Canadian Public Health "who" care(s)?

in #health6 years ago (edited)


I've looked for a photo that could show the disgust on my face while talking about health care in Canada in this post. I couldn't find anything, but thought I looked fairly unimpressed in the photos that I will use.

Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening Steemians.

I wanted to write you to share with you the experiences that my darling wife and I have had regarding Canadian Health Care over the past seven months.

I felt the conversation may shed some light on what it is to live in (this) country and experience the "free" public health.
I've got an ambulance bill in my lap that says I owe:healthwhocares4.jpg

I want to be clear. I'm not opposed to paying for health services. I feel that most of them ought to be paid for by the person receiving the treatment, service, medicine, etc. Someone who's got type II diabetes got there by themselves, and I don't believe my tax money should pay for their poor health choices. (I selected type II diabetes because you cannot flame me for this statement. I got type 1 when I was five years old).

I feel there's a relevancy to this post when it comes to looking at the green grass on the other side. As always, I welcome questions, comments, and in this case really encourage debate.

A good portion of the fine people, and some of the just-people that follow me ;) are neighbors to our south, the United States of America. I have little experience with their health care with the exception of the fact that one of my families dear friends is the head Oncologist in the DFW area, and I've had the chance to pick his brain regarding their system versus ours.

There's a ton of info I feel the need to share here regarding what lead to this post, but I will try not to stretch out my stories like I often do, save for this little tidbit:
Recently in a post that I made regarding unfollowing one of the "permaculture" whales, and asked for some suggestions on who to replace them with. My buddy @peppernrino suggested I follow his lady because of her political reaction posts and I boldly stated that I had left politics out of my feed and that I was quite content with that. I lied apparently... So here I go throwing caution to the wind - lets dive in.

Justin Trudeau is the Prime minister of Canada.

People do a good job of accentuating how ignorant he is, and displaying what silly things he does and says. I could write post after post on this, but will keep this part short by just using a meme with one of his quotes, and then a family photo to show what I'm talking of.



So embarrassing. If you care to get a good laugh at Canada's expense: go ahead and look up "stupid things trudeau says".

Why I bring this up is: Yesterday over lunch I said to @elfmyselfandi "I feel like there's no one to verbalize my concerns and frustrations to! I can complain to you, or to MPs, or friends and family, but NO ONE can do anything to change it!"
She replied: "couldn't your arch nemesis do something about it?" (refering to trudeau)

This filled my brain with all sorts of wise guy responses such as "what's a substitute drama teacher going to do to improve our health care?"

This problem we have with our health care system isn't because of him. It's been faulty for a great long time.

In November I had to go and get a medical done to be able to renew my drivers license. I need to do this every five years because of my diabetes.

The dr who I went to see, I later found out that he doesn't ACTUALLY have a Doctors license, but gets to practices based on a technicality which he went to court to fight the government over. He was a trained medic in the south African military a few decades ago. So basically he's a prescription writing EMT that's CLAIMING to be a credible doctor.
This self proclaimed diabetes "specialist" wrote me a prescription for a new type of insulin and an MRI. (remember, I went in for a drivers medical - which of course he did, for a fee).

A few days later (November 12th) I ended up at the hospital because I woke up with a hypoglycemic episode and took a 2 mile run down the highway with no clothes on. Fortunately it was only -7ºC, or 19ºF that night, and the frostbite that I received wasn't so severe that they needed to amputate my feet. Thank goodness.

When I returned to the dr and explained what had happened, he explained that it was first: my fault, and then second that there's no way it was a hypoglycemic episode, because when that happens you "just feel tired".


C'mon man, I've had diabetes for 29 years. My blood sugar monitor said that my blood sugar was low. What else would have made me run out of my house, through a canola field, leap through a barb wired fence, and run down the frozen highway in my birthday suit?

The afternoon post-my naked run my beautiful wife and I found out that we were going to be having a baby! Minielf is due on the 16th of July, and we cannot wait for her to arrive.

Wife has a condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Without getting into the details - basically she's got hypermobility, and her body doesn't produce collagen the same way that most does. This puts us in the High Risk category, and means that we require some extra "care" through the pregnancy. So it started off that we went to the PCN (primary care network) for our first prenatal appointment. We saw the Doc for 2 and a half minutes. Enough time for him to refer us to the local specialist.

We also got a referral to the local dietitian (the first of four that we have seen now for pregnancy). This woman made me mental. She asked about what wife eats, and what supplements that she's taking. Right after we told her what supplements we were taking she said "well there's no proof that vitamins ACTUALLY do anything for us. So you need to make sure that you eat lots of good food, and make sure that you take your prenatal vitamins." ... .. ... .. if vitamins don't work, why do you insist that we take these prenatal vitamins?

