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RE: Canadian Public Health "who" care(s)?

in #health6 years ago

I totally agree.
And the only way kratom would be used by common folk is if the companies could regulate it somehow... which would mean adding things to it, of course...
I'm glad you brought it up, i just recently discovered it, and can confirm that it does some pretty fantastic things.


Yeah, it can give you energy in small doses and relaxing in larger doses. Main thing is it can get people off the hard stuff and sever the control. I just realized, those babies that are born from addicted mothers, it would help them! Little babies having to go through withdrawal by no fault of their own, that's just horrible, they should study it or whatever and use it at least for those infants. Instead of spazzing out they could find relief without a risk of harm. It's a godsend if only they would inform people. It can be mildly addictive, but nothing like the real stuff. Thing is only use enough to relieve the symptoms, if actually getting high is the aim they will be disappointed. Did you know it's the death penalty to sell it in Thailand? Not sure why, probably because it cuts into their opium profits. There has never been even one death directly related to it. If they eat to much trying to get high, it just makes them nauseated.
You're right, they would probably cut it with suboxone or something, can't have people being cured and not needing the medical establishment. That shit just pisses me off to no end! It's so obvious! Our state is about to sue the pharm companies, that does nothing but make it harder for old folks and those who actually need it.

I tell ya, things would be different if you and I were king of the world.
In my research I saw that there have been several overdoses, but that it was not relative to the Kratom, but rather the artificial stuff it had been cut with. But isn't that reason enough for it to be marketed, researched, and sold by a legit company?? I'm lucky to have a legit source from a guy who grows it himself, and so I'm confident that there's not any harm that I might receive from taking it.
Couldn't it replace methadone in a hurry? I don't know, but it seems that way. I had about a year, some like fifteen years ago where I had a bit of an issue with (a) opiate. It's not a part of my life in any way shape or form, and that is a conscious decision. The thought of putting that drug in me again makes me sick to my stomach (which I understand is an indication of it potentially still being an issue for me). I have ZERO reservations about the use of Kratom. There's no side effects from what I can see, but I've only used it as a substitute for where I might use tylonal or ibuprofen.
I've had lots of people say that the taste is un-palletable. I don't have any issues with that, kind of enjoy the taste, just the powder is a little less desirable. I read a suggestion that one shouldn't take it with caffeine - but that's my favorite method a tablespoon of Kratom, a big slurp of dark roast coffee. They're cousins after all :)
It troubles me that they treat Kratom much like they do Salvia. (I believe there's a place for salvia also, but those places different than kratom) Salvia I suggest ought only be used by the mentally and emotionally secure, whereas it seems Kratom has a bridging ability to help people of all shapes and sizes.

I'm so impressed to be having this chat with you - I love how you mentioned a plant, and I knew exactly what you were talking about. It seems proof of the legitimacy that we are talking of.

I researched heavily also, you're right, the only serious problems were with people mixing other things with it trying to get high. I'm sure you read about the guys who went and talked to the natives and all. No bad effects could be found. Certainly no deaths. I had a plant but it died, I think I watered it to much. I have a reputable company I have did a lot of business with, so I pretty much trust them. "kratomherbs"."
I never tried the extracts, seems to much like what I was getting away from. Isn't needed, leaves work fine. I like the fact that it's nasty tasting and yes, I developed a taste for it too, it's good in a way but nasty as hell at the same time. I don't want it to be pleasurable, no user ritual involved, I used to just eat it raw from a spoon. Then when you don't need it anymore it's easier to quit. I used to do it like tobacco or something, just let it sit in my mouth for awhile, relishing in the nasty taste. Works quicker that way, I think it's a subconscious thing though.
Yes, I had problems too, starting with severe tooth pain followed by back problems....a dark period of a decade or so. My dentist would give me 60 perk 10s with a refill on each monthly visit, I didn't realize it at the time, I was young, but that was way to much. Kept me coming back though! If it wasn't for Kratom, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be typing now. I don't need it now, but keep a little just in case. Once you are past a certain point, you can't take hardly anything or you will instantly be back where you started. I never did the hard stuff, was offered several times, but thank God, Odin or whoever that I didn't!
Salvia! Thats funny you mention. That's funny, because I mentioned salvia but backspaced my comments(I think)! Somehow I know you know, just like I knew you knew about kratom, I mentioned it to see if I was correct.. Weird isn't it.
It is, um...well you know, there isn't words! I think it blocks your conscious and you see things through your subconscious. It's like an emotional reset. The ego is gone gone gone for 5 minutes. There was always a presence, they say it's god, but it's feminine, it's almost like you are back to being an infant, know nothing but can see things as they really are, you become one with everything past present and future. It's a gimps at the divine. It tells you things you just cant put in words! I think it can help folks with emotional problems. I liked the fact it only lasts a few minutes. I got mine at a local market, but went back and was told it was banned the day before, bummer. I wanted to let others experience what it feels like to be a plant! LOL! I'm not into chemicals by no means, haven't did anything like that in years, but I believe it has it's legitimate uses. I did LSD when I was young once, NEVER again! Glad I did it, but no need for more. What really freaked us out was my wife and I saw the exact same stuff, like it was really there! Salvia was much more powerful to me. The grid! Almost like it lets you see through the hologram which is us! Or something....I used to research different things a lot, but never did them, I like reading other peoples experiences on erowid. DMT seems like the ultimate experience, but I think I'm to chicken, plus it lasts to long, not available any way..
I sure wish they would legalize salvia though, all this crazy dangerous stuff that can be had from any convenience store, but the ban an all natural herb? Salvia is safe as far as I can tell and It's totally safe. There is no doubt that a salvia user is not going to harm anyone, even if they wanted to they couldn't!
Do you do facebook? I know it's a dirty word here, but it has it's place. My profile page is listed up top on my blog page. I am still trying to get used to discord.

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