Castlevania lord of shadow game guides

in #happy7 years ago (edited)

Hello guy This walkthrough is will help
This FAQ is intended for new players, and intermediate players who still have trouble making builds. If the concepts described here seem to elemental or conventional for you, then you should start spicing things up by getting creative and making unconventional combinations :). You can also just check the APENDIX section to watch seasoned players from Demon souls giving advice and insight into advanced techniques. The FAQ just covers the fundamentals, and doesn't delve into specific gear.

Chapter I:
Part I: Besieged Village (Los 1-1)

Victory is the natural objective for every creature on this world."

We begin the game with the great Patrick Stewart telling us that we are
witnessing the end of mankind, then view a cut scene of Gabriel approaching
a village on horseback. It appears that the village is evacuating, but a
number of men stay behind to defend their homes. Well, there's a fine line
between courage and foolhardiness. Soon a few werewolves appear over the gate.

This first area is a tutorial (and also the first part of the demo off of the
PSN). The first wave will show you the difference between direct attacks with
the square button and area attacks with the triangle button. The next werewolf
will give you your first sub-weapon, the daggers (which werewolves are very
weak against). Go ahead and try out the dagger while taking care of the next
wave, where you will learn how to grab enemies.

The next wave you will kill for experience, which you can use to buy new
skills in your travel book. The travel book is a useful tool indeed, as it
can explain any of your abilities, let you upgrade and buy new abilities,
and keeps track of Castlevania's lore, people, and items.

For now, buy the skill Guillotine like they tell you to in order to earn a new
ability and the game's first trophy: "Welcome to the Club". You can also
check out the travel book now to see what it has to offer. Basically, all we
have now is the direct and area attack combo's, plus the rising strike and
rising assault, which lets us pop smaller enemies up into the air. You can
also learn about Gabriel's past, dark moods, childhood sweetheart Marie, and
how he ended up at the Brotherhood of Light's doorstep. Castlevania fans will
also note the name "Cronqvist" (from Lament of Innocence).

After taking care of the remaining werewolves, you'll encounter your first
warg. Quickly tap the displayed button to get him off of you, and you'll soon
learn how to block and dodge (and the quick recovery if you get hit). Time
to confront this level's boss.


BOSS: Greater Warg
Difficulty: 1/10


Use the blocking and dodging skill you just learned to protect yourself from
the warg. You can get in several hits before dodging away. Keep attacking the
creature and soon you'll kill it and learn how to interact with
items in a kick-ass cut scene.

Afterwards, Gabriel will introduce himself, and leave to find the guardian of
lake through the nearby forest. Poor horse. And so, Belmont will continue on

You will now learn about the world map, as you can revisit levels throughout
the game and accomplish trials in them. For example, you can complete the
first trial in Part I by defeating the Greater Warg with at least one
surviving villager.

Part II: Hunting Path (Los 1-2)

"What motivates a man to confront the challenges that most of us run from?
... The answer, is love."

We are now in the middle of the woods, as Gabriel wakes up meets a strange
horse thing. Kind of weird, but I guess it beats fighting wargs throughout
the forest. You'll get a quick tutorial on how to ride the horse and how to
attack from it. Go ahead and use triangle to kill off the werewolves and then
square to take down the wargs, pressing R2 to finish off the wargs. If you get
hit, you'll have to press the lining-up circles to stay on your mount. You'll
also unlock Marie's profile in the travel book, learning that she was
Gabriel's wife and was murdered.

Gabriel will then get hit by a branch and you'll learn how to counter-attack,
a very useful skill indeed, but requires precise timing. Since you can use it
in the middle of a combo, it's ideal for taking out enemies while laying on an
attack. Make sure to check out the knight to your south for a ::[Life Gem]::,
as you can miss it easily if you kill the werewolves too quickly. After
another kick ass cut scene, Gabriel will be back on the horse.

After two more warg riders, Gabriel will finally be knocked off, and forced to
fight another greater warg accompanied by several werewolves. The greater
warg is no different than the one from the besieged village, only it doesn't
have a life bar this time. Use the nearby health font if you need to and take
it out to finish the level.

Part III: The Dead Bog (LoS 1-3)

"Nothing will stop him... nothing will stand in his way."

No intro cut scene here, head down the path and examine the knight's corpse
for a ::[LIFE GEM]::. Collect five to increase your max health. The next
knight has a scroll which will tell you to wait for the bubbles to pass lest
the bog monsters get you. Past the second knight is a dead end, so jump onto
the nearby ledge to learn how to grab onto ledges and move across them.

After another great cut scene (man, this game has good cut scene's), you'll
then have to fight some goblins. Quickly throw the bomb back and use whatever
attacks you wish to take out the little creatures as they aren't too hard.
You'll soon unlock two new monster entries.

Now we have to cross the bog, so as the scroll told us, wait for the bubbles
to die down. You can only cross certain parts of the bog, as the rest is
poisoned, and it's extremely slow going, so time your passing over the bubbles
well. From the island, you can go left towards the health, or right up the
stairs. I recommend taking both paths, as we can find goodies on either side,
or you could revisit the level, trying out a different path each time.

Left Path:

Here you'll find more goblins to kill, so dispose of them. Here, jump past
the log to your right and go down the first bog path to reach a knight with a
::[LIFE GEM]::. From here you can move left to cross some more bogs and
another goblin camp, or right to intersect to the cave portion of the right
path. Either way, keep going to drop down a cliff and continue on the paths
merge section.

Right Path:

The right path is the logical choice, as it takes you away from the bubbles.
Head up the stairs and down the ledge to eventually find a big drop which has
a cave to your right. You can find a ::[LIFE GEM]:: on the knight in the cave,
but you'll have to fight off a few goblins to claim it. Keep heading onward
past the short bog sections to come to another goblin camp. Dispose of them
however you see fit and jump down the cliff to the paths merge section.

Paths Merge:

Jump down the ledge to reach another goblin camp, where you will learn to
grab the goblins to make them give up a grenade. Use the grenades to throw
at the tree, making a new path. Check out the knight to your left for another
scroll, telling of a relic which will help out Gabriel, and to hear yet
another name that Castlevania fans will know, Rinaldo Gandolfi (yet again,
Gandolfi from Castlevania: Lament of Innocence).

Keep heading down the bog for the most challenging portion yet, with no less
then four bubble sections. Time your movements accordingly, going around the
mud if you must, but don't take too long as you can actually sink too far
into the mud. Keep going along the stairs and expect some goblins to ambush
you from the bushes. You'll soon come to yet another split in the road.

