Recovery Techniques - Massage Therapy

in #health6 years ago

There are lots of ways to recover from your exercise regimen, and everyone’s body can benefit from some tender loving care (of sorts) after a workout. I intend to discuss more of these in coming posts, but today I wanted to draw your attention to therapeutic sports massage.

Getting after it in the gym every day is great, but without taking care of your body afterward to allow it to recover and prep yourself for your next workout, you’re so much more likely to experience an injury or issue that has the potential to stall your progress and really bum you out. I know for a fact that nobody wants that!

So, we can all agree our bodies need TLC - enter therapeutic sports massage. This is a technique that may not be what you’d consider “tender” exactly, but is “loving care” nonetheless - the effects you experience afterward can be tremendous relief, reduced pain, and increased capability and mobility - basically, it’s for your own good :)

My boyfriend and I were rear-ended pretty badly a few weeks ago, which totaled our car and left us sore and tight in ways we’d never experienced before… As lifelong athletes, we’ve definitely felt our fair share of tight muscles, persistent adhesions, and other good stuff that caused us to pursue body work, but it had been awhile!

This particular circumstance put a different kind of stress on our muscles and bodies than we were used to, but stress from exercise that causes muscles to misbehave is quite similar and the effects can often be dealt with in similar ways… This situation just provided the opportunity for me to address this topic, which I think is important regardless!

So guys, you don’t need to wreck your car to have someone work out your tight, angry muscles - if you’re a habitual exerciser and you have the means to pursue this type of treatment on a regular basis, I would wholeheartedly encourage you to do so. A good manual therapist can really help you stay functional, healthy, and injury-free.

Also, you don’t have to be a hardcore fitness fanatic for this type of treatment to benefit you - everyone, on every program, no matter the intensity, can see improvement from getting treatment. The frequency needed may change as workouts pick up steam, but having an experienced practitioner help to work out the kinks is always a good idea!

My therapist (a beautiful, kind, incredibly talented and warm-hearted woman named Marlo with hands of absolute STEEL) was able to make huge progress on the tension in my neck and shoulders that I’d been carrying around for a few weeks, check it out:

This image is after only the right side had been done. See how far my right shoulder had dropped down and how bound up the left side still is?

This image is after both sides had been addressed. SO much more relaxed!

Just to be clear though, these treatments themselves are not going to be relaxing. You will not fall asleep, you will not likely “enjoy” being on the table. It takes a lot of force and pressure to break up the adhesions in your muscles that allow them to freely operate the way they’re supposed to - so you might have to devote all of your energy to just staying on the table and not jumping off!

My best advice? BREATHE. And keep your eyes on the prize. The effects will be worth the pain on the table! Oh, and don’t go in there super sore (trust me) and don’t be afraid to to take a rest day following your treatment.

Consider it an investment in your future! I really believe you’ll thank me… After it’s over! :D

Have you ever had sports massage? Did you “like” it? Tell me about your experience!

Please feel free to comment, upvote, or resteem :)
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Sometimes it happens in workout. Normally it goes away after couples of days.

If it's pretty bad, of course, you have to do something about it. Thank you my friend for sharing this. Hope you will feel better soon!

Thanks friend!

I once went to a thai massage. Afterwards the therapist showed me her hands and told me that she never had a client with such tight muscles before 😄 probably I should go there more often!

haha! Ya, I have heard that a few times!
Your body will definitely appreciate it if you do go more often! :)

sorry to hear about your accident, and glad nothing major though !
Can't agree more on the importance and healing properties of massage. Me and my wife schedule every few months a session, it does wonders!

Thank you for saying that and we got really lucky!
I love that! I hope more people start to regularly schedule them like you and your wife! :)

i go for the cheap quality ones like 20 bucks an hour.

does one pound of muscle burn 50 calories a day? what is your thoughts on this. i know muscle is use it or lose it kind of thing so as long as you maintain it by lifting weights.

is hiking considered a leg day?

Nice! You're lucky that you have affordable options in your area, as this type of treatment can get very expensive!!

About the 50 calorie burn per pound of muscle - sadly, I think that's a fitness myth. Although it's very widely believed and we hear that figure thrown out all the time, I think it's actually a lot less than that - more like 10 calories maximum per pound of muscle. Pound for pound, muscle DOES require more calories to sustain it than fat though, for example, so it's still a good incentive to gain some! And yes, you do need to keep exercising to maintain the muscle mass like you said :)

Hiking can be great exercise, and put a good amount of stress on your legs - whether or not you consider it to be a leg day is sort of personal, based on your goals and the rest of your program. But I'd say it definitely counts toward working your legs, if you're sweating and tired afterward!! :)

Great questions!! Thanks so much for asking and for your support!

Is it called a DOMS?

Hey there friend! Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - what were you wondering about it? :)

Wah so excited for replying. you said your shoulder had dropped down. is it called a DOMS or no?

This is a great idea, too much of every thing is bad to add to this look into your diet and have enough rest after workout thanks.

Thank you, taking care of your body before and after a workout is sooo important!

I haven't had a sports massage, but use the black (hard) foam roller and rumbleroller. They are pretty good when you do not have someone to execute a massage. (Or pay for one)

Those foam rollers are life savers! To be honest, I am kind of a whimp and end up just using the foam roller as a pillow while I lay on the ground... I have every intention of rolling out but for some reason I end up in the same relaxed, half-asleep position every time! haha

I found it easier if someone forced pain on me rather than doing it myself haha. But those foam rollers are a great tool if you don't mind hurting more than I do!

Ah, no, I kinda "hated" it.

I've actually never enjoyed massage and I think it's because I'm always wound up too tight. My calves are absolutely ridiculous. I used to get weekly sports massages that were killer, but I totally believe they were good for me. I've since moved out to the country and don't have access to anyone anymore and I'm pretty sure my forearm tendonitis is the worst it's been in a long time.

I did enjoy my time with my therapist though, she was super fun and very chatty, but yeah, I was pretty much in pain from the get go... and then for a day or two after...

The belief that the message is truly helping is the only thing that keeps me from jumping off the table! They say that if you go enough your muscles become relaxed and the message itself becomes a little easier to handle. I have personally never experienced this... but, apparently it is true haha

I am sorry about your tendonitis! Something that may help and that can be done on your own is called a voodoo band. Here is a link to an example of one: Voodoo Bands

They are incredible little tools that act as a compression for any muscle group that you wrap them around. It could help to message that forearm and bicep to relieve some of that tension.

Ah! I've seen some ninjas use these at comps between course-runs and I didn't know what they were. I've pretty much got every tendonitis tool already, except these, but given their price I've just grabbed a black one.... we'll see how it goes! It could be great to use in the car on the way home from big sessions.

Thanks for that! I don't know how you always manage to crush value-adding...

So uh, it looks like you're bringing your sexy back, is that what's going here?

oh hey, sorry for the bad pun / dad joke. :P

Anyway, yes totally. Massage is one of the best forms of recovery and healing work and one of my favorite things, no question! :)

haha there is no such thing as a bad pun when quoting JT!

I am glad you also find massages to be helpful!

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