HappyChallenge - Happy family time

Happy family time

This weekend I spent most of my time with family and relatives.20170813_131728.jpg
Here in the picture I am with my nephew at a walk through the grandparents' garden and in the back there is a stork with ostrich.
I was pleasantly surprised to find such animals.
Here are some pictures of where we walked.
A pool in the mountains in an area with clean air.
Here I try to cover as many places as possible.
A small waterfall where people enjoy water and fresh air. It was a wonderful weekend, I can hardly wait for the next to come.
The location is here: https://www.google.ro/maps/place/La+Cascada+-+Domeniul+Girbea/@45.3864563,26.1719815,16.25z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x40b3998338ed3e0d:0x2b7786178a53d7e0!2sB%C3%A2sca+Chiojdului+127171!3b1!8m2!3d45.3762291!4d26.1755232!3m4!1s0x0:0x61bf8fe1bb366350!8m2!3d45.3908971!4d26.1718208?hl=en
Website: http://domeniulgirbea.ro/
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Created on 20170814


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