Help Please ~ Problems With Signup

in #halo7 years ago (edited)

I have 2 friends that tried to sign up for Steemit on May 19 and they have confirmed their email and here it is 5 days later and they still are not approved , approval should be instant , max 24 hours. If you sign up for Facebook or Instagram it is instant. I have read some other people have this problem also. Here is the problem how is Steemit supposed to grow effectively if the people trying to sign up can not even get approved. This is really not expectable for any website especially one trying to grow. As a community and as investors in Steemit everyone should see this as a major problem.

I love Steemit and I want my friends and everyone else that wants to join to be able to join easily , I don't know who or how to get this to the people who can change this so I have done this post in hopes someone can help.


I just went to the signup and went through the signup process, they do not even offer facebook and reddit signup they want email and phone #

It is very important you bring this up and thank you for it my friend @halo. We must remember, Steemit is still a beta and as such, be aware that problems could occur. The development staff is working hard to solve all problems.

Please remember, that internet connectivity is always an issue. Also, advertiser cookies can affect the performance of any internet based, any web browser interface.

If people have trouble they should remove third party cookies and in many cases that will solve all problems.

Again, thank you for your post and also, witnesses must be trained and the witness network expanded as Steemit users increase.

Furthermore, the analysts like myself have predicted that hacker and DDOS attacks and other fine hacker attacks will occur just like with any major platform on the internet today.

I read the post from steemit blog and the reason for changing the login process , but I just don't understand , since they are trying to sort out fake from real accounts why didn't they just add a captcha like all other sites.

Excellent analysis and a fine suggestion @halo and you are correct. Maybe Steemit should have a captcha. I should have suggested it myself - great job!

I often get timeout errors posting or sending funds. I guess these friends of yours are not on bitcointalk

No they are not , They know nothing about crypto steemit would be their entry into the crypto world. They never even heard about crypto until I started talking about it.

I have reported on this problem in the past. People please vote this up. It needs attention

I just found this and left a link to my post in the comments asking for help

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