๐ŸŽƒ What is Halloween, Really? ๐ŸŽƒ

in #halloween โ€ข 5 years ago (edited)

Happy Halloween!

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First thing I want to elaborate on that Halloween has no Christian origins. Christianity is a middle eastern religion and these traditions go way back before the birth of Christ.

Only a decade or two ago Christians were outright denouncing the celebration of Halloween, but with everything Pagan they have given up battling the traditions and instead have begun claiming the holiday as their own. source.

As is the case with most of our modern traditions, the origins date back to before the invasion of Middle Eastern religions and subsequent conquering and slaughter of our pre-Christian ancestors.

The themes of Halloween, that we know today, such as being scared, sweets, and death are all remnants of our native European religion more specifically, the echo of our pre-Christian belief, or the cult of the she-bear.


Our traditional practices focused on the idea of reincarnation and ancestral worship. It is the belief that we are reborn into our bloodline based on the deeds we do in this life. This ensures/ensured that the tribe consisted of good individuals as well as more offspring for the tribe to survive.

By practicing these beliefs, our ancient ancestors were already following scientific rules. They may have not called it the 50/500 rule that we know in biology today, but they practiced it.

The 50/500 rule is where a population under 50 breeding pairs creates a genetic bottleneck resulting in inbreeding. Also, in a population with over 500 breeding pairs a genetic drift occurs, disallowing adaptability and hindering the population for success.

The cult of the she-bear is a complex belief system that explains most fairy tales and holidays. If you are interested, I strongly recommended you check out the heavily sourced book โ€The Secret of the She-Bearโ€ by Marie D. F. Cachet.. She presents a wide range of empirical evidence that validates these traditions.

Fairytales, traditions, and rituals held the medical knowledge our ancestors needed to survive.

With each passing season, each phase of human development, and each European ritual we find a correlation relating to the cycle of fetal development in the womb, the uterus, umbilical cord, and the following rebirth of reincarnated life.


The significance of the bear, in the she-bear cult, is that after fertilization, pregnancy only occurs when the bear is healthy and the sperm and egg are genetically acceptable to survive, meaning only the best eggs are fertilized and ultimately born into this world. Soure.

The amazing thing is that our ancestors somehow possessed this knowledge and worshiped the bear for this ability.

Knowing that the bear was able to select her offspring in pregnancy, gave our ancestors hope that our good deeds would allow us to be selected for rebirth into an honorable and worthy life.

So, in short, our lives consist of trimesters the same as the three required for fetal development only in life it is soul development.


We are reincarnated into the womb and born as children, once we lose our milk teeth and receive our adult teeth our ancestor's soul is reborn into our body we remember who we were. Then finally, we perform good deeds before death to safeguard an honorable next life.

Relating this all back to Halloween.

At around age seven, when a child loses their milk teeth and the adult teeth have grown in, we see that the child has the received the reincarnated soul of an ancestor.

For the transformation to be complete the child must show they are worthy of receipt by doing something scary. Back in the day this was done by entering a cave with a bear (in the fall during early stages of hibernation) and leaving their mark on the wall, hence cave paintings.

If the child survived, another cycle of reincarnation was complