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RE: Why Medical Doctors FAIL at helping people become Healthy

in #health8 years ago

As a scientist I love reading how little I know or care. Thanks for that. Obviously I chose this career for the money.


I am just sharing what I have witnessed in science and medicine. What I hope to convey is that there are "powers that should not be" that are manipulating humans, suppressing our potential in health and consciousness. I have worked in scientific research for many years. The focus is on the minutia, and scientists lose focus easily on the big picture. How is it that , based on a 2014 statistic, more than $261 million has been pledged to support cancer research, yet cancer is claiming the lives of more and more humans every year? It's time to wake up to the TRUTH. Leave your ego behind for the sake of love and life :)

Because there are more and more humans every year. The world population is increasing.

Not a good enough answer. Admit it, mainstream science and licensed medicine is failing humanity. More people find remedy by staying AWAY from the doctor and NOT taking drugs. I have witnessed too much evidence of this.

I dunno, we got rid of Polio. Heart transplants are pretty neat too.

There's a lot of good scientists though, and cancer is very difficult to treat.

I do understand and share many of your reservations about western medicine, the pharmaceutical industry has plenty to answer for, a lack of public funding doesn't help. We'd be a lot further along if we spent more on science and less on war.

Somehow I don't think I have any answer that you'd say was good enough.

That's fine, I knew this would be a thankless job.

If you don't want western medicine, that's okay by me; it's your choice.

Enjoy your computer, designed and invented using mainstream science.

I really hate to say this, but I think your mind has become so open to alternative ideas that some of it is falling out.

More people find remedy by staying AWAY from the doctor and NOT taking drugs.

That is purely made up by you.

I have witnessed too much evidence of this.

You have anecdotal experiences of this.

The truth, again, is that traditional medicine practiced at your typical hospital is obviously imperfect. It has lots of issues, but to suggest that traditional medicine either doesn't work well when performed properly, or that alternative modalities can do everything modern medicine can do or more is... facepalm The words fail me.

What you and I should be doing is finding the happy medium between modern medicine and a better holistic approach. Yes, doctors over-prescribe at times, (not all do), and yes there are many times where a patient would have had a better outcome if they never went in to the hospital. And there are many times a person falls for the (trying to contain my anger) BS quackery that has zero chance to cure an easy to fix problem for modern medicine, and the person dies.

Steve Jobs comes to mind. Fell for some quackery and paid the ultimate price.

I'm sorry if I'm coming across harshly. Just seen so many people profiting from pseudoscience at the expense of those desperate sick people that are scared and vulnerable, promising to cure them while fleecing them of their life's earnings.

Forgive me again for venting my frustrations at your expense.



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