Are the 2 colors in the egg dangerous?

in #health5 years ago

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egg white, and egg yolks. these are the 2 colors in eggs that are often differentiated in the community. You must know, there are some people when making a pudding, which is coffee mixed with eggs, they only mix egg yolks, but the color of the egg white is removed. they say that egg white is not useful.

and there are some people who throw egg yolks, they say that egg yolks are not useful and dangerous for health. such as increased cholesterol, the occurrence of boils, the occurrence of acne, and others. which is true?

Actually egg white and egg yolks, both are very beneficial for the body. Like egg yolks. egg yolk does have cholesterol. but there are 2 cholesterol in egg yolk. namely good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. the difference between bad cholesterol and good cholesterol, I've discussed it before. I will explain briefly again.

good cholesterol, is cholesterol that is very necessary for the body. good cholesterol can reduce bad cholesterol. while bad cholesterol, this is not needed by the body. because bad cholesterol will accumulate in the arteries, and will cause the blood vessels to narrow. bad cholesterol will cause diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and others.

in the egg, there are 2 cholesterol. but because good cholesterol is also found in egg yolk, it doesn't matter if someone wants to consume it. because as I said above that good cholesterol can reduce bad cholesterol. therefore if someone consumes eggs every day it doesn't matter. because bad cholesterol cannot increase.

and the problem of increasing acne and boils, this is not just a factor of egg yolk. but there are other factors. like stress. besides that egg yolks have other benefits such as vitamins, iron, magnesium, and many others. while for egg white, it contains very high protein. and egg whites do not have any cholesterol. in conclusion, both of them are good for consumption. may be useful.


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