Documenting my wall before HF19 goes into effect tomorrow at 11am

in #hardfork7 years ago

@timcliff posted a neat little writeup of HF19 from his perspective a couple of days ago. One of the things that I missed was that it's going to take effect immediately. While the 4x vote power stuff isn't immediate the changes to the reward calc are retroactive for everything in the reward cue.

So, all your shit's about to change. Mine too. That's why I wanted a little record of where my wall was before the change happened. So, here's a 5 min video that shows some of my posts, their value and some degree of whale balls that uplifted them. We'll see what the new value is soon.

Then we'll also see what happens when the first King post goes live. I'm betting it touches 10k. The logic that the shrunk incentive will shrink the boosting is countered by the fact that the shrunk incentive makes it more imporant to get a bot and keep your few big votes on the handful of mega posters that are gonna moon. We'll see.

I'm going to bed. We'll see what craziness or calm exists tomorrow.


Not sure what tomorrow means...But I know this!!!


Unfortunately I can't add the memes with my broke ass phone but damn son ! I guess i can afford new one 😂
amazing post!
This is ridiculous!!!HF 19 is the best thing that happened to steemians yet...
I'm screaming like a little girl!
I even made $80 on 1 comment recently!

Great post @aggroed

All I can say is I am glad that $$ is not the reason why I am here!!! that is just a bonus for trying to help people out,kinda like a tip. Not guaranteed !!
I think to much focus is on the $$$, and that a lot of people want to get rich quick...they could careless about other people!
the GREED is good syndrome!


Always good to see you on my wall Jesse

thank you!
I Really enjoy your post,articles!
I hope to help as many people as you do, or have, in the future! ..if they do not shoot me or lock me up first

I agree with you @jesse2you.

Sick just starting getting comfortable with how steemit works and now I've got to figure it all out again tomorrow

you are the best one who I followed here
best of luck to u

High praise! Thank you. Namaste.

you are welcome man
but I'm the one who would like to say thank you

Its going to be insane and very chaotic tomm, Get ready steemians! lol

popcorn - check
day off - check
six pack - check
snacks - check
hot tub - check

yeah... think im ready !
Bring it on !!

I knew you were OG when you tossed in the hot tub. You know how to party.

I got my vodka bottle ready haha

someone get this man a beer- oh, wait..............

Man it feels like all my post for the last week are going into a lottery, here's hoping I come out a winner! :-)


I will always upvote Riker.

My sentiments exactly, though w/Data

It will be exciting for sure, it is my first hard fork as well!

Be interesting to see how these changes end up, I will be waiting for your update, cheers @aggroed and thanks.

Such great information that everyone needs to look at! I'll be interested to see how everyone reacts tomorrow, especially the whales. Your posts always have the best content :)

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