My private kitchen(four) — delicious amaranth dumplings!我的私房小厨(四)— 美味的苋菜饺子!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

This morning I went to the market to buy some food and vegetables . I found the beautiful and fresh amaranth, suddenly an idea came to my mind . why don't I cook some amaranth dumplings? This is the first time I used this vegetable to make dumplings. Think of this , I did it at once . I bought half kilo of amaranth.. Look, here is the washed amaranth.


Amaranth, a kind of wild vegetables, but now even wild vegetables, are mostly artificial farming. Amaranth has a lot of effect, with high nutritional value.

Amaranth is rich in protein, fat and vitamins and minerals contained more than milk protein can be absorbed by the human body, which contain carotene than eggplants and other vegetables high 2 times more, can provide rich nutrients for the human body.

Amaranth has the blood, calcium, eyesight, heat clearing and detoxifying, lowering blood pressure, iron enhancement effect. It is said that the red amaranth contains 6 times as much iron as spinach. It is the best blood food for vegetarians.

Amaranth can provide rich nutrients for the human body, is conducive to physical fitness, improve immunity, called "longevity" vegetable.

Ok , so follow me and see my DIY delicious dumplings.








cooking wine


chicken monosodium

onion ginger.


1. First use cold water to mix the flour, let the dough wake for half an hour or so.


2. Wash the amaranth, put it in the hot water ,then pull it out , make it cool and dry its water , then chopped.


3. Put meat stuffing oil consumption, oil, salt, cooking wine, chicken tune. Add chopped amaranth, shrimp.


4. Add some oil, stir, you can also put a little sesame oil, dumplings stuffing mix well, you can smell a good mix of flavor.


5. Roll up the dumpling wrappers and wrap the dumplings.


饺子2 生.jpg

6. Boil the dumplings with hot water, boil three times with a little cold water , then get out .


7. The delicious amaranth dumplings are finished , rich in nutritious!


Note: after chopping the amaranth , do not make it too dry moisture, or dumplings will taste dry. When eating, you can put some sesame oil and vinegar, taste better.

Ok, my dear steemians , my sharing delicious amaranth dumplings will stop here . would you like to have a try? So go ahead! Welcome to follow me and leave message for me , I always appreciate your upvoting .

Thanks for reading !

早上去市场买菜, 看到了美艳欲滴的苋菜, 突发灵感, 何不包点苋菜饺子呢? 这可是我第一次用这个蔬菜来包饺子呢, 说干就干, 于是买了一斤苋菜, 瞧, 这就是洗好的苋菜。

苋菜,野菜的一种, 不过现在即使是野菜,也大多是人工养殖了。 苋菜的功效还是很多的,具有极高的营养价值。苋菜中富含蛋白质、脂肪及多种维生素和矿物质,所含蛋白质比牛奶更能被人体充分吸收,所含胡萝卜素比茄果类高2倍以上,可为人体提供丰富的营养物质。苋菜具有补血,补钙,明目,清热解毒, 降血压,增强铁质的功效。据说这种红色苋菜含有的铁质是菠菜的6倍之多,是素食者最佳的补血食物。苋菜可以为人体提供丰富的营养物质,有利于强身健体,提高机体的免疫力,有“长寿菜”之称。

好, 那接下来,就看我的DIY 自制的美味苋菜饺子吧!
材料:苋菜 ,水, 面粉, 猪肉馅,虾仁,油盐,料酒 ,耗油, 鸡精,葱姜末

  1. 先用凉水把面活好,让面团醒半个小时左右。

  2. 洗好的苋菜,放开水里烫一下,空干,把苋菜切碎 。

  3. 猪肉切成肉馅,放耗油,油,盐,料酒 ,鸡精 调好。 放入切好的苋菜,虾仁。

  4. 再放点油,搅拌,也可以放点香油,饺子馅拌好了, 能闻到拌好的香味。

  5. 擀好的饺子皮 ,包好的饺子

  6. 开水下锅,煮三个开,然后起锅

  7. 装盘,美味的三鲜苋菜饺子就包好了!营养可是非常的丰富哦!

注意事项: 苋菜切碎后, 不可以空太干的水分,否则饺子会发干。 吃的时候喜欢酸的,辣的朋友,可以放点麻油和醋,味道更好。
亲爱的朋友, 你想试试吗? 那就行动起来吧!欢迎点赞支持哦!



This looks delicious,thank you for posting and I hope so you will upvote and follow me and my posts.

Well done post thanks for sharing

It's yummy 😋!! I think your family love you because your cooking!! Lol!!

yeah, healthy food is important for my family !

@bxt very interesting recipe! It looks so simple but splendidly at the same time :) I will do it this week!
If you have a moment please review my beetroot soup recipe that I think may be interesting to you. It’s the best dish in the summertime and it's very healthy :) Cheers!

Beautiful! This looks like a great place to go!:) Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89

this is really looking yummy.... i wish i could have a taste of it. lolz thanks for sharing @bxt

this looks yummy!
I just posted a recipe too - check it out if you have time :)
Look forward to more of your posts!

Nice photos !

This is a very beautiful post and ..... too. thank you for sharing

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