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RE: Salute your Health! | Peach love! Kombucha!

in #health5 years ago

Leave it on the bench 10 days ? wow - so long!! I ferment mine with the scoby about 7 days, then take the scoby and a little starter for the next batch out, mix in a cup or two of fresh, strained juice and leave it on the counter for 24 hours. And then into bottles and straight into the fridge. PERFECT result.

Mind you, it's pretty consistently warm in Thailand and we don't use AC in the main part of the house at all.

Peach kombucha sounds awesome. My batch ready for fruit tomorrow will be passionfruit or maybe pineapple-ginger - not sure yet. LOL. Whatever the local organic fruit place has plenty of at a great price. I'm guessing passionfruit. :)

Lovely post.

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Well, I'm still playing around with it, I agree AC probably does change the game. I leave it longer as I wanted a fuller taste and then on the counter to make sure it was fizzy enough. Perhaps I'll edit for those who don't have AC....I wouldn't want any blow outs for new Kombucha makers. Ohhhh pineapple ginger....I should try that I have both on hand mmmmmmm! I'm having so much fun experimenting, can't wait for my larger jars to arrive, lol Love, love this don't you? My new favorite treat! :) Thanks for your sweet support @artimislives! Enjoy your kombucha!

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