You Become What You Eat and Drink

in #health7 years ago

Because the human body is the most powerful miracle
instrument, it can take years and years of the cruelest
punishment from an unhealthy lifestyle.

Then comesthe day of reckoning when the body reaches its capacity
for being loaded down with unhealthy grease, salt, sugar,
preserved, refined and junk fast foods that produce a
sick, clogged bloodstream! Then disease strikes with all
its powerful force! Cataracts blind and blur the vision.
Arthritis cripples and stiffens joints. Ears go deaf. Varicose
veins cripple the legs. Ulcers form in the stomach and
intestines. Piles and deadly fissures attack the rectum.
These are just a few of over 4,000 crippling diseases that
can make life a living hell while on this Earth!

These tragic things do not just happen . . . it’s again
the Eternal Law of Compensation at work. Disease is
not like a thief in the night that creeps up on you and
attacks you. You created the horrible condition which
can often torment your every waking hour! These people
who have, through ignorance or willfulness, brought
themselves to this wretched physical condition, will cry
out in pain and anguish, “Save me! Help me from my
suffering and torment!” We are sorry to inform them
that there is no simpler, more effective treatment to
restore health and peace of mind than the cure Mother
Nature provides through natural living.

Mother Nature is a hard taskmaster . . . disobey her
laws and she will give you punishment that is almost
beyond human comprehension. Go to any hospital and
see the poor, wretched, suffering humans writhing on
their beds of pain. These are the people who never
learned the great natural laws. Many of them scoffed
when well-meaning relatives and friends suggested that
they live a healthier lifestyle. They were not going to
give up their fun . . . so they smoked, drank alcohol,
coffee, cola and soft drinks and loaded up on refined
and dead foods to their hearts’ content. If you tried to
correct their ways, they had all kinds of excuses and
answers to cover up their dietetic sins. “I am healthy,”
they would boast. “My grandmother lived to be 89 and
smoked, drank and ate what she liked. I will be like my
old grandmother!” But it did not work out that way. Now
on their hospital beds they are helpless, broken humans..,

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