A day in the life of a Steemian~ Part 4

in #happiness6 years ago (edited)

Body tired almost beyond repair yet over a month left until rest, real rest comes my way. The support I have been getting from the Steemit community is beyond compare.

@Jackmiller and @Inthenow are trying their best to bring some normalcy into my life by giving me tasks they know I love to do. Create. What might seem like a lot of work to some, relaxes me and makes me feel whole.

They help me remember that wonderful place where creating is done. The feeling you get when you make something from bits and pieces found. You then mixed them all up and swirl them around and around. In the end, hoping others like it as much as you.

@Thehive keeps me on my toes and tries to make me laugh. He doesn't want it known how sweet and kind he is but a person with a better heart you will never meet. Though I have to say some of his jokes go over my head.

I'm used to the feeling that people are laughing more because I didn't get the joke than at the joke itself in the end. Doesn't bother me as long as laughter is the key.

@Enchantedspirit keeps me grounded and makes me happy. Her humor and honestly when giving advice is beyond compare to me. That she gives her precious time to me when I am in need is treasured more than she knows. She humbles me with her kindness each and every time we speak.

@Thekittygirl and @Brisby have on more than one occasion reminded me that I'm not alone and they are there to lead a hand, ear, shoulder, leg.... if I am in need. To never feel guilty for asking for help.

What they don't know is them just being there helps ease the thought of helplessness when it slithers up my spine to show its ugly head.

@Dreemsteem went out of her way to put me in the running for a contest that @Rewards-pool was doing last week. To say I was shocked she picked me to nominate is an understatement in the enth degree. She knows so many that it touched my heart she thought of me.

@Nathanmars taking the time to call and make sure Mom and I are alright just makes me smile. Knowing I have another family member for life makes me more than happy.

I sit here while my mind whirls so full of thoughts it is. Thoughts that want to come out in some kind of creative way but as I told @Enginewitty the other day, I can not talk and write at the same time.

This seemed to be an unknown concept to him and that made me laugh! With limited quiet and time, it's hard to empty all the thoughts from your brain out enough so you can sleep.

Discord messages help when my brain gets like this. Friends I Discord Message have gotten used to random notes that don't make any sense if they came from someone else other then me.

@Guiltyparties usually gets the brunt of those kinds of messages because I know he will just skip over what he doesn't understand and try to fix what he feels needs fixing. Little does he know sometimes it's not about the nail but in the talking about the nail and knowing someone is listening that counts.

Through it all, I was starting to get worried about where @len.george was at. He had been to quiet for way too long. Thankfully he popped up the other day in a comment on one of my posts. I then made my way over to his blog to see where he had been.

His wife and he just got home from a wonderful twelve-day cruise!! THAT made me so happy to see. His blog posts about the trip are some of the best I have seen. The photo's he took and posted were really detailed and beautiful. I can now say I have been on a cruise and not gotten seasick. I'll tell my Hubby to cross that off the list!

It's hard to feel too sorry for yourself surrounded as I am by so many that care but I seem to still dabble in it from time to time. @Katrina-Ariel is always there for me with a song.

I love to see peoples process on how an idea starts, the path it takes, which sometimes can be very winding until they finally call a project done. It always makes me happy to see my friends create all the beautiful things they do.

Then this morning I woke up to kindness personified. A few days ago I was in @shadowspub's 'The Ramble' Discord. @Xcountytravelers (Scott &Ren) happened to be in there too.

Scott and Ren have started a Disord group, The Steem Terminal, to help brand new Steemians find their way. This day they had brought along a new Steemian by the name of @Jamerussell. I noticed him being very quiet while in the voice channel and asked who he was. Yes, I'm nosey that way.

@Jamerussell then shared a post he had done a few days ago. It was for a coloring contest that @deemarshall runs each week. I made the comment to him that I didn't realize there was such a thing going on.

He informed me that there were a lot of them out on the Steem Blockchain and he was enjoying doing them. Now coloring, I was thinking, would be something relaxing to do and could be picked up and dropped with no horrible effect.

Life then happened, as it seems to, and I forgot about the coloring contest until this morning when a Discord Message came from Jamerussell with a link to the newest coloring post. This made me smile in so many ways when I opened up that DM.

The kindness of Jamerussell remembering I was interested in doing a contest blew me away. It also made me happy to know that there are still very great people still coming to Steemit and slowly finding their way.

This all gives me hope for the bright future I see ahead for all of us Steemians. Someday we will be talked about as pioneers of the blockchain technology and how it evolved with us and all we did.

My story now is written. My head is quiet once again. Thank you for stopping to read and I hope you found in this post that there ARE wonderful people still here and new ones logging on to the Steem Blockchain.

Make someone smile today. It can not hurt you and it might save their life.



Steem Witness's I support

Enginewitty!, Steemgigs!, Jackmiller!, Guiltyparties!, C0ff33a / Deranged!

Sweet footer made by @enginewitty!

The STEEM Engine

Please stop and review me if you are able




So what is it about if it's not about the nail?

it's never about the nail. It's always about listening :D

@Snook thank you for making this post and introduce us to all these awesome creators and supportive users here on the blockchain! I highly appreciate your effort and will look into every single one of them (even if I already know and follow them :P)

Keep going the good work! You are a big win for the blockchain for sure!


Thank you!!!!

They are all good people. You will not regret knowing them.

Let me know when you're ready for your next mission! :-D Got sumpin all lined up for ya. LOL

HAAAAAAAAAAAA! THAT should be interesting!!! working on yesterday now :D it's turning out interesting LOLLL

Don't forget that YOU are one of the best and most terrific people here! 😘

We need to get you one of those advent calendars when you're down to a month. That way you can have a tasty piece of chocolate as you count down the days. 😁

We all love you, Snook, and it's beyond wonderful that you have so many incredible friends who just want to support you and help you have as much normalcy as possible. 🤗



and I am so so so freaking lucky.
I don't know how I got so lucky but I thank God every day!

I love you - can't wait til your "normal" comes back... hehehehe

did you happen to see that you were tagged with another little gift? :)

check out my blog ... I think it says "Love Steem? Better getyours fast"

but yours is already made - and waiting for you! can't wait to send you this little gift hehehe

Send me your address in DM ok? :)

your "normal"

LOVE that!!!!!!!!! <3

and LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Hehehe it will return... It might be a "new normal"... But it WILL return hehehheeh love you right back

Cant wait to play hangman with you tomorrow!!! Bahahahaha (we are crazy! Lololol)

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks for the mention, It would have been very hard to get sea sick on that boat, w even had gale force winds with no effect, passenger wise anyway, the crew might have been busy, but the passengers would never have known it.

you should try one, there claim is : Come back New

I got seasick on a ferry going across Lake Michigan. The water was smooth as glass....... my Husband laughed at me the whole way. :D

I wonder why?
imagine a boat that is 3 1/2 football fields long, 1 1/2 football fields wide, 17 decks high, with almost 1800 real flash hotel rooms.
you can spend the whole trip without seeing the water, if you wanted to.

@len.george has been a miss whilst he's been off having fun, holdays away from Steemit should be banned heehee

holdays away from Steemit should be banned heehee

I agree but at least he brought back photo's LOLLL

That is very true :)

You know you can DM any time, too, that you need to talk or need a diversion from what's going on. 💖

these are some awesome Steemians, doing their thing quietly on the blockchain.

agree :D
they don't get enough credit for what they do!

Wow, thanks for giving us heads up on all those Steemians. That's quite an undertaking, and I know they appreciate it :)

Thank you but it's easy speaking from your heart.

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