Keep heading down the path and you'll find more goblins as well as a life
font if you need it.

Head up the stairs for now to reach the mausoleum the knight's scroll told you
about. Go around the side of it and use the ledges to find your way inside.
Here you will obtain the grip hook, which turns the combat cross into a
grappling hook. You can use your new-found hook at predetermined grip points.
Go ahead and use it to get out of the mausoleum.

Now you'll finally meet the monster that has been stalking you, the swamp
troll. He is resistant to daggers a little, as shown by his bestiary page.
You'll also learn to jump above the ground pounds that the enemy does, but
keep in mind that you can also just outrun them, as their range is limited.


BOSS: Swamp Troll
Difficulty: 3/10


The beast acts as a boss for the chapter, and is somewhat aggressive as he
will pick up gravestones to try and smack you with and will charge at you.
He'll also do ground-pounds occasionally. Use the ground pounds to jump and
attack him with guillotine and side step his charges to have a good period of
time to smack him, as he leaves himself very open. Only use a few quick hits
at a time to play it safe, or use counterattacks to lay into him.

After awhile, he will start to glow, so get close to him and hit R2 to finish
him off. You'll have to go through a few timed button presses and then jam
on a button to put him away.

Afterwards open the nearby ::[BROTHERHOOD ARK]:: to upgrade how many daggers
you can carry to 10, and grip the tree nearby. You'll find a health font to
the west, down the path, if you need it. Head down the stairs for one of the
game's breathtaking landscapes. Follow the on-screen instructions to learn how
to use the grappling hook and edge-hanging to platform in the game. You'll
also see a dead knight under the third set of stairs, so get to him before you
grapple down for another ::[LIFE GEM]::. Continue following instructions to
finish the level.

Part IV: Pan's Temple (LoS 1-4)

" The amulet senses its master... "

Even though we apparently entered a temple, we find ourselves back outside.
Examine the nearby carving to have it light up on the amulet, as you can see
on the new HUD display on the right of our screen. Looks like we need to find
four more carvings.

Head down the beautiful forest path to find another one on your right. You'll
find the laments of another knight nearby, explaining the usefulness of life
gems and how he senses one nearby.

Go down to the creek and up to the right side of the screen to find the third
carving. Continue further past the carving (to the right side of the screen)
to find a nice little area with another ::[LIFE GEM]:: for us. Head back out
and go further down the path for the fourth carving. Keep going down the path
and in front of the tree you'll find a dying knight's last words. Head into
the tree to see a ::[BROTHERHOOD ARK]:: that the game tells you to come back
for once your skills are improved. We need to come back here after finishing
Chapter VIII, for a Holy Water upgrade, but I'll remind you later on (aren't I

You'll find the last carving further on to your right, so go to the green glow
and use pan's amulet. Here, you'll have to match the runes in the order that's
displayed on your HUD, and the path will open up. Head up the path to reach a
cut scene.

Here Gabriel will talk to the guardian of the lake of oblivion, where the
living may commune with the dead. Gabriel will tell the guardian of his and
his brotherhood's views on what is happening in the world, and ask the
guardian to help him. Apparently the heaven's are now isolated from the

You'll now have to complete a puzzle to reach Marie before she is taken. You
can also view your travel log to see that you'll get 200 experience for
completing the puzzle, or you can unlock it and get no experience. But we
might as well do it ourselves:

First, turn the outer ring counter-clockwise.

Second, turn the inner ring counter-clockwise.

Thirdly, turn the middle ring clockwise.

Fourth, turn the outer ring counter-clockwise.

Lastly, turn the inner ring counter-clockwise.

After the puzzle, view the scenes and continue to complete the level.

Here's another five-move way to solve the puzzle:

[TIP SUBMITTED BY: Daniel Weissenberger]

Only moving the pieces clockwise, you just have to turn the middle ring
once, the inner ring twice, and then the outer ring twice. Fast and easy.

(It gets the job done without worrying about changing directions. Thanks
Daniel! ~ BK)


Part V: Oblivion Lake (LoS 1-5)

" A chill wind blows through his heart; I can see it. Feel it! "

Go down the path to come to a gorgeous frozen lake and the knight nearby to
claim another ::[LIFE GEM]::. Isn't it awesome how the snow sticks to the
screen? Jump onto the lake to view a cut scene.


BOSS: Ice Titan
Difficulty: 5/10


You'll now be free with the ice titan, and unlock a new bestiary page. Dodge
the titan's ice spikes that he shoots toward you and run up to him. He will
sometimes encase the area around you in ice, but just smack it to set yourself

Wait until the titan smashes his fist into the ice, and jump up and grab him
on the highlighted part of his arm. Be careful to grip him to hold on when he
tries to shake you off. Climb up his left hand and find the rune, then press
square as much as you can to destroy it. The titan will attempt to crush you,
so dodge to the left and grapple onto his other hand's wrist, then onto his
neck directly afterwards.

From here shimmy yourself to the left, grabbing on when you need to, to find
the next rune and destroy it. He may try and grab you when your up here, but
just grab-jump (hold and press right and x) to avoid him. After you destroy it
you can grab onto his chin and swing around to get to his back. You'll see the
next rune below you, so go down to it and start hitting it until you see the
camera pan upwards. This means he's about to try and swat you off his back,
but just move down below the rune and chill out there as he can't reach you.
Go down as far as you can, then go back up and finish off his back rune.

Now, you must climb up his back and up to his head, circling around his head
when you can to find another rune on the right side. Go to it and hit it, but
watch out as he'll try to smack you, so quickly jump to the left to avoid him.
After hitting it, you'll see a final cut scene, ending the level.

Chapter II:

Part I: Enchanted Forest (LoS 2-1)

"Perhaps he is the one, a warrior of pure heart who can deliver us from all
evil... perhaps."

Head down the path and down the cliff to find a grappling point. Grapple
downwards until you can see another grappling point off to your left. Use it
to grapple down the other side and find a knight with a scroll nearby, who
states that his comrade went ahead for supplies and has a gem.

Down in the river you can find a hidden grotto behind the waterfall, but the
seal there tells us we need shadow magic to make it work, so we'll have to
come back later (there is a ::[BROTHERHOOD ARK]:: here with a dagger power

Keep going through the level and you'll meet a werewolf further down the path.
Take him out to learn about neutral orbs and how to absorb them. Thanks to the
device that Zobrek gave you, you can now use light magic, which lets you heal
yourself with each hit by turning it on and off with L1. Awesome. You'll also
get a couple of buyable new moves based off of light magic. You also have a
light gem medallion so you can upgrade your light magic capacity by finding
light gems.