We met with the specialist, who admitted that he didn't know anything about Ehlers Danlos syndrome, and referred us to the big city group of specialists.
I want you to remember that every time is use the word refer, or prescripe that it cost Canadian tax payers about $150 dollars, or about $118 USD paid to the doctor. (topped out at a max of three per visit.. we wouldn't want the doctors taking ADVANTAGE of the system, right?)


Since then, we have had a visit on average about every two weeks to the Doctor, Ultrasound, OB, or Doctor. I mentioned doctor THREE times there. We have now seen a total of (I think) five different doctors in the city. The "specialist" changes every time we go in. This is awkward, because each one that comes in seems to have a different story. NONE of them talk to one another, and the soap notes that are left seem to be just regurgitated soap notes that they likely use for each patient, because when we reviewed them yesterday there was a resounding tone of "no, they did not!"

Three weeks ago we met with the OB and she suggested that he ultrasound doctor should give us their suggestion on when we should be induced. This was exciting news for us because we figured that we may get some insight as to when Minielf would be joining us. When we asked the ultrasound doctor to leave the notes in the file, like the OB asked, she said "what do you mean?" and "well you only have EDS, so it's no big deal" then "if we induce early, the chances of your child having developmental issues are much higher" so "lets wait until next month to talk about that. We can make an appointment for you after this appointment".
It seems like a lot of the appointments we've made are just so that we can make another appointment.

The doctor who we had yesterday for the first time.. I asked her "will we see you again?" "no" is all she said.

SHE DID SAY HOWEVER that the next appointment we have there that we would be referred to a specialist in the morning, then have our meeting with the OB, then with the ultrasound tech and doctor. Then ALL OF THE ONES WE HAVE SEEN SO FAR (I'd like to see that) would meet and discuss when they think we should be induced. So the meeting we have with the three doctors next time is so that they can have a meeting to discuss our case FOR THE FIRST TIME, so that then they can make another appointment with us to inform us what they have had a meeting and HOPEFULLY, hopefully get an answer.

I was quite fed up with all this nonsense a while back. Yesterday it had an impact on my tone. I asked the new doctor a few different questions that she couldn't wrap her head around. We told her about how one of the doctors we dealt with told us that wife may need to be induced at 32 weeks. She said "I don't know why they would have said that?" Also, asked about what the twat of a dr told us last visit about how "you just have eds, it's no big deal, you can go to full term" and she said "I don't know why they would have said that?"

I asked "what's the policy in diagnosis? Do you typically take ONE symptom, and then list off the the patient all of the different things they COULD have and then let them consider those things, and then bounce them around to all the other doctors you know so they can give their first thought of what's going on without actually looking into the situation, doing any assessment or consultation? If so, that could be extremely stressful to your patients, and I'm quite certain that it's illegal."
She said "oh no, we wouldn't do that..."
When I asked why they felt it was okay to do this with us it's like something in her brain broke. She couldn't make sense of what I was asking at all. Of course.
She landed on: "well, I don't see anything in your file about this"

Ya think? None of the "professionals" we have seen have left notes regarding what they have said, except for the second dietitian who apparently told us that Wife needs to take more calcium. This too, is incorrect because what actually happened was that we told her we WERE taking more calcium via a Calcium Magnesium vit D combo.

I said (again, over lunch at DANG GOOD) that I feel like if we directly paid for a health professional to take care of our situation that they would have the responsibility to be on top of our case, to do the research and find out what Ehlers Danlos Syndrome actually is. That if we were unhappy with the service, we would have the option to replace them with a professional of OUR choice.
Surely if I needed to pay for all of the health practitioners we have seen over the past seven months out of pocket, I'd be unable to. At least 7 doctors, who knows how many techs and nurses, multiple dietitians (the last one who had fat wings by the way, which tells me her education is failing her), not to mention days booked off work, and a 70 mile trip to and then from the city each time we go.

My question is: if I were in YOUR country, what would this look like?

@elfmyselfandi has a different perspective on this because she's from Sweden, where their health system is much smoother and more efficient than it is in Canada. Their health care is "free" also, but they do it much better than we do. I have this perception that health care in the USA is so much better, when I noticed while driving around the DFW area that you can even go so far as to select what hospital you want to go to based on your religious preferences.
Our hospitals have two options. A room to go pray to allah or mohammed or whatever those savages do, or a room that say's "come unto me" on the side of it with a bunch of gaudy trinkets. I verbalized when I saw this that "if that had been taken literal then there would be a lot less people in the prenatal department than there are.

I've ranted here forever it seems, and not really discussed much of anything.

