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RE: Invisible Disabilities [Dabbing with a Mage episode 144]

in #health6 years ago

Yeah, but even an addiction is an invisible disability in my opinion - though I do agree that to help them would mean to not give them painkillers; however, only those who are ready to help themselves are capable of being helped. By denying an addict of their drug of choice, you are inherently causing more suffering. This is why I agree with 100% decriminalization, safe access points, and public funded rehabilitation for those ready to get help. Deny an addict their addiction and they will find another avenue.

You know me quite well, I'll wait to even take Kratom until I can't see straight from pain. I struggle some days with other substances, alcohol mainly, but I do my best these days to not mask what I'm feeling. I know what I need to do for the pain, it's just a bit out of my reach for the moment. I'll certainly get it figured out in due time. Thank you for your support, bredren.


Addiction starts off as invisible, but Soon starts manifesting itself in loss of job, home, thievery, and maybe even death etc etc.

Actually, that is only a small demographic. A large percentage of addicts are functional. But, yes, it can manifest as such.

That’s very true. But eventually it catches up to some in some way.

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