You'll also learn about magic fountains further down, where you can fill your
magic up. Keep heading down the path and take out the werewolves until you
find the path split.

Right Path:

As you make your way along the right path you'll see some water down below
you. Drop into it and you'll fight some goblins. Further down the waterway
you'll find a corpse and a ::[LIGHT MAGIC GEM]::.

Back at the main path you'll see a tree across from you. Grapple it and
pull it down a bit. swing across and grapple to the ledge above. From here
the path will merge with the other.

The boss has a short range fire shockwave, as well as standard sword swipes.
He can also extend his sword much like your whip at times, and also uses a
unique looking move to decimate things in front of him.

Stay on the move and use whatever exploding daggers you have, then take quick
hits. When he uses a big move, I recommend using the upgraded guillotine, as
even if he blocks the big attack, the second one will make him pay, and you
can use it easily while staying on the move directly afterwards. Dodge when
you have to.

After a while you'll stun him, and can grapple him to pull off some armor.
His shock wave range will also increase, so be careful. After another stun
animation, he will start to make liquid slime move towards you, which will
freeze you in place if it catchs you. If. Who am I kidding, it probably will,
since he summons it so much. He'll even put two of them out there, so it's not
safe to use any time consuming moves now, but they'll dissapate after awhile
and you can still run and put in some quick hits.

You can also kill the slime creatures with chain saw move, which I started
using to damage the knight and kill the creatures at the same time. Put on
shadow or light magic to do a lot of damage or healing respectively. After the
next event, the knight will have no body armor.

If you do have the time and can line it up right, guillotine's floor move
can kill those slimes as well, just make sure you line it up right or your
a sitting duck. Keep at it and soon you can take off the knight's helm,
ending chapter II and giving you a dark gauntlet, but costing you a friend.

[TIP SUBMITTED BY: Shuo Ragnarok]

BkStunt, this is Shuo Ragnarok of the GFAQS boards. I read a bit on your FAQ
and just wanted to submit a little tip for the Black Knight boss.

The Direct Heavy Combo (upgraded at least once) makes the 2nd half of the
fight a cakewalk. Once he raises his sword in preparation for the Slime Summon
move, that's when you start hammering him with the DHC. Not only will you
destroy the slime as soon as it's summoned, but you'll also score alot of free
hits on the Knight, since it takes him a bit of time to recover from doing the
summon move, and the DHC is quite effective at boosting your Focus Gauge.
Also, there's a pretty clear indication of when he's about to use his
flame-wave move (where he launches five waves of fire in front of him, which
is probably his most damaging move). He'll usually start by bringing his left
arm back. DO NOT DODGE until his arm is all the way back, otherwise if you
dodge too soon or right before he begins the attack animation, you're almost
guaranteed to take the hit.

(Thanks alot Shuo, the DHC really does punish the knight a ton while taking
care of the slimes.)


You can now also get a dagger upgrade from Chapter II Part V: Agharta.

Chapter III:

Part I: The Three Towers (LoS 3-1)

"Most would abandon the quest, but something deep inside forces him ever

Use your new toy to punch the statue forward and create a path by hitting L2
and square. Now turn on the shadow magic and punch it through the wall. Take
care of the werewolves outside and use the magic font to the south if you
wish, then punch the statue one more time to make a grappling point.

Down the path past the arch and to the south is a crystal point if you need
one. Go north and jump to the next bit of land to find a knight and his
scroll. The next bit of land is a big jump, so grab on when you leap. You'll
also see a ::[BROTHERHOOD ARK]:: that looks like it's quite a jump away. Looks
like we'll have to come back for that. (You'll need the boots that you get
after Chapter III Part II. You'll get a Fairy upgrade.).

Keep moving around the structure, and then use the grappling hook to kick off
to the next one. Move up the ledge and kick off to the higher ledge on your
left, where you can use the grappling hook to get back onto land.

Here you'll have to take on quite a few waves of lesser werewolves, but
after awhile, a strange green creature will show up to help you. It's the
fairies, similar to the one's that you met in the forest. They basically
stun the enemy so you can hurt them, very helpful! Afterwards, they will
give you a fairy container, and you are told to look for them in the tower.

After the fight, check out the knight in the lower east corner, who dies
happily knowing the cake is not a lie (Portal much, anyone??). Further in, you
will find another knight who has a ::[SHADOW MAGIC GEM]::, as well as a magic
font and a destructible wall to the west. Use the wall and jump up the ledges
to view a spectacular background, as well as the ::[LIGHT MAGIC GEM]:: the
knight has past the grappling point.

Go back and use the lever to get into the tower, where you will find a few
werewolves and a door that requires three fairies to open (that you have to
find). Go to the left to find a warg that you can tame, once you have him
mounted, go back through the central area and to the right, going down the
left hand path to find some vines for him to climb.

Use the warg up here to jump the gap on the upper right path and take down
all the werewolves, including a greater one. Sweet. Kill him off and use the
nearby lever to open the door, which stays open. In here, put on light magic
and touch the first rune, then shadow magic and touch the last two. This
will solve a puzzle and give you 300 experience. You can also go back and
check that knight we passed for a ::[SHADOW MAGIC GEM]::. There's also a
health font to the left of the hallway where the knight is, if you need it.

Now swing past the huge statue using the three grappling hooks, and go into
the next area. Here all you'll find is a bunch of pots and a lever stick. Put
the lever stick into the nearby lever and start to use it, and a greater
werewolf will spawn. Bah, take him out. I recommend the shadow magic
chain saw technique, man that's powerful. Go back to opening the gate, then
take the lever and go back to the right side and open that gate in there.

Use this door first, and go outside to start to climb up the tower. Jump to
your right and keep climbing up the tower to reach the top, where you can find
one fairy stone. Just two more to go. Go back to the first gate you opened
and use the grappling hook there to reach the base of another tower. Use the
grappling hook and ledges you find to ascend it, being rewarded with another
fairy stone at the top. Also be sure to grab the ::[LIFE GEM]:: just south of
the fairy stone, you can grab it before the fairy stone in fact (I just
happened to get it afterwards). Go back to the stone and go down the glowing
ledge to the right.

Keep going down until you hit the second grappling hook, then go up to grab
the ledge. You must've seen the glowing knight, so shimmy to the left and go
inspect him for a ::[SHADOW MAGIC GEM]::. Keep going down and you'll end up
back by the first dead knight. Now go back to the puzzle room and use the
grappling hook to the left to jump out of the tower, then quickly use the
upper hook to scale the building where you'll find the last fairy stone, a
knight with a scroll, and a magic font. Go back to the fairy door to finally
get it open and end the level.

