Hello, I want to play a game. Don't forget the rules .... let the game begin. ( Month of Halloween Horror - Article #1 )

in #halloween8 years ago

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Once again, I am beyond excited and thrilled feeling like a young kid trapped in this middle-aged mind of mine.

It's that time of year, the time I impatiently wait for every single year.

Growing up most children just can't wait for Santa Claus to come to town.

But for me growing up, Santa had nothing on Halloween.

I have many wonderful memories as a child indulging myself with as much candy I could get my hands on.

As I have grown into an adult I no longer fret about how much candy I got, but more about the experience of the holiday.

I think I have figured out why I enjoy Halloween over any other holiday. You see, when we look at other special days on a calendar they generally have some kind of historical, cultural, national, social, or religious significance behind them.

This often leads to a great deal of stress leading up to those other special days. But Halloween, most of us (except die hards like me) don't think too much of it. Other than a few decorations, some candy for the kiddos and costumes there isn't much stress related to Halloween.

So why am I sharing any of this with you?

Well, because I am truly passionate about Halloween and I will be committing all my writings on Steemit during the whole month of October to it.

So let's get started ... if you read the title you may have a good idea where I am headed ... does jigsaw ring a bell?

I think I have watched just about every horror related movie ever made in English, and the Saw series by far tops my personal list and is the perfect lead into my month long posts of Halloween Horror.

I often place myself in the same position as those ungrateful souls who found themselves in peculiar circumstances with a decision to be made throughout the whole series.

It is the only horror movies I felt fully immersed in.

Not because of the horror factor, or the scare factor. But the reality and meaning of what "ungrateful" and "living life" really means to each of us. While watching the Saw movies I often debated with myself in my mind "what would I do if that was me?"

Not to mention the Saw Series is by far the most plot thickened horror film series ever created. Just take a look at the company's logo, "Twisted Pictures" and it will give you some understanding of the complexity of the series.

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If you have not yet seen the Saw Series, I highly suggest you start at the beginning with the first move in the series and watch all of them in a short time span. Otherwise, you may find yourself overly confused by all the back and forth between all the different movies in the series. Once you have seen them all you will start to put the "puzzle" together. It may take watching them a few times for some.

For those who have experienced the intense suspense of all the "traps" jigsaws "subjects" are subjected to might find these facts about the series interesting.

For those who haven't yet experienced the series, GO DO IT NOW!

Things You Might Not Know About The Saw Movies

  1. Filmed in just 18 days ...
    That's right, the original Saw movie was filmed in only 18 days! That sure seems to be an unbelievable short period of time for a horror movie. It was approached as a low-budget film by the creators Leigh Whannell and James Wan.

  2. The Blair Witch Project, huh?
    At one time, co-creator Leigh Whannell stated "For James and I, Saw began back in 1999 when we first watched Blair Witch." I personally find this statement fascinating. The Blair Witch Project is right behind as my second favorite horror esque movie.

  3. How much do you think the original Saw movie cost to film?
    This blows my mind still today. Saw was filmed for aaround a meager $1 million. That should blow anyone's mind considering horror movies created back in the 80's cost in the millions when adjusted for inflation. It grossed around $100 million, quite the retrun on investment.

  4. Jigsaw a.k.a. John Kramer was inspired by Migraines

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    To my surprise when I first started researching the facts "behind the scenes" of the Saw movies I stumbled across the fact that Jigsaw wasn't actually in the original concept for the movie. Shut the front door, the Saw movies without jigsaw? Screw that, thank the horror gods Whannell had serious migraines at one time. Whannell explains he once had an MRI done for his serious migraines and pondered the idea "What if you were given the news that you had a tumor and you were going to die soon? How would you react to that?" He also stated "Instead of a doctor telling you, 'You have a year to live, make the best of it,' this guy would put people in a situation and say, 'You have 10 minutes to live. How are you going to spend those 10 minutes? Are you going to get out of it?" And thus jigsaw was born into concept for the movie...

  5. A New Halloween Treat For 7 Years Straight
    The original Saw movie was released for Halloween in 2004 and was not originally intended to be a series. However, it turned into 7 years of a new sequel from 2004-2010. The most recent Saw 3D movie was the last movie filmed in the series and was not continued due to lower than expected interest in the movie. However, since then Saw 3D opened up more questions than it did answers for the die hards like myself and a new Saw: Legacy is slated to release Halloween 2017! Oh man, I can't wait to finally get some answers ... I hope.

Memorable Quotes from the Saw Movies

I will share some of my favorite quotes ... with this one being my favorite.

  • Adam: I went back to my shit hole apartment, and woke up in an actual shit hole.

  • Jigsaw: I want to play a game.

  • Jigsaw: Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not any more...

  • Dr. Lawrence Gordon: He doesn't want us to cut through our chains. He wants us to cut through our feet!

  • Jigsaw: Live or die, make your choice.

  • Zep Hindle: "It's the rules."

  • Adam: See?! This is what they do to you! They tub you, they drug you, and next thing you now your kidneys are on e-bay!

  • Dr. Lawrence Gordon: What's your name?
    Adam: My name is Very Fucking Confused; what's your name?

  • Jigsaw: Death is a surprise party. Unless of course you're already dead on the inside.

  • Jigsaw: The rules of our game have been made very clear. You need to abide by those rules.

  • Jigsaw: You think it is over, but the games have just begun.

  • Jigsaw: Game Over!

If you are a Saw enthusiast check out the Sawfreaks Website where you will find all kinds of cool Saw related stuff.

If you are a Halloween freak like myself, join me in the comments below and let me know what you think of the Saw movies or anything else Halloween related.

Don't forget to follow me as I plan to write several more Halloween articles before the end of the month with a HUGE surprise and finale to share with Steemit after October 31st. It will be badass I promise. I will take you into my own little house of horror I put on every Halloween where I spend thousands of dollars for the neighborhood to enjoy.

Thanks for reading .... and don't forget the rules!

Don't forget to watch for my grand finale post coming a day or two after Halloween!


I just wanted to update this post. There seemed to be a huge lack of interest in this so I won't be doing anymore of my Halloween posts here on Steemit. I will be releasing them on a different platform where they generate much more interest. Thanks for the 19 who upvoted this post.

I may still do the big post showing off what we do for Halloween though. I will consider it when that time comes.

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