Hospitals a good Idea?

in #health7 years ago

Over the years man has always put their sick people together, this was mostly for convenience. But one thing that history will tell us is that this might not be the best way for healing people.

Above is a picture of a Civil War hospital.

"However, while “advanced” or “hygienic” may not be terms attributed to medicine in the nineteenth century, modern hospital practices and treatment methods owe much to the legacy of Civil War medicine. Of the approximately 620,000 soldiers who died in the war, two-thirds of these deaths were not the result of enemy fire, but of a force stronger than any army of men: disease. Combating disease as well treating the legions of wounded soldiers pushed Americans to rethink their theories on health and develop efficient practices to care for the sick and wounded."

You can see that Diseases have taken countless lives from war, especially when we group them together. When you think about it, you put all the sick people together, and instead of curing them, they get everything that they didn't have. Even today, with all the medical advances, Staff infections are still running rampant in hospitals. Just last week, we went on a tour of the hospital, and they were turning people away with any cold or flu like symptoms unless you would wear masks at the door. Lately every time I go, I get sick, and all my friends who are nurses seem to be a revolving door of disease.

So what to do? I don't have any of the answers.......yet! But you can see, that when grouping people with illness together, you can have dangerous side effects. My real concern is not staff infection, but metal illness that has been so prevalent in today's society. We are doing the same thing with this as we have done with all illness, and grouping them together. I am concerned that instead of healing, we are furthering the mental illness epidemic by surrounding people in need of care, with people in need of care. Sometimes things like this will feed on each other. Any thoughts, I personally saw some of this in my grandmother at her care home.


Yes, you have a point there. It is same like if you keep some people together for a long time they will start adopting habits from other and become average of those.

It is definitely not good to put a bunch of suicidal people together in one room, they just feed on themselves, and I have seen it first hand.

You raise such an interest point and one that I think would make for a great debate. When we first think of sickness and disease my initial thought goes to isolation. Get that person isolated and try to contain whatever it is. We just had this situation in our house. We are a family of 8 people here and one of our daughters got sick with the flu. We immediately isolated ehr to her bedroom and even quarantined a bathroom just for her. She was extremely ill and basically bed ridden for several days. Fortunately, our efforts worked and nobody else was sick. Your point about putting all the sick people together and its actual value is a very interesting thought. Any hospital I have ever been in , although they may try, does not give the impression that illnesses are being contained. People are being treated but not necessarily isolated and quarantined. How can we expect the illness not to spread if people are constantly in contact with the patient and these patients are in contact with other illnesses.
It seems as though the convenience factor you bring up might be a reason for hospitals. It wouldn't seem feasible to have these people scattered all over and have care workers try to help them.
As far as the mental illness side of things, I think the issue has always been there but we as a society are just now starting to recognize that those people who we once thought of as strange or off are actually dealing with issues and need help. I think it is quite possible that these issues could be exacerbated in a setting where they are surrounded by other illnesses and behaviours. Same problem arises though. Where do we locate all these people who are so desperately in need of care and families are unable to provide it for them at home.
Very thought provoking post. Made me think about something I think we all kind of push under the rug and that is a bad idea because this problem is only going to grow exponentially as our baby boomers are heading into their senior years and more and more young people are being diagnosed with mental illnesses.

You know, I am thinking, I just send you my ideas of posts, and you just write them for me. Haha. You seem to have a knack for it. Writing is definitely not my thing. More of a big picture guy.

Hahaha... Thanks so much. I appreciate the kind words. I've always wanted to write but have never really had the courage to do it until I got here. Your'e post seem to always spark an interest in me. I have really enjoyed them. I want to start posting more stuff on my own blog but am waiting until I get a little more traffic so that they actually get some views. I'm still a baby in this pond. lol

Agreed - we need more web based care for small-time illnesses, like colds instead of grouping everyone up together. For my current insurance plan, I believe I can have some sort of an audio or video chat with a doctor once per year and get prescribed medication without going to a physical DR office; that sounds like a step in the right direction.

Definitely, mass population is hard to stop the spread of stuff.

Just talking about this has me uncomfortably coating my hands with hand sanitizer, haha.

Now for small diseases and do not have to go to the doctor can all be found on the Internet!Or go to the web doctor...And better not be ill and stay healthy!!!Хороший пост удачи вам @bigram13 !


I agree with you now a lot of web doctors!

Followed your conversation, good point raised well my contribution is this, when you look at web based doctors consultation/treatment you find out that it lacks efficiency as much as physical consultation each have its own merit and demerit apparently, but ain't we looking at maximizing health care delivery to ensure a patient gets the best? It's also wrong to classify any illness as being small or minor although I understand the context in which that phrase was used but we can't rule out the importance of physical observation. Now back to the original post/content I feel most hospitals have enough meaures/ tech put in place to reduce spread of disease. Notwithstanding health care delivery comes with its own hazard been so since time in memorial. What we can do is come up with more measures/practice to fasten and enhance the ones already in place, my 2cent.

I sure don't have the answer, and I don't really know if there is one, it is just a crazy thought on how we put all the sickness in one spot.

your words are very good.

I hate hospitals and I've always been scared of them

I agree with your opinion,the hospital is not only where the disease is healed but also where the diseases are maintained.such as where I work now,when there is a need for immediate treatment it is not done but is disregarded and more concerned with personal interests.

Isolation precautions should always be taken to prevent cross-infection of patients, visitors and hospital staffs.
I work in a hospital in Nigeria, most times when a patient hears the word "isolation" it scares them because it sounds like they are about to be put in a solitary
But that's not the case :))

One Way To Fix The Cross Infections

  • Hospital staffs should always wear gowns and gloves so they don't carry these organisms on their hands to the next patient!

Thanks for sharing this post @bigram13


I've volunteered at a number of hospitals before and I've personally had good experiences there, for the most part.

The number one rule they told us volunteers was to "Gel in and Gel out". Which means, every time you enter a room, use hand sanitizer. Every time you leave a room, use hand sanitizer.

I think hospitals in modern society do prioritize sanitation greatly now. For example, I did not know there was a "proper way" to wash your hands before working in a hospital. Apparently, you are suppose to wash your hands for 30 seconds with soap and scrubbing between your fingers and your fingertips.

However, maybe there is a better system for healthcare in the future that may replace this traditional method.

This was just my experience. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer. There's always going to be pros and cons to everything.

Don't forget to scrub around your nails! Any murder mystery you've ever seen comes down to the cops finding blood under and around the evil person's nails! 😇

There was a TED talk about one way the likelihood of diseases being spread in hospital could be reduced. Using UV lights can be very effective.

Whenever I find something wrong with myself I just Google it and figure out what to do, since I know how to think for myself. You'd be surprised how many doctors see you on your visit, ask you what's wrong and then say "That's interesting, I'll be right back." And then the doctor goes and looks it up in a book or the internet and tells you to take some pills to treat the symptoms, instead of treating the problem that caused the symptoms. And don't forget, some doctors graduated at the bottom of their class and never further their knowledge, which science changes over time on top of it!

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