Now, on your way back to the fairy door, depening on how you choose to get
there (there are a couple paths) could mean some more fighting, as Paul
DiCocco points out:


Hiya bud,

OK, here's something that's not in your walkthrough which I found:

Under Chapter 3, Part I: The Three Towers ---> Before the very last sentence
"go back to the faerie door"

En route to the faerie door, I used the grapple point next to the knight and
health font. I grappled alllll the way down and wound up towards the
beginning of the level. When you approach the turn crank that opens the 2
iron-gated doors, you're greeted by three Greater Werewolves. Defeat them,
then approach the upper right part of the screen to break down the wall there,
exposing a few ledges. Jump up the ledges and crawl through a small opening
which will put you back into the room with the Faerie Door that you have to
open with the 3 faeries.

Go ahead and verify this if you can :). It's a nice addition, I think.


(Paul is very right here, if you go that way a second time, those werewolves
WILL destroy the crank and force you to use the ledge on the right after you
pull it down.

Here's another interesting tidbit I found, if you let them, those werewolves
will actually destroy the crank on your FIRST pass through there too!

Thanks a ton Paul, that definitely needed pointing out! ~ BK )


Part II: The Dark Lord of the Lycans (LoS 3-2)

"I fear he will suffer more than he knows once he discovers the truth..."

Are you ready for a boss fight? Use the health and magic font's and jump into
the arena ahead.

The dark lord of the lycan's (werewolves, same thing..) will have a little
chat with you first, telling you how your order came to be. Those three strong
warrior who founded the brotherhood wanted nothing more than to assist God in
bringing down the devil, and so fought tirelessly, eventually finding places
on earth that were so strong with God's light that they used that power to
ascend into the heavens. However, they left their mortal shell's full of their
inner darkness, as they became beings of light, and you are about to fight one
of them now.


BOSS: Cornell
Difficulty: 4/10


You can now read the bestiary entry about Cornell, which is quite interesting
and sums up the previous cut scene quite well. You can also find out that, to
no one's surprise, the werewolf lord is weak to silver.

Keep on the move as you learn his attacks. You'll see he can dash at you, but
will never connect if your on the move. He can also enchant his hammer and
spin the head around. Oh, and the standard boss ground-pound, of course. Use
some hard direct combo's when he dashes at you and misses, and the upgraded
guillotine when he does his ground pound, and he'll soon push up daisies.

Honestly not very hard for a dark lor... uh oh...


Boss: Lycanthrope Dark Lord
Difficulty: 7/10


You had to fight him on a full moon, didn't you? Well, start running circles
to check out his attacks. He's also got a second bestiary entry.

He'll try to catch you with a super fast dash attack, as well as some standard
swipes and a much much larger ground pound. He'll miss the dash attacks as
long as you have some distance, so you can get in a couple quick hits there.
The ground pound is time to use a guillotine, upgraded if you can pull it off.
Try and get in the full five hits when he dashes by you, as sometimes he'll
try and evade, which may make you miss the fourth hit, but get him with the

This helps A TON, as it also knocks him down, so try and nail him with it.
Once you do, put in a shadow magic chain saw for good measure as he's getting
up. Once you defeat his first life bar, he'll send his power into the statues
surrounding the arena. Go around and smack them to break them. They are easy
to break at first, but soon take more and more hits, all the time while
Cornell is trying to smack you. Well, at least he can't dash anymore!

This may take a few tries, but focus on the statues and dodge Cornell and
soon you'll break them all, leading to the ending cut scene, so nail those
timed button presses and destroy Cornell once and for all.

Here's a tip from a reader about killing off the statues in the third phase,
on Paladin difficulty!

[TIP SUBMITTED BY: Arctica_Keeper]

Hey there,

Great FAQ you've created. Here's a tip that has helped me when I went up
against Cornell in the third fight phase on Paladin, and that is to use the
holy water flask on the statues. It does either enough damage to destroy 1 - 3
statues or critical damage so that you can hit it once or twice with you whip.
It also stuns Cornell a bit if he's caught in the AoE.

(BK: Just tried this out myself, it IS good! Save it for the last half of the
battle though, as the first few statues are easy to destroy with a couple whip
hits. Thanks Arctica!)


You'll gain the Cyclone Boots after the fight and a host of new combat moves.
I'm a big fan of sprinting, so this is awesome. Use the boots to sprint and
jump over the gap, to meet Pan up the ledges, who will carry you to the next

You can now get a fairy upgrade in Chapter II Part III by using the shoulder
charge against the weak wall (past the cut scene where you see a troll get
taken by a greater werewolf). You can also get a fairy upgrade in Chapter III
Part I.

Chapter IV:

Part I: Mountain Fortress (LoS 4-1)

"Such a pity that the brotherhood of light... should also be the reason
why the world is in such chaos."

Pan will drop you off on top of a mountain, since a witch stops him from
going any further. Go down the mountain path and you'll see a beautiful
cut scene showing a pan of the area. Refill your magic here and check the
knight for a scroll. You'll also notice that Gabriel moves noticeably faster
than before. Huh. Use the shoulder charge technique to break down the door
and take the right path to find a ::[LIFE GEM]:: on the knight.

Take the left path to find a place to shimmy across to the other side of the
structure, where you'll find several small trolls ready to taste your whip.
Now get a running start and jump across the gap. Use the shoulder charge on
the wall to the right to find a ::[SHADOW MAGIC GEM]:: on the knight nearby.
Now go left and use the grappling hook to climb up to another grappling hook.
Here you can find a crystal spot as well as a ::[LIGHT MAGIC GEM]:: on the
knight. Continue to the next area. Wow, look at those mountains in the
background, that's one of the prettiest gaming landscapes I've ever seen.

Continue up the road and sprint jump past the gap to find a knight with
another scroll, telling you about a bird creature guarding the top of this
place. Great. Should be easier than Cornell, though, right? Jump up the ledge
to the left and grapple further upwards, using the ledges and one final
grapple point to reach an outcrop. Here you'll see the ogre come check you out
while you fight small trolls. He wants at you, though, and will pound on the
walls. Stay to the right side, as the left will soon crumble and fall. The
barrier will fall down to, letting you jump to the right and use the grapple
to get to a new area.

Here, the Ogre's hand will break through the wall, and try to find you. Use
some hard combo's to take down his life bar. Yes, the hand has a life bar.
It's not quite boss worthy, though, and the hand will withdraw after taking
enough punishment.

Continue on and soon you'll have to face the beast itself.


BOSS: Ogre
Difficulty: 3/10


For the first part of the fight, the Ogre will simply try to smash you, so
dodge and lay into his arm. Feel free to use magics as a magic font is nearby
to the left. His health will then turn grey and he'll use his hand to pound
at you now. Dodge it and grapple his hand and press at the right time to turn
the beast into a cyclops.

Now the beast will rub his missing eye occasionally and try to hit you with
a rock. Move close to him and do some hard direct combo's, as you can actually
hit him from the wall. Soon he'll pound his fist again and you can grapple it
again. Do a few more button presses to blind the beast.

Now the thing is trying to smell you! Ha ha, he doesn't give up does he?
He's actually somewhat dangerous now, as he will do four to five quick hits
at you and then stop and scream at you. Dodge his hits and get him to scream
at you while he is facing towards the center of the area, so his head is
directly above the sharp looking monolith thing. Now grapple his tongue and
end the beast.

Move onward past the beast to find a large gap in the floor. You can fall down
this gap to examine the brotherhood knight and his scroll if you wish. Further
on ahead is a statue that you can punch with your gauntlet which leads to a
fairy stone and a knight with a ::[LIGHT MAGIC GEM]::. Keep going down the
main path to see another wheel mechanism that you can't use yet until you
upgrade the cross (Behind it is a ::[BROTHERHOOD ARK]:: with a Fairy upgrade.
Don't worry, I'll tell you when to come back!).

Keep going to enter a courtyard full of small trolls. Take the little buggers
out until the big one appears, then hurt him a bit until you can mount him.
Use him to brake open the iron gate to start a cutscene which shows you that
the trolls are afraid of whatever lies ahead. Bah, trolls are always afraid...

Keep going up the stairs for now, even if you want explore the portion to your
right. Soon you'll meet a chupacabra, who likes to play games with people, as
he'll take your relics and want to play hide and go seek. Now go climb up that
section down the stairs, and you'll come to another wide open section. Go
around to the left and scale the wall section, jumping to the scaffolding
to your right. Jump on the boards to the north and work your way up to the
support beam, now you can finally grapple to a new part. Fall down here to
get to the chupacabra and get all your stuff back. Dumb thing...

Keep going up the stairs and break into the castle doors, ending the

Part II: The Crow Witch (LoS 4-2)

"Pity is not something he can feel anymore..."

Now that we're in the fortress, move forward and check out the knight for a
scroll. Up the steps to the right is another knight with a ::[LIGHT MAGIC
GEM]:: for your pleasure. There's not much more to do here, so go to the left
hand side of the area and go through the broken stained glass to get outside.

Here, head down the stones and jump down below to another ledge. Grab the
ledge to your right and grapple the wood to reach a cave. Drop down here to
fight some trolls and pick up the ::[SHADOW MAGIC GEM]:: from the dead knight.
Now you can use the left exit and break through the door (Shadow Magic, L2 +
L) and you'll end up in the beginning area. Now you can continue out the
window and go up.

Go up the stones and grapple up the side of the building to reach the ledge.
Jump up the next ledge and grapple up further. Use the next ledge to shimmy
left and crawl onto the eagle, then pull yourself up. Grapple here and move
up to the glass. Oh, time to break some glass!

Move forward in this area and watch some magic turn some nearby drapes into an
enemy! This bad boy is a swordmaster, and shows up wherever foul magic is
around. He has a fast dashing attack and can block, but other than that isn't
too hard. You can grapple him to finish him off, and you don't even have to do
any button presses!

After the first one dies, two more will appear. Use your direct heavy combo's
to deal with them easily, leading to a cut scene which shows the crow flock
flying through the place. These crows break the door nearby, so head up the
stairs and grapple to the next floor.

Here you'll have a somewhat challenging fight against three swordmasters. Not
quite as bad as three greater werewolves, but challenging. The will use a
sword energy projectile attack, which you can dodge fairly easily, and they
will even occasionally use a ground pound. But they'll also electrify their
swords and stick it into the water on the ground, which makes half the arena
dangerous as it will electrocute you, so either fight in the middle on dry
land, or back where you started where it's all dry.

Afterwards, you can climb the nearby stairs to see a ::[BROTHERHOOD ARK]::
that is inaccessible right now, so just go in-between the eagle statues on the
left to find a grapple point to climb, using the ledges to pull yourself up.
We can come back here after the end of Chapter VIII when we have the Seraph
Shoulders and do a running double jump to get a Holy Water upgrade.

Up on top of the second floor to your left is a health font (around the
balcony), and to your right and outdoors is a magic font, as well as a knight
with a ::[LIFE GEM]::. Use the nearby ledges to ascend upwards. You'll have to
jump over to new one's from time to time, but keep looking for upwards ledges
and you'll climb the tower.

Up here, you'll reach a wide open area, and of course meet the boss of this


BOSS: Crow Witch Malphas
Difficulty: 5/10


The dead knight nearby gives you a scroll that basically explains your
objective here: throw the eggs back at Malphas. As you'll soon see, Malphas
will throw eggs at you that hatch into weird bird type creatures who will try
to melee you and who can breath fire and have a nasty dash attack. These
creatures are called witch children, and you can wear them down and grab them
when they are flashing to break their necks. You can also get orbs off of them
if you need to. When you break their necks, try to throw them at any other
children nearby, as they explode on impact. If you're really having trouble
with the bird children, Alexandre gives you this piece of advice:

[TIP SUMBITTED BY: Alexandre ]

You just have to jump, grapple them up and air-combo them! As odd as it comes,
these birds are quite helpless in the air. (Divide and conquer, I like it.


Aside from that, Malphas will try and hit you with the crows, which is easy to
dodge, and will also scream at you. If you're caught in the waves on the
ground, you will have to mash a button to get free (this obviously leaves you
open to her children's attacks). Keep chucking back her eggs at her to whittle
down her health. After about the third one, you can run up to her and grapple
onto her, leading to a short cut scene where you need to mash on a particular
button to make her crash down to the ground. Use this time to smack her a few
times, before she gets back up.

Once she gets back up, just keep doing what you've been doing, as the next egg
you throw back will let you grapple her again. Do the button push thing again
and then when she's down on the ground, turn on your shadow magic and lay into
her until it let's you grapple again. Grapple her and button mash one more
time until Gabriel rips her head off.

After the fight, the fortress will start to crumble, and Pan appears and
whisk's you to safety. Good thing he's always around, huh? Onto Chapter V.

Chapter V:

Part I: Veros Woods (LoS 5-1)

"This night a warrior will come. A knight in shining armor with death at
his side..."

