How to lose weight with Zero exercise, a case study. (How I went from approximately 200 lbs down to 150 lbs this year)

in #health7 years ago (edited)


From fat to slim without leaving my chair...

I would like to share my story of how I lost about 50 lbs. over the past year.  Last year about this time I weighed about 200 pounds due to medication that makes me extremely sensitive to weight gain.  I had struggled for years to maintain a decent weight and was starting to creep back up on the scale towards my all-time high of 220 pounds.  I was determined not to reach that level again.  I decided I needed to figure out weight loss from the diet side of the equation entirely. I reasoned that once I figured out how to maintain the perfect weight from only diet then any exercise I decided to do would simply be a bonus.  


I was under-employed and still living with my parents and had recently purchased a papasan chain that I spent most of the day in without even getting up.  I would read for hours and watch youtube videos from that chair constantly over the next year.  All this inactivity I reasoned would actually be healthy because I was spending a majority of the time reading books on health or watching different Doctor's youtube channels covering the topics of diet and nutrition.  Even though my body was inactive my mind was very active.  All that learning started to pay off as I began to put many of the pieces together to crack my weight loss code.

How to lose weight without exercise...

So the method I decided upon is what is basically considered the Keto or Ketogenic diet.  Initially I was heavily influenced by YouTube videos from Dr. Jockers, Dr. Berg and many others.  (Dr. Perlmutter, Dave Asprey, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Hyman, Thomas DeLauer, Dr. Gundry and many others are also good resources).  They laid out the basics of the keto diet: Eat LOTS of healthy fats, minimal protein, and almost no carbs.  Seemed fairly simple.  

Eventually I learned to shoot for about 70%+ fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbs and the more fat the better.

  • I learned to avoid hydrogenated fats and high omega 6 fats.
  • I learned that vegetables are good even though they are carbs.  
  • I learned that you really just count net carbs (carbs minus fiber) which made most vegetables acceptable and encouraged.
  • I learned that some fruits were ok but most were off limits. (only was able to eat berries and granny smith apples)
  • I learned that there are some trouble foods that may cause inflammation which may slow down weight loss... initially I was eating Lots of dairy and when weight loss stalled out I had to completely drop dairy in order to reach a lower weight

After these important lessons and a daily ritual of watching the latest health videos I was happy to see steady positive results.  I need to emphasize that I did almost NO EXERCISE.  Most days I stayed cooped up in my chair reading, During the winter I rarely went outside.  In better weather I walked around the block a few times.  This is basically the extent of any exercise I received.  I honestly approached this time of my life from the perspective of an experiment to see what would work with the most minimal amount of exercise and the attached images is what I ended up with...

I am confident that if a ketogenic diet eating lots of bacon and avocados produced this result in my utterly immobile body then the results would be greatly magnified for someone with a more active lifestyle.  Just remember to eat healthy fats, plenty of veggies, and severely limit fruit and of course: No sugar, No Bread, No Pasta, and for some people, no fun but then again, looking healthier can be fun!

Disclaimer:  now that I feel like I have diet figured out I have started to add in exercise and some weight training as some exercise is recommended for the long term.

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You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Yeah, no surprise with the dairy they are the worst and shittiest foods on the planet - probably worse than meat even.

But basically, the simple answer to weight management is: go vegan.
It's almost impossible to become obese unless you stuff your face with the Omega 6s as you said.
But if you stick to veggies and fruits you'll be fine.

If you have not tried yet (and since it's still summer). Water melon etc. are awesome fruit for weightloss and also hydrate you.

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