumowa #runforsteem initiative. For me, I find this to be quite a fun Steemit challenge for running which has been a part of my life since I was 15 and I am now almost thirty. I have done 3 full marathons and countless half marathons (my favorite distance.) Running and exercise (mostly running) is a way of life for me. In fact, if I don't run on a normal basis I really do not feel well. (shhh, at least it's a healthy addiction)

For me, running is also a fantastic way to explore a new area and see new things. I have been known to take my running with me on vacation. It's one of my ways to see the sights and feel really chill. :)

I'm currently in a slow buildup for half marathon training. It's been a while since I participated in a half marathon, almost three years in fact. That being said, I maintained baseline fitness but need work on my distance training of which so far, I've built up to an 8 mile distance. I am a classic over-trainer so I'm taking it slow. Seeing as how, part of the reason I haven't raced that distance in 3 years, is because I kept getting pesky little injuries. Nothing major but enough to curtail my weekly mileage.

As for today's run, I wasn't looking to go a long distance as I wanted to work on lunge walks & pushups. A few years back, my stubborn running brain finally started switching gears into increasing my weekly cross training. As a physical therapist, I figured might be a good idea to practice what I preach.

Why's cross training important? It's good for your health in general and for runners specifically it helps us to maintain better form when we begin to fatigue during runs which aides in injury prevention. Strong core musculature is super important.

Today I ran 2.1 miles. At almost a mile I stopped for some lunge walks and pushups. Legs felt great on the way back. (JK) I used to SUCK at pushups. I'm still not great at them but can do "real" ones. I did 10 repsx 5 pushups & 65 feet× 2 of lunge walks.

Pushups are fantastic for full body strength & conditioning if done correctly. Make sure you have your abdominals & buttocks tightened to avoid "back dip" which is incorrect form. There are countless YouTube videos featuring the correct form for pushups. My pushups are far from perfect. If you are unable to do a "real" pushup, start with the easier version which is still a great workout - with the knees bent instead.

As for lunge walks these are really great for all the big muscle groups in our legs that are employed during running. I would also encourage looking up a video for these to make sure you're doing it correctly. If you want to spice things up, you can lunge up a hill like I did on this one back last summer.....

Yep, now you know I'm certifiably crazy. I was pretty sore after that hill. Just means I need to do it more often.

As for those struggling to get exercise in, consider 30 minutes. Or even twenty! Or ten!! The long term health benefits are so important. Could be a brisk walk or a walk/jog- whatever works best for you. You can do it! You could use @jumowa #runforsteem challenge for motivation. =)

Here's the link with rules to participate in the challenge:

Keep it moving everybody. Stay healthy. ♡


Good idea, I agree I think this is one of the best challenges I’ve seen yet on steemit! I also love to run to explore new places it also helps to mix up the scenery when your running! Thanks for sharing!

You should participate!always cool to hear about other runners in our midst =)

I will start running next month.

Hills in a photo never look as steep as they actually, but that one actually looks pretty steep! Way to go! Keep running for Steem!

It's true that they Don't look that steep. This one was a long & steady grade

Totally not on your running topic but wow is that grass green!!!

Yeah that was last summer. Those days seem far away with this weather

wow, great idea, runforsteem...
very good idea for my PromoSteem activity here in Thailand.
Have a wonderful day and best regards

Yes it's fun!

Wow, running is one of those things I will never get good at. Unless its for the last BBQ rib or doughnut.haha Does chasing kids around the backyard count? I covered at least a mile today haha

That counts & you might be surprised that how good you could become or how good it might make you feel. Do we need some one to dangle a donut in front of you while you run?
#willrunfordonuts could be a thing =)

Haha I could see it now!

I think your involvement in running is terrific. But I do find it crazy seeing runners in zero degree and humid 90 degree weather.

Thanks. We runners (at least me lol) can be known as a little crazy when it comes to getting or runs in - rain or shine!

Looks like a pig's head Chelsea

My GPS running routes often do look strange. Like this one...20180115_181000.png

Wow this is a great idea. I will love to take this challenge when there is no snow on the ground.

You totally should!

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