And so we go from mountains to another woods place, as Pan saves our ass once
again. We are now on the outskirts of the vampire lands. Move forward to take
out some goblins. To your left is a fairy stone, while further on to the right
is a crumbling wall you can break for a shadow crystal and a knight who is
holding onto a ::[LIFE GEM]::. Ahead is another one of those damned
chupacabra's, who will steal your powers and relics. Bah! And he does it right
in the middle of a goblin camp, meaning you need to kill the goblins without
any of your relics, which isn't too hard as they are only goblins.

Go down the path to the right, as you can hear him taunting you down there.
There's a health font nearby, as well as two more breakable walls that we
can't do anything about for now. Go down the path and you'll wind up in
another goblin camp, where they'll soon break out a warthog. Punish the
warthog until it let's you mount it, then use it to kill the goblins and
break down the door by ramming it.

Use the health if you need to, then read the brother's scroll, which tells
you to use a fairy to distract the chupacabra's. Climb up the nearby ledge
and go left to be able to get on top of the small cliff. The chupacabra is to
your left, but will zap you if you get close, so let out a fairy to distract
him so you can jump over and grab him, getting your stuff back.

You can also grab another scroll and refill your magic nearby in the cave.
You can't go back the way you came, so keep on going to fight some more
goblins and drop down in front of another magic font. There's also a breakable
wall here, with another knight and a scroll shortly after.

If you head up towards the screen, you will come to that first goblin camp
that you lost your powers at. Do so and go down the chupacabra path to break
the dusty wall on your left for another crystal spot and a knight with a
::[LIFE GEM]::. There's one more dusty wall on the right of the chupacabra
path that has another crystal spot and a knight with a ::[SHADOW MAGIC GEM]::.

Head back and keeping going forwards to view a nice panoramic scene of what
must be the vampire's castle. Keep going to finish the section.

Part II: Wygol Village (LoS 5-2)

"The pain is etched on his face still but in his soul only hatred drives him."

We are now in the cold Wygol village. From the start, go down the path and up
the stairs to your left. You can actually break through this wall, and find
a ::[BROTHERHOOD ARK]:: behind it, but you can't reach it yet. Go down the
stairs for a scene. (We can reach this ark after obtaining the Seraph
Shoulders from the end of Chapter VIII, I'll remind you later).

Here we will meet Zobek again, who will tell you of the abbey nearby and the
abbot who has a powerful relic, but may be not right in the head. Soon after,
the graveyard will spit out ghouls.

These things are weak to just about everything, and you have Zobek helping
you fight for now. Kill the ghouls nearby, and then grapple the statue to stop
and have Zobek help you push it down, blocking the ghouls from returning.

However, they will come out of another hole nearby, so kill those ghouls as
well (notice how they regain health by eating corpses?) and then quickly use
your dark gauntlet to punch the statue closer to the hole (hold L2 and hit
square). Now you can pull it down. Take too long and you'll have to kill a
few more ghouls.

Now you have one more hole to block. Kill the ghouls and you'll notice the
statue is too far away to pull down. Instead, go around to the left of the
small room the statue is blocking and break through the dusty wall. Now you
can punch the shadow closer and pull it down when you can. There's also a
magic font here as well as a ::[SHADOW MAGIC GEM]:: on the knight by the gate.

Smash through the gate and use the health font here if you wish. Examine the
knight nearby for another scroll. Enter the mausoleum for a cut scene.

Here you will gain the stake attachment on the combat cross, which as the
travel log states, eventually gave the cross the nickname of "Vampire
Killer" (a nod to the lore of Castlevania).

Now we can finally open up those levers we've been seeing, as you will have
to do to the lever mechanism nearby. Head down the door to end this section.

Feel free to visit the lever sections we've missed up until now, which should
be in Chapter 2 Part VII and Chapter IV Part I.

Part III: Abbey Catacombs (LoS 5-3)

"We delve deep below the Abbey, ready to face the evil confronting us."

With Zobek still by our side, move along the path. Soon you'll see a scene
where a poor monk falls limp at your feet. Vampires! Well, we finally get
to fight some vampires.

Zobek will help you here, so lay down some direct hits and and some guillotine
upgrades to help take them out. When you kill one you can read about them in
the bestiary. Kill the three vampire warriors here with Zobek to get a little
scene showing the lever to the turnstyle nearby. You won't be able to do much
right away though, as three more vampires show up. Dispense them and use the
lever to open up the door. Have Zobek hold it while you go through to the
other side.

In here, punch the statue down to the door you just entered, and then put on
some shadow magic and punch it again to break the door. Now go help out Zobek
for bloody sake! Grab the lever and go into the next room. You'll learn that
you need two keys to get out of her. Put the lever in the right switch and
go through with Zobek for a scene.

In this section, just press the button on the screen until you can hit the
triangle, which will let Zobek move to the next slab. You need to keep
doing this until you are both safe. You'll find a key nearby, so grab it and
head back to the main room. Now open up the western path. Take the lever with
you when you finish, trust me.

In here, Zobek will point out the second key. Use the lever on the device to
the north and have Zobek hold it, then quickly jump on the platform to get
across. Here you can get a ::[LIFE GEM]:: from a knight, who's on the path
south of you, towards the screen. Now grab the gem and open the doors, heading
up the stairs and into the abbey's courtyard to view a quick scene.

You'll see a strange seal on the ground as well as a portal, which takes
you to the seal if you step through it. You can find two knights lying around
as well, one who talks about Gandolfi and another who offers you the answer
to this puzzle. Pfft, you don't need him when you got me! One of the eastern
walls is dusty, so bust through it. Here grab the lever and take it out to the
courtyard. With this lever you can change where you zone in at when you move
through the portal.

But before you use it, kill the vampire warriors and ghouls. Once you do, you
have a limited time to use the device, and when you get it to where you want
it you can press triangle to have Zobek hold it for you.

Ok, to solve the puzzle you want to aim the device south, but before you do
that, aim it north to get to the knight beyond the grate with a ::[LIGHT MAGIC
GEM]::. Use the ledges nearby to escape. You can also aim it east to get to a
knight with a scroll and a health font, if you wish. Now aim it south and
go through the portal to solve the puzzle. Continue onwards to finish this

Part IV: Abbey Library (LoS 5-4)

"The needs of the many outweigh those of the few now."

