My Strategy Changes for HardFork 21

in #hardfork215 years ago (edited)

Aloha Steemians,

You probably know that one of the most talked about changes for HardFork 21 is is the change in rewards from the current 75% for authors and 25% to curators, to a 50% for authors and 50% for curators.

This is a doubling of curation rewards. I encourage you to focus on adapting to and potentially profit from the change.

My Strategy part one

So for starters, I want to increase the size upvotes I give my followers on their comments on my posts.
And increase the size of upvotes on the posts of my followers. I am doing this for two reasons:

1st the 50/50 split
2nd the dust threshold

1st the 50/50 Split
I plan to increase the amount I upvote comments to adjust for the drop in the author reward. Since you are the author of the comments you make on my posts, you will no longer get 75%, but 50%, so you will get 25% less of the total comment reward. So I am increasing my upvotes to encourage you to keep curating and commenting.

2nd the dust threshold
I have written about “Dust” before and if you missed those articles, dust refers to the threshold or amount of the total reward on your post for you to get paid. The threshold is 0.02 Steem. If your rewards are less then this you get nothing. This amount is a very small amount for whales, orcas and dolphins, but for the much larger population of minnows and plankton on the platform it’s a significant amount. So in order to help your comment rewards exceed the dust threshold I am increasing my vote size. It’s central to the platform to encourage curation, commenting and engagement.

I see the dust issue as an unintended consequence, so I am changing to adapt to it ahead of time.

If my upvote is 0.03
50% of my upvote is 0.015
That’s less then the dust threshold, which is 0.02 Steem, so unless someone else upvotes you, you won’t get a reward.

So I will increase my upvote to insure you get a reward. I also want to encourage everyone following my blog to consider upvoting each other’s comments as this can double your rewards.
I am increasing my vote to compensate for increased curation reward and I hope you increase the number of upvotes you make on each other’s comments, so you benefit from this increased curation.

Second part of my Strategy
I will upvote posts with a larger percentage of my voting power when I can vote early. I follow certain authors and enable notifications for Steemify and Partiko, so I know when they post. I think this will help the author by increasing their post rewards despite a smaller percentage of the reward and help increase my curation reward from the post. I think this strategy is a win-win, meaning both the author and curator benefit. I don’t know if this will work, but that is my plan. I am willing to listen and would appreciate feedback as I have only one brain and welcome the thoughts of additional brains.

Third part of my Strategy
I want to seek out ten of the minnows and plankton that follow me each month, and purchase “a starter subscription” for Dustsweeper at the cost of one Steem. I think this will help decrease the number of post rewards and more likely comment rewards that are lost to dust with the new 50/50 split.
Then if the recipients feel it’s useful they can keep it going by adding 0.2 or more Steem to it periodically. I haven’t decided how I am going to choose the recipients, but I will start with info derived from Steemworld and Steemd to accurately determine who is a plankton.

Fourth Part of my Strategy
Encourage curation and engagement.
I am trying to encourage curation and engagement through posts like this to disseminate the information I think you need to profit from the coming changes.
I am increasing my vote size to encourage engagement and curation.
I am trying to encourage you to read, curate and comment on each other’s posts by showing you how profitable it is to do so.

Take Care & Steem On! 🚂🚂🚂


Posted using Partiko iOS


I wonder when it will go into effect.

As I understand it, It’s apparently “live” on testnet, so the witnesses are using it in a closed “Steemit-like” envirnment to see if there are any issues first, to avoid the problems we experienced with HardFork 20.

Do you use Dustsweeper?


Great post, Encourage curation and engagement.
I am trying to encourage curation and engagement through posts like this to disseminate the information I think you need to profit from the coming changes.
I am increasing my vote size to encourage engagement and curation.
I am trying to encourage you to read, curate and comment on each other’s posts by showing you how profitable it

Thank you for your kind words

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you. Do you use Dustsweeper?

I like your strategy!
It makes sense, I hope for the best with the change.

I like your strategy 👍 profitable for both .

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, do you use Dustsweeper?

Nice strategies towards hf21 and as you mentioned about dust. I have been using dustsweeper since last couple of months and found it useful and saves money. Useful article..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the feedback. I am glad to see you using Dustsweeper.

Check this out, is this correct? (just found this in a discussion on steemit):

Under HF20 a post receiving $1 in upvotes would give the author $0.75.

Under HF21:

The reward pool will be 10% lower to fund the SPS.
The CLRC will reduce the payout by a further 40% compared to linear.
The payout to the author will then be 50% (rather than 75%).
I make this: $1 * 90% * (1 - 40%) * 50% = 0.27 under HF21

So broadly: $0.75 under HF20 vs $0.27 under HF21, a reduction of about two-thirds for smaller payouts.

Continuing to spam this on every thread that discusses the hard fork will results in your reputation being completely destroyed.

One of them isn't even about HF21:

OK, sorry about that. I will stop. I was just a bit upset :(

I can relate.

The CLRC smooths out above 16 STEEM, so I anticipate it becoming basically necessary to bot everything up to that level of payout (although that's a risky play, because people will be targeting content in that range if it's not clearly high enough quality to deserve that level of reward.)

I'm against the EIP, but I'm not a consensus witness.

Hi josephsavage please explain what you mean by CLRC smooths our above 16 Steem.
Thank you.

This post shows the CLRC curves under consideration and various comments include the calculations. Basically, the curve starts out smooth at about 50% of potential relative current rewards, then climbs sharply for a ways until smoothing at close to linear. The key pivot point is about 16 STEEM. (About $6.40)

This is news to me about further reduction of author rewards below 50%. I will study the change in reward curve articles from Steemitblog and tell you what I find. That would be discouraging.

I'm considering if I will still be on Steemit. I don't think this 50/50 rule is fair. People making blog posts put in more effort than others that just give an upvote. And I'm afraid this will just encourage self votes.

I hope you stay and don’t move to Libra!
Did you collect your free PAL coins?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I will not use Libra. LOL.

How do I collect PAL coins?

I just claimed 0.052 PAL.

Wow, seems like there was another extra claim button, now I got 428 PAL. Thanks for the tip!

So sweet

Posted using Partiko Android

I like your strategy and I may consider following that step also no doubt

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