Do you drive for long periods? Take the helm of your health now

in #health6 years ago


Prolonged sitting in the same seat can cause many health problems for your body; people who spend more than half their day driving are three times more likely to have back pain and other health problems than others. A preventive program can be followed to avoid health problems caused by prolonged driving.

What are the health problems that driving can cause for long periods and how can they be overcome?

Stress resulting from driving.

The pressure results from long-term survival in the car in the same position that is subject to noise and vibration under pressure and anxiety of timely access

How to overcome stress caused by driving?

  • Stay calm; the anger and frustration of other drivers on the road is not only a waste of time but a sure way to build up nervous and muscular tension and bring pain
  • You can avoid this by thinking about good things, listening to your favorite music or listening to a book during driving

Malnutrition and drought.

  • It is easy to eat pancakes or fast food during driving, resulting in weight gain in the end due to sitting and lack of movement
  • Work on the shift system, especially for international bus drivers, increases appetite as a result of increased sleepiness
  • Weight gain causes the most health problems experienced by motorists such as heart disease and diabetes due to the high level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood
  • Malnutrition and dependence on fast eating are associated with dehydration and low fluid levels in the body, resulting in headaches, lack of concentration and ulcers in the stomach

How to overcome the problem of malnutrition and drought?

  • Be sure to drink your body's need for water
  • Stop whenever possible and eat healthy whole meals
  • Make healthy snacks such as fresh fruits, healthy nuts, etc. in your car and take them during driving
  • Try to put a cool box in your car to keep your food in it to prevent spoilage
  • Reduce fat, cholesterol and salt in food

Exposure to pollutants while driving.

  • Bus drivers are exposed to many airborne pollutants, especially when standing on busy roads
  • Contaminants may cause respiratory health problems such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and even cancer

Truck drivers of industrial cities are exposed to many hazardous pollutants, the most prominent of which are:

  • Nitrous oxide
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • sulfur dioxide
  • Airborne diesel particles with unsafe concentrations

How do you overcome road pollutants while driving?

  • Use nasal respirators in crowded areas or industrial areas to minimize exposure to harmful pollutants and gases
  • Try to keep your car air-conditioned so that you can close your car windows completely in contaminated areas

Excessive exposure to noise while driving.

  • Excessive exposure to high sounds is harmful and difficult to hear
  • The recommendations indicate no exposure to more than 8 hours per day of high voices

How to overcome noise on the road?
Use earplugs during the day if you are very noisy.

Joint and muscle pain resulting from driving.

  • Prolonged sitting leads to weakening of some muscles and stress of other muscles
  • Most drivers suffer from lower back pain and stiff shoulders and neck
  • These problems arise because of the inability of the body to deal with the pressures imposed on him, which leads to weakness

Instructions for relieving back pain and muscle before driving.

  • Take a break before starting the journey: Take the time to make sure you are comfortable sitting, checking mirrors, and adjusting your seat.
  • Adjust the sitting position so that the body is almost straight with light AC. If the head is too far away, it will damage the neck and upper back area.
  • Place a towel behind the lower back, providing additional support for the back because the car seat normally does not support the natural curve of the back.
  • Do not place the mobile phone or wallet in the back pocket because this may cause damage to the spine. Thus causing pain in the back while driving over time.

Instructions for relieving back and muscle pain while driving.

  • Stop each period of movement and perform stretching exercises to support the lower back such as bending down to touch the foot with bending knees, as well as exercises to relieve neck and shoulder pain.
  • Back pain during driving can often be caused by car vibration due to bumps. It is therefore advisable to use a special cushion specifically designed for shock absorbers.
  • Use cold or warm compresses, depending on which one is best for your back pain. A cold bag is a bag or a packet of ice wrapped in a cloth and usually available in pharmacies, as well as warm compresses. In some cars the seats are equipped with a heating source so you can maintain warm muscles during your trip.
  • Put in your car's trunk Snow bags: Snow helps to frighten the back pain, shoulders and muscles as it works to numb the area and reduce inflammation
  • If your car has a speed control system, use it to keep your feet on the ground at 90 degrees. This helps to support the spine

Instructions for relieving back and muscular pain after the end of the working day.

  • Exercise regularly to strengthen back muscles and relieve stress such as running, swimming and carrying weights to improve muscle strength.
  • Use herbal remedies to soothe back pain if needed, such as Arnica, in the form of a gel that gently touches the affected area to relieve back pain while driving.
  • Heat can help relieve pain by relaxing joints and narrow muscles, which reduces the transmission of pain signals to the brain, increases blood flow in the affected area and thus increases oxygen and nutrients that can help treat damaged tissue
  • Be sure to use warm water pans or take a warm bath at the end of the working day



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