Head into the building, heading north at the intersection to find a knight
with a ::[LIGHT MAGIC GEM]::. Go back and head into the library proper for a

Of course, the two of you become separated while two gigantic suits of armor
come towards you. You will have to hold them back while Zobek looks for an

These armor's aren't too difficult, they have standard swipe attacks and can
do a ground pound. Just attack them, being careful of the upcoming ground
pounds and use a guillotine when it comes. The books are in the way here, so
get rid of them as well. Don't bother with fairies, as the armor's are immune
to them. Once you hurt them a bit, you can take away their shields. Keep
hitting them and soon you will be able to grab them and tear open the armor,
killing the spirit inside.

Once you kill both of them, Zobek will open the way for you to escape. Search
the nearby knight who will tell you how to solve this room's puzzle. This
first room is easy enough, just punch the mirror forward and turn it to hit
the door. In this next room, you can find two knights lying around (lazy
knights) with a scroll and a ::[LIGHT MAGIC GEM]::. Here, punch the mirror by
the light magic gem knight and then the one by the sunlight. Turn the sunlight
mirror to angle the light towards the other mirror and it will open the way.

In this third room, kill the gremlins that come out and punch the nearby
mirror into position. Go down the stairs by the mirror and hit the books
away to find another knight with a ::[SHADOW MAGIC GEM]::. Now this room is a
little harder. First I recommend you go around and explore a little bit, and
each mirror you come across you may as well punch it into place. You'll soon
head across the room via the stairs in the middle of the area, where you
will find a dusty wall to your left. Break through it to find a new area that
also has an armor inside. Kill the armor and punch the mirror into place. Over
here you'll see the door to the exit, so line up these two mirrors to angle
light to that door. Now go back to the main light source and send it east.
Move the mirror to your left to send the light across the room, and if those
mirrors are good, you will have this puzzle solved. If you don't, check your
mirrors again and make sure they are lined up right.

For the third room, the first mirror sends the light east.
All the other mirrors send the light north.

Go through the door to end this section.

Part V: Abbey Tower (LoS 5-5)

"Now it is the refuge of a man driven insane by fear."

Head out into the air and you can find a dead knight and a scroll to your
left. As you move right, several ghouls and some gremlins will come after you.
Deal with them as you see fit, and then move down and into the walkway. Move
towards the screen to find a knight with a ::[LIFE GEM]:: on him, then keep
going forward to a new area where more gremlins and ghouls will attack. Kill
them and inspect the knight to the north for another scroll.

Now jump across the gap to your left and use your cross to make the bridge
come down. Go across it to be ambushed by a bunch of gremlins. Take them out
and use the lever nearby to open the gate. Follow the path around the rubble
to start to climb the tower.

The climbing is pretty self-explanatory, but there's a section where you need
to move quick, as dilly-dallying will make the ledges fall, so move quickly
around the building and grapple as soon as you can. Pull yourself up to some
more ledges and grapple again before the fall. Swing right and pull yourself
up onto the ground. Here you'll have to jump to another ledge, but it's a bit
far away, so get a running start first! Follow this ledge to the left and drop
down on the ledge below for a ::[LIFE GEM]:: courtesy of the knight. The gap
to the left is too big, so head right instead and use the first tower's rubble
to jump up higher and then back to the main tower. Shimmy right and jump the

You need to be fast again right here, as these ledges will fall. Move right
around the building and one space up to use the grapple. Move up the grapple
a bit and you'll see a shimmer to your upper left. Build up some momentum and
jump to the left to grapple that hook. Use this one to reach a ledge further
up and another hook. Kick in the window to start yet another kick ass cut
scene and end this section.

Part VI: Brauner

"The power to defeat the vampires is now in our hands..."

Well, now we have holy water. Sweet. Replenish your magic and your health and
move onto the burning village. You'll have to fight a couple of waves of
vampire warriors now, which is a perfect place to test your holy water. Wait
until all five of them are somewhat grouped together and toss one at them,
which makes them all go into a dazed state and nearly kills them. Use a few
area attack moves to finish them off. Do it one more time on the next wave to
view a cut scene.

Well, now you meet Lieutenant Brauner (A nod to the villian/vampire from
Portrait of Ruin). He was turned long ago, but since he was never human he
can't take that form.


BOSS: Brauner
Difficulty: 5/10


Brauner has a few moves, including an un-blockable swipe, and a quick dash
attack. He will also throw his sword at you and stupidly taunts you to catch
it if you can, so catch it and throw it back at him. It will impale him and
let you get a few free hits. Run around and hit him with two or three quick
hits and keep your distance, as you want him to throw his sword. When he does
hit R2 and throw it right back at him to punish him. It even seems to work
when your not quite in the swords path. He can also turn into a bat form, but
just run away to avoid that.

After getting him about half way, he will be dazed. Run up to him and grab him
him to get a scene where you need to time your button presses and you'll be
able to rip his wings off. Awesome! It's not over yet though.

Keep up your same tactics, but this time throw in a holy water to knock him
on his ass. Use this time to punish him and soon you'll see another dazed
scene. Go up to him and grab him, hit the right buttons, and you'll soon get
undeniable proof that Gabriel is indeed a badass.

Part VII: Castle Sewers (LoS 5-7)

"The Villagers called him 'God's Savior' and his weapon they called
'Vampire Killer'. Ah, Gandolfi, how that would make you smile."

Well, it seems Wygol village is safe for now. The villagers show you a
secret entrance into the castle: through the sewers. Eck. Oh well, a
Belmont's gotta do what a Belmont's gotta do.

Head into the sewers and use the health font. Go down the steps to check out
the knight's status report. Well, it looks like the annoying sludge mechanic
from the bog level is back. Use the lever by the health to temporarily stop
the sewage, and move across. Fill your magic here if you need to. Now hit the
next lever to open the gate below and jump down. Before going on, move through
the sludge towards the screen, aiming for the southeast corner of this area.
It's a long trip, but you should make it. There's a knight over here with a
::[SHADOW MAGIC GEM]::. Now you can go onward.

This next room's entire floor is poisonous, so take a running jump to the
concrete on your left. Move down from here to find a bag with some holy
water and a knight with another scroll explaining how to finish off skeletons.

Handy to know, for sure. Go back to the first lever that you used to turn off
the sludge and use it again, but this time run past the second sludge thing
as well. Over here you can use the lever to raise the door down below, but
will be ambushed by some skeletons in an amusing cut scene.

These things are pretty vicious and there are three of them. They mostly use
blockable moves, but do have one unblockabe move as well as a weird whirl
wind attack that's hard to avoid. Plus, when they die, you have to hit
their bones with a strong attack to keep the dead, otherwise the will just
reanimate. I recommend Guillotine or one of the hits from the DHC (Direct
Heavy Combo) to finish them. If they happen to come back, and you kill them
again, they will stay dead.

