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RE: Trick or Treat Costume Contest: All Are Invited

in #halloween6 years ago

C’mon @sivehead, kick that @dandays butt with your entry.

Well I've had a think, and scariest thing I've come up with so far is...


But I'm not sure if it's a little too Christmas themed.

I'll keep thinking on it just incase the judge finds it the opposite of scary. 🤣🤣


The one’est uppen’est dude I’ve never met!! Well’fa king done starhead! A big huge ‘that’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all day!’ The unique design of the reindeer tricks the audience into thinking I’m not actually hung like a pimple!

Haha, pimple... three times l read that as pineapple. I was gonna say - dude exaggerate much? But l don't think Ill bother now. 😂

I like the funny names you keep coming up with. Yeah, don't think l didn't notice! Just so you know though, every time I try to write @dandays, my phone wants to autocorrect to @sandals. Ha!

Sandals! That’s sofa king funny. Pura Vida was in the kitchen and came in here “” My autocorrect used to too which is why it’s so funny. I just tried it again, no sandals, guess we’re all squared away on my end.

I’m really enjoying the names part! Just let me know if it gets annoying, you know how it is when you’re laughing but really you’re hoping you’re not the only one that’s laughing. (Like right now)

If I stop finding it funny, I'll borrow @foodfightfriday's big fish and head your way with a slap! Deal?

Hahaha… 🤣🤣🤣… this is great! Exactly the kind of stuff this competition is about. Of course the cuteness of kids dressed up is always a winner, the creativity of @dandays in his mankini is pure gold. Thank you so much for playing @sivehead. Good times!

So I'm in with that one.... woohoo! 😁

You’re 100% in with that one 👍

Wicked! 😎👍

@sivehead, who is the lad you would like to get a SBI for?

Please refer to my comment on This Post... I can't be writing all that again. I simply don't have the time. I'm trying to catch up with replying to all the lovely comments people keep leaving for me. 😁

Thanks again for letting me win!

The woes of @sivehead. So funny everyone wants to reply to him. Haha

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