Mana - What Has Changed?

in #hardfork206 years ago (edited)

Image: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

A month ago I started with my mana post. I thought that I could return to the mana subject a little.

It's obvious that things have changed. But how have they changed? I'm eager to hear how things are working for you now? Especially if you were under 40 rep and had under 30 SP before the hard fork 20, or if you started here after the hard fork 20. (Your account is about a month old or younger.)

I think one month is enough time to make things better when unexpected things happen. I had almost 200 SP before the hard fork so I had no problem posting or commenting when I wanted to. My account wasn't that popular, so I haven't had that much spam in my comments and when some nicepostman dudes commented, I just ignored those. I don't use bidbots (unless you count @dustsweeper as one) and I've decided to undelegate @steem-ua too because I'm not that sure about it. (But let's leave that subject to another post.) When I joined Steemit, 233 days ago and after I found few people to follow, I almost never browsed through the new or trending tabs. I found other ways to find new people to follow.

< del > < / del >
I wrote a looooooong text here about selfvoting, payed upvotes, alt accounts, upvoting on alt accounts, spam and RC, but then realized that I don't want to give you my opinions before I've heard yours. As much as "Agreeing with you" or "You're absolutely right" comments would boost my ego, this time I won't tell you my opinions right away. @penguinpablo of course offers hard statistics that anyone can interpret, but let's not forget the fact that how daily life and doing things here really work. You are welcome to give me your opinions also.

So I will leave you a bunch of questions. Feel free to answer few, or all of those. Or ignore them completely and invent your own questions. Some questions are clearly directed to smaller accounts and some to those who have been here at least 3 months and active during that time.

  1. Can you post and comment as much as you want to?
  2. Have you (had to invest) invested in Steemit?
  3. If you have done an introduction post, did the accounts commenting on your post help you or were they more like spam?
  4. Is there spam in your posts as much as there was about a month ago?
  5. How does the new tab look now compared to month ago?
  6. How does the trending tab look now compared to month ago?
  7. How does the introduceyourself tag look like?
  8. Has upvoting with alt accounts reduced?
  9. Do you get lots of upvotes from small accounts that do nothing else than upvote and you don't know where those come from? Has that changed after hard fork 20?
  10. Is it easy to get new people to join Steemit?
  11. If your friends have joined Steemit, are they still active? If not, is it because of Steemit or partly because of Steemit?
  12. What are the things you like in Steemit?

I will give you my one strong opinion. It's not about hard fork 20. Ignore it if you want, but that doesn't change anything.

< in my opinion >

I upvote comments! I upvote comments because I want people to engage more. I upvote because I appreciate YOUR comment. I appreciate YOUR opinion. I upvote because I believe that without commenting Steemit would ultimately become just another wall of ads where people post something and upvote without reading. (I do use because I want to upvote people who write the kind of posts that I like. Or artwork. I do read most of those posts afterwards and adjust the upvote if necessary.) I upvote comments, especially if you have less SP and RC than I do, or have lower than 50 reputation. I DON'T upvote because I want you to return it. I upvote because I want to, when I want to, if I want to. I upvote because I can. So deal with it!

This next picture was made right after the hard fork 20 as I was waiting for my negative RC to change. So keep that in mind. I just forgot to post it then, and as I do think better late than never is a good saying, I'll post it now.

I was laughing when I created this. But I won't hold it against you if you don't find this funny at all. :D

< / in my opinion >

Yes! Thank you @steemitboard! I have barely managed to come up with at least half decent posts once a day for the past month. I sure hope I don't manage to get myself another obsession.

Check out my post about How To Make Yourself Heard!

That's all folks again! Enjoy the music!
I know I've said about a million times that I like all kinds of music, but except for the last one, I don't know...

MANA, Mana mana & Mana mana too.



I have a busy day today in my "real life" if such thing even exists as @cave-man says I'm just in his mind and a product of his imagination, so let's just say that he has imagined a busy day for me today.

I will answer everyone (almost everyone...) later, perhaps not until tomorrow, and I think some of these questions deserve entirely separate posts. So thank you for your comments in advance. And thank you all who were quick and answered already!

I would love to hear your comments too:
@codeomatic, @cutthruyou, @eccles, @juliamulcahy, @kanttiadvanture, @m-marinova, @magnus.harboe, @michaias, @moyam, @northwestnomad, @pehteem, @schanzerx, @tonsbe & @willhreserved.
And @kabir88.

Let's see who tracks their mentions.