What I'd like to know is:

What's your experience been like in your country? (and what country are you from please)

What can we do about these health practitioners wasting our time? (the world WHY is my favorite with health folks. Often it makes them come unhinged because they haven't thought about the things they say, and have been taught. We also decided yesterday to ad the question "what are we going to accomplish by making this appointment?"). Any other recommendations?

Is there a proactive way to make a positive change so that less people find themselves having their time and tax money wasted?

As always, like mentioned before: I welcome all your comments, feedback, rage, flames, questions, etc.
IF we don't actually discuss these things, I'm just some miserable jerk that just wasted way too much of YOUR time.

So many countries out there think that our health care system is really great here in Canada, because it's free. I dare to say: Sometimes you get what you pay for.



First, let me join you in saying fuck Trudeau. Not because I particularly understand his politics (fuck socialism too), but because he's so soft and tender. Sorry Canadians, he's not a very loved person. Socialism is dumb.

You guys are the ones our politicians down here want to mimic.

In Texas (my country), all three of my kids were delivered by the same doctor. We saw the same specialists I think (they weren't high risk pregnancies). Our ultrasounds were done at different places out if convenience because we lived in different places. They were all part of the same network though, so they all had the file and checked it out. We even had a recreational ultrasound on the last one. A place with more advanced tech in their machine that recorded some video and first showed us the little dude's pecker.

Overall, the process was super smooth for all three. We were able to form an awesome medical relationship with the wife's lady doctor. We live over an hour away from her office now, and I think she's gonna stick with the same doctor because she's that great.

As for hospitals, I don't think they're by religion. Idk why they're called Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Presbyterian. My mom explained it once, but that was a long time ago.

Don't get me to lying and saying I understand health insurance. I just know that with it, I pay like $50 for a sick appointment, $150 for an ER visit, and yearly check ups are covered 100%. Without it, it would be around $300 for a sick check, a couple grand for a hospital visit, and no clue how much for a check up. Obama made it where we'd be fined $5k per person if we didn't have insurance. I've heard Trump did away with that, but I have insurance anyways.

We have a weird but cool thing called a health savings account. Some employers offer it as part of a benefits package. It sets aside money at the start of the year for expected health costs pre-tax. It's saved us about $500 a year in taxes the last few years. It's pretty nifty. It is put into an account in a lump sum and paid automatically in equal payments from your paycheck.

Sorry you guys are having hell with the system up there. As if you're not stressed out enough with the prospect of a baby.

I've tried several times to explain to wife that Texas is a Country, it's not an easy thing for everyone to understand! I think she gets it, but we need a serious visit to really cement the idea :)

I didn't hear about the part about obama having there be a requirement for insurance like you mentioned... our media really does a terrible job of actually speaking about what's going on in the USA, but rather trolls President Trump and twists the things that he says to make distraction from what's going on in our own yard.
It's an extreme case, but here there ARE people who go to emergency at the hospital because of paper cuts. If health care weren't "free" in Canada, that would happen a heck of a lot less I suspect.

Some companies in Canada do the health spending account thing - it is great for the people that have it, I think more and more companies are realizing the value of their employees well being.

It's ultra frustrating going through the mill here with our system. It'll all be worth it once the little one's here. :) Till then I'm glad to let off, gain, and distribute Steem.

USA? You mean Texas and it's 49 bitches? 😂😂

But if your healthcare is free, why do you need a health spending account? 🤔 More double speak from governments.

Trump is a farce too. But it's weird how media outlets like to focus on individuals instead of issues. Somehow it's better for them to have a populace that is uninformed, but fully aware of drama and celebrity gossip. We done opened a can of worms here lol


Well the health spending would be used for things that aren't covered by your provincial health care. And it differs from company to company. Some examples of things people might spend it on are: some exercise equipment, or a gym membership, any health care that your work insurance doesn't cover, for example like seeing maybe a reflexologist.

I think the number one issue with politics is people's inability to read, do any research, and then read between the lines and actually CONSIDER the things they are told.