Head back to the holy water area and continue on. Here you will find a hallway
that is obviously a floor trap as well as a bag of daggers. Punch the button
nearby so we can open the door down the hall. Run down the path once the
spikes are gone, only to have the door close. Well darn. Not to worry, simply
use your shadow magic and throw an explosive dagger down the hall to solve
this puzzle. Now grapple up the hole to end this chapter.

Chapter VI:

Part I: Castle Courtyard (LoS 6-1)

"This castle I fear will push him into the abyss from which there is no

Grapple up to the ledge and shimmy across the well to the right where you can
grapple up all the way. Up here use the health font if you need to. There is
also some holy waters in a bag to the right, if you want to jump for them.
Climb the ledges by the health and jump over the fence. Here all you can do is
try and move the lever in the middle, but when you try two suits of armor will
show up. Take them out and then work the lever; it will open the grating ahead
of you. Jump down as soon as you can as the grating will shut.

Down here there are a lot of skeletons as well as a knight with a scroll. Some
of these skeletons will get up and attack you, and after awhile, the vampires
will let a warg loose to attack you as well. No worries, though, since you
have a magic font nearby, feel free to use your most magic intensive attacks
like holy cross or shadow flames.

Make sure to shoulder charge the first door to your left, as a ::[LIFE GEM]::
is in there. Also, mount the warg when you can and use it to get out of here
via the glowing pillar. Up here teach the vampires a lesson and then kill your
warg. You can cross to the other side for a crystal and a health font, as well
as a knight with a scroll if you wish, but jump down the hole in the first
area to continue. Move down this path and jump down to fight three more

These things can be tough, so use however much magic you want as there is
another magic font past the gate. Get past the gate and head up the winding
staircase to end this section.

Part II: Maze Gardens (LoS 6-2)

"In this place a man can be lost forever..."

Head past the courtyard to meet a new enemy, the mandragora. These things are
weak but will try and drain your life energy, so kill them fast.

We basically have three ways to go here: left, straight, and right.

Go right for now and up, killing all the mandy's in this area and punch the
statue. There's a gap you can't jump here, but we'll be back. To your left is
another statue you can saw (haven't seen those in awhile) and behind that is a
knight with a ::[LIFE GEM]::. Now lets head left, just head in that general
direction as these paths all loop around to each other, and you'll be in a
open area with a dead knight and a bunch of mandy's. Take care of the stupid
plants and read the knight's scroll. Up to the left is a breakable wall, so
charge through it to find a ::[LIGHT MAGIC GEM]:: on the knight.

Now go back to the statue and climb up it to jump to the other side. Over here
head right after killing the mandies to fight a giant spider. Once you have it
mounted, there is a lot of things we can do. First make a bridge back to your
left in the area we came in at. Then go back to the spider area and head
upwards and destroy the door on the right. Keep going past the knight and pull
down the doors to the left (which leads to the first area we were in).
Remember that gap we couldn't jump on the right path? Now you can go put a
bridge over that too. Kill your spider and go over the bridge to get a

The knight that we passed earlier has a scroll for us. Ignore the broken door
for now and head across the first bridge you made to reach a knight with
a puzzle solution and the puzzle further on.

Each piece moves another piece and also turns everything, but the solution
is actually really simple. Just turn the middle statue counter-clockwise
twice and you'll be done.

Now head to the broken door and go down the path. Use the vampire key on
the gate and go through it to... the first section! Here jump over the fence
again and put the key in a slot by the front door to open it up.

Nothing like strolling through the front door of a vampire's castle, huh?

Part III: Castle Hall (LoS 6-3)

"I have heard that in this place, one may face ones deadliest foes without
realizing it until it is too late."

Well, this place is fun. Vampire will come up from that hole in the ground
until you pry the boards off the window and let in some light. Kill the
first wave of vampires and use the other windows to help you. You can let in
some light on those windows easily by whipping back the curtain. Fighting in
the light hurts the vampires gradually and makes your job much easier. Once
they are dead you have enough time to take down a board or two, then you'll
have to deal with another wave. Take them down and open the window to stop

You can also make the mirror shine some light north, so do so and use the
lever to head north. Here you get another vampire hole and have to fight
some armor. Open up the windows you can and fight in the light. Focus on the
armor first and then kill the remaining vampires, taking down the boards like
before until you stop them. There's a knight in here with a scroll as well.
Now head into the room on your right, as there's nothing left to do here.

Before we do anything, lets break all the stuff on the left hand wall. See
where the ice seems to move up the wall a bit, and the wall is broken? You
can jump up here and get a ::[LIFE GEM]:: from the knight.

Use the lever to your right and continue. The knight here has a scroll for the
puzzle solution. Punch the mirror here and into the previous room so you can
reflect the light to the east and open up that door down there. Here you have
to light up runes again to proceed, so use the magic font nearby if you have
to. Light the two runes outside red, then move to where the three runes are.
Light the west one red, and then the other two blue to solve the puzzle and
open a door in the big room outside. Notice the ::[BROTHERHOOD ARK]:: high
above you as well, we'll have to come back for that.

(We can come back for it once we get the Seraph Shoulders at the end of
Chapter VIII. I'll remind you again at that time.)

Solving the puzzle also seems to have made the sun set. Fun. And of course
some vampires want to come and play. They'll stop after three waves if you
want to stay and have fun with them (which I only know thanks to the tip sent
to me below), so it's your call. Move through the door for a new cut scene.

Here's an interesting FYI from Chop:


In chapter 6-3, when you finish the rune puzzle and it turns night, the
vampires do end after a few waves. If you stand and kill all of the vampires,
the last one seems to drop a full load of EVERY item (daggers, holy water,
faeries, and crystals.) Just a FYI.

(Very interesting. ~BK)


It seems that the vampire girl wants us to play the vampire wargame with her.
It's kinda like chess, with only six pieces, and each piece can do different
things. You can choose to skip it if you want, but what fun is that? Read
about the pieces in the tutorial and then play the game.

Due to the random nature of the game, I really can't help you out too much.
Here are some helpful tips:

Try not to lose both of a single unit, as it will make rolls on that unit

Gang up on the enemy, and try to take out one unit type first.

The necromancer can fire from two spaces away, which is very helpful.

Once you are past the puzzle, examine the knight by the chessboard for a
::[LIGHT MAGIC GEM]::. You can now go towards the stairs in the northwest
corner to end this section.

this is the not ended
so i try to next tims time
Thanks you all of friend


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