Holy crap! Where did all those spammers come from?! There I was hoping to read a few responses and there's 6 inane comments!! Did you trigger them by writing 'spam' or something?

Darn it, now I forgot what I was going to say...I'll have to re-read your post...

Oh yes, steemitboard. I have only had one of those awards you displayed and that is the weekly posting one. I think I managed it twice. So I congratulate on some nice consistency.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, I finally got the badge. :) I decided to get it, although I've been really busy in my work also. So I'm happy now.

I have no idea where those spammers came from. Any of the tags could have triggered them. Or it was the fact that I wrote that I upvote comments. Or it's someone who follows me and has alt accounts and decided to make a point. But i swear, they are not mine as @cave-man implied. :D I swear!

But those comments only show that spam comments are not entirely history. And I assume the day comes that those spammers accounts crow and the low RC is no longer a problem. Where does that leave us Steemers then?

  1. I definitely can't post/comment as often as I want. Definitely no voting (too much RC, no value)
  2. I didn't invest
  3. I did sort of. Used technical stuff I found interesting. What does it help if you know my pet if most what I'm interested in is technical stuff.
  4. No spam
  5. Rarely use it
  6. As useless as ever
  7. Didn't really check
  8. Can't say
  9. Sometimes
  10. I never tried. I'm here to learn, not to ponzi ;)
  11. Does not apply
  12. There is a lot to like. Interactions are fun and I learn a lot.

Although RC is limiting it helps to focus on what you are about to do. Very educational. I treat it like a game where you level up. Reputation really went up. SP not so much.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for answering!

I definitely can't post/comment as often as I want. Definitely no voting (too much RC, no value)

You should be able to do a bit more now. The voting thing is almost useless to all plankton size accounts. One has to think really well when and where to upvote. I imagine my payouts will drop drastically when my SP returns to normal again. And to think of all the upvotes I wasted before I knew what @dustbunny is.

I did sort of. Used technical stuff I found interesting. What does it help if you know my pet if most what I'm interested in is technical stuff.

Oh but the introduction post doesn't have to be the kind that lists where you live, how old you are, do you have children or pets, do you like music or sunsets. It doesn't even have to have your picture in it. I didn't put my face into my introduction post. Unless I'm a purple monster made of watercolor. You definitely should write about stuff that interests you. Not so much who you are but what you are. What you think about things.

I completely missed your introduction post, although I mentioned that I'll be checking on you later. I forgot. I'm sorry. I said also that introduction posts always get a lot of upvotes and comments. Well, that's not entirely true. If you're a big boobed, young girl and you post your picture and create a killer text, you probably would get insane amount of upvotes. But if you don't want to show your face or tell us anything ordinary about you, you will have to think of a killer text. And do a long one. And try to find that way people who think alike.

But that being said, the introduce yourself post might be a once in a lifetime chance, so from now on you can concentrate on finding those people who appreciate your posts. It is harder if you like to do short posts of if your subject isn't about your pet. :D But don't give up. Stick to your interests.

Oh! Now I understand what happened.
Thanks a million.
I wanted to nominate you for the "thank you economy contest" before you delegated. But I had to wait... You know... because of a lack of RC :D.
Thank you

Posted using Partiko Android

  1. I haven’t had any trouble posting, but I have only posted 2 posts so far.
  2. I haven’t invested yet, but I might do it this weekend.
  3. A little bit of both. I think some of the comments were automated since I see the same people commenting the same messages on everyone in the introduceyourself tag. But many of the comments were real.
  4. It’s easy to get people interested, but it’s harder to make them acutaly set up an account.
  5. A friend of mine, @obq , just joined a couple of days ago. She is active and is still learning the platform.
  6. I like the idea of getting rewarded for posting good content from the start. When I was doing Instagram it took a long time before good content get noticed and you rarely get payed for your content itself. I like that you can get rewards for your content instead of how many ads or affiliate links you put up.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I haven’t had any trouble posting, but I have only posted 2 posts so far.

Perhaps the 10 SP delegated to you helps enough. To a hyperactive person that wouldn't be sufficient. Few comments here and there and poof, all the RC could be gone like that.

It’s easy to get people interested, but it’s harder to make them acutaly set up an account.

I can't even talk to people about any kind of things that involve crypto currency. :(

A friend of mine, @obq , just joined a couple of days ago. She is active and is still learning the platform.

Thanks for the tip! I'll visit her again later to see if there are more posts.


