RE: BitShares Dev Hangout Transcript - May 6th, 2016
Wow! There's a few misquotes, but no biggie, people still can understand what I was saying. With so many projects in the pipeline now though, I think the best way for us forward is to just allow people to invest in BitShares Munich itself. Almost every product we create will generate passive income and get organic mass adoption. Chris and Rodrigo are out there marketing now too, and very soon bringing on the first couple retail and grocery chains, so this is going to get very big very fast. If your favorite store doesn't accept crypto yet, then please let them know about us! Let them know that using the free Smartcoins POS app allows them to accept any crypto at zero cost! In this economy, it pays to utilize every path to profits they can get. See also:
Can you point them out please? I'm pretty sure it's pretty damn close to verbatim other than times where it's hard to understand what's being said due to someone talking at the same time, the recording breaking up or simply not being able to understand a word properly here or there. Otherwise I'd say it's 99% accurate, but I'm willing to update it to whatever you want.
Please listen to the recording and give me the time slots at the point where you think there is a "misquote".