I used to flame on people that told me they liked our prime minister. Now I've learned that if I can just ask them "why?" they will either get offended, which happens far too often - or, they are forced to actually consider their stance, both is a win because it saves my breathe haha

So you say your health care system is screwed up and your president says stupid shit!? That just blows my mind. I would love to be under your system and as far as leaders go, well, lets just compare twitter comments is all I'll say..I have horror stories about doctors too, only difference is ours wants big bucks even if they make you worse! To be completely honest, a doctor killed my mother when I was 14. I know this because the other hospital we took her to begged us to sue, they said the doc did a number on her. It is difficult to get docs to go against each other even if you're trying, so for one to tell me that without even must be true. They urged me to sue, but I didn't, at the time money didn't matter for obvious reasons and I had no one else to tell me what I should do.
At any rate, we have incompetence in the medical field too, doctors are no more immune than plumbers. But ours demand an outrageous fortune. I once went to the ER without insurance with what appeared to be flesh eating disease, they gave me antibiotics and sent me home. Same with a pancreas condition, they are required to give immediate life saving measures, that's it. We have all sorts of people that must solicit the public for money to pay for cancer treatments and such or they just die if they can't raise the money, it's horrible! But a wall is of the utmost importance, okay whatever.
Insurance for my family of three is about a grand per month. Without it, I was once quoted a price of $600 just for my kid to see a family doctor. I ended up taking him to the ER, which was great I must say, kids are usually taken care of thank goodness.

The implications of the actions of our current prime minister are that my child and my childs children and grandchildren will need to pay for his poor miss management of our country. It's difficult for me to preach about this to you, and I realize how ignorant I am to talk to you about a countries debt thinking it's something you haven't experienced..

Jeeze man, I'm so terribly saddened and angered to hear about what happened with your mother.
You're right to say this of the doctors, and the system. It's there to protect the Doctor or the college much more than the people.
This is another point you make about the idea of someone not having funding to things like fighting cancer and the like, here the basic treatment is covered until you reach your limit and they write you off.

I thank you for sharing about the cost of insurance for you and your family, this puts things into perspective for a person also!

Appreciate your perspective on things. May I ask, did (what they call on our radio) obamaCare help, or impact your situation?

It made little difference here, my states governor rejected the federal "Obama money" to subsidize medicaid. It was a political move playing to his base. Rejecting anything Obama is popular. Myself I wasn't a huge fan, but he wasn't as bad as they make out.
I think it helped some, but self employed folks like myself are about the same.
I'm not sure it's the governments fault, it's the system and how they do things.
For instance, my wifes doc sent her to another doc who sent her to another who sent her to the original one! It's like they have a racket where they upvote each other by referrals! They spend on unneeded things, they have people come back monthly when it's not necessary. When I had insurance through my workplace, they had me come in monthly for no reason! They mine the insurance it seems. It's not the individual doctors so much, it's just how the system works, how things are done. Everyone wants a piece of the profit, so those with influence lobby the government and medical establishment.
At the hospital they charge several dollars for one aspirin! Why? Because so many people have their hands in it, it's so profitable and they take advantage of it. Who is to question a doctors decision? The fox's run the hen-house.
Meanwhile there are the rich investors living it up on a yacht somewhere in the Caribbean.
It's to corporate. In the business world there has to be perpetual increases in profit to maintain the system, more,more,more.
I think society should run it. The government is ran by society, so.....perhaps it should be decentralized. :)

Isn't it interested how our systems are so different, yet exactly the same!
(Sitting at the cardiologist writing, that's in the city across the street from the doctor we see- you see they couldn't do it in the city, two miles from our home).

Yes and he'll likely do what a regular doc would, or send you to another one to share the bounty.
How many times I have went and they are like, yep everything is fine, come back in 30 days.
They tried to put me on hight blood pressure meds 20 years ago, said I was borderline high....I never filled the script and now they say I am borderline high blood if I had taken them I would be trapped, once you start you have to keep taking them. Who knows what problems that could have caused...not that you shouldn't follow their advise, but damn it's such a racket.
Just like the opiate problem, they created it! Remember a while back they had problems with people crushing and shooting oxycontin, after public outrage they made them untamperable, so their sales actually plummeted so what do they do? Roxies! There is a cure btw, a freakin inexpensive leaf that grows on a tree, is totally safe and don't get you high, but it takes away most all of the 'dope sickness" people experience when withdrawing, so whaat do they do? Offer it to people addicted as a treatment? No, they try to ban it! They rather you take something else(methadone, suboxone) that's just as addictive if not more's so obvious, health isn't priority, profit is..

I second everything, every word in your comment. You're so right.
Is it kratom you speak of? The leaf?

Yes as a matter of fact. I happen to know for a fact that it saves lives. It's grows on a tree and is cheap and readily available, so they want to ban it at once.. They can't have folks being cured by eating some harmless leaves, there would go their profits! Instead they want to keep the money pipeline connected to them, they will fight tooth and nail anything that threatens this pipeline.
When it comes to health, stockholders shouldn't be in charge in my humble opinion. Stockholders always want a steady increase, that's why it gets milked more and more.

I totally agree.
And the only way kratom would be used by common folk is if the companies could regulate it somehow... which would mean adding things to it, of course...
I'm glad you brought it up, i just recently discovered it, and can confirm that it does some pretty fantastic things.

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