I thought I the RC wouldn't create a problem but as I am concentrating on getting a slot on @partiko leaderboard or win the weekly contest in @dlike , I feel that my RC is not just enough.
I hadn't had any interest on looking the changes on the trending post as I hardly see the trending posts.

Why did you undelegate @steem-ua? Just want to know as I am planning to get involved with the project

Posted using Partiko Android

Why did you undelegate @steem-ua? Just want to know as I am planning to get involved with the project

Soon I don't have 5000 SP anymore, so then every SP I have counts. I know that @steem-ua has a rank system and I know it not only upvotes posts, it also comments and tries to help.

But I don't agree with it on the posts it upvotes. Shouldn't it upvote on the best post? With 25 SP it upvotes me once a week and in my opinion it doesn't even upvote my best post in that week. And those who have delegated more, get an upvote even if their posts aren't that great. But that's only my opinion.

One thing is also that if I don't pay bidbots to upvote my posts, why would I pay @steem-ua? People keep telling me that it's different, but is it that different? One pays in SP to get upvotes. That's the basic idea isn't it? Unless it has changed lately. So that's a matter of principle for me.

I have nothing bad to say on those who use it or the original idea of it and you should definitely try it and make up your own mind if it's for you. :)

In my case my introduction post was ignored totally haha. Looks like I am few days to completing my anniversary here on steem.
Early on, I had this hope that I would be popular some day. Now I am more than happy because I have a hobby because of steem and popularity is a fiction of my imagination too. So doesn't really matter LOL.

Whats up with this spammers XD. Are you creating all of these accounts?

In my case my introduction post was ignored totally haha.

Well, you didn't post a picture of you, a beautiful young girl in a miniskirt with big boobs. That's the only way to get tons and tons of upvotes with minimal effort. Although I didn't find your introduction post so I can't be sure.

Whats up with this spammers XD. Are you creating all of these accounts?

I swear I didn't do that! I swear! You should know as I'm the product of your imagination! You know what I did today so there you have it!

Well, you see, boobs are my finest creations!

How could I forget them. Thanks for the reminder!

Ahh, so much to process and now the spammers have returned in droves and we have to find out what's up with that. (I do track mentions, at least I try to, though only through partiko, 'cause that gosh-darned Steampeek doesn't have an option)

But never mind that, let's get back to the questions:

  1. I'm mostly managing my resources pretty well -- when I run out it's a sign that I should probably log off and do something else :)
  2. Yep, it's a meagre investment, but around half of my current Steem was bought directly.
  3. Well my intro post has been what seems like ages ago, but the it's fair to say that it didn't get me any attention.
  4. I don't really post that much, but I do get more attention these days. Not much spam, though that might be changing?
  5. / 6. In the Steempeak interface that I use regularly I just automatically click on the Feed button, I uh, don't pay much attention to Trending\New tabs specifically. I have a set of tags and curators to follow and I mostly check there.
  6. (gosh darn it, auto formatting and your dogmatic insistence on list oredering!)
  7. A few more project introduction pages than personal introduction pages these days, it seems?
  8. I frankly have no idea, that's probably something that only our resident STEEM stats folks could answer.
  9. Not really, the only commentless upvotes I got are presumably from a contest. I've barely gotten any attention in the pre-HF20 days, so I can't say.
  10. Yeah... A bit. But then my personal circle isn't that wide. I've managed to direct a few sympathetic strangers towards the platform a while back, but I don't know how they fared.
  11. Just a general "No" on that one.
  12. It's the only social site that I can bare to spend time on but the lengthy explanation on that topic is in my intro post which I've linked above, so I'll just bow out here :p

Let's get reporting

Thank you for your answers!

Intro posts that don't have mentions of pets or pictures of the writer tend to get less attention. And that's a bit sad for those who do not want to publish their photo or don't see the point in telling about family, work, school or any personal info.

I think it's nice to chat about pets and ordinary stuff, but what really is more interesting is what each one of us have inside our heads. Thoughts. And of course that eye catcher: photo.

But fortunately you can shine after introduction post so all was not lost. :)

I thinks as there are less people now for various reasons, it is easier to get attention. Which is a good thing!

A few more project introduction pages

I noticed that too. Not necessarily a bad thing.

It's the only social site that I can bare to spend time

Same thing here.

the spammers have returned

They always eventually find ways to spam some.

Perfect examples. Thank you wivelegeboeing, allianzranked, malborooccur, acceptremove, ownaperture.

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