What...You only have 37 pairs of Nike's?

in #happiness7 years ago
I took this photo whilst travelling though Vietnam. The lady you see in the image was washing some vegetables and cooking utensils in the river. I wondered how dirty the vegetables and cooking utensils could have been for her to risk dipping them in the river which seemed to me quite unclean. If I drank from it I'd probably be throwing up for the next week or so if not dead.

This old lay has probably been doing this for years, her whole life I suppose really. Living with no running water and having to walk down to the river must make things difficult. It makes me wonder at the way that I live; Comfortably within my small home with water directly from the faucet, power with a simple flick of a switch and a solid roof over my head with no leaks.

A modern, first world, society seems to have everything in abundance and yet I wonder who is happier. The old lady by the river or the first-world-human forever chasing, but never managing to capture, everything required to be a first-world-human. You know, the important things like a new phone every year, another pair of shoes because 37 pairs of Nike running shoes could never be enough and that 1-quart cup of soy-half-strength-decaf-almond-milk-triple-shot-hazelnut-capuccino-latte you get each morning from your local coffee spot.

I guess it's a moot point. Most people will never see the lady washing her greens in the filthy river even if they pass by like I did, they'll be too busy duck-face pouting into their new iPhone 10 to capture that perfect selfie for Facebook.

Just a thought.


This is my type of thought! The difference is I haven’t been by that lady - I can only imagine if I had. It really does wake you up!

When you just have a think on all the things we take for granted that we are able to do so simply that others could only ever dream about.

The image in this post and many very similar are the exact reasons I try to live a greatful life!

Yes, gratitude is one of the most important of personality traits. It's good to hear you embrace it. There's many things to be grateful for in a person's life and most of those things do not involve materialistic things. Thanks for your comment @jadekimberlie have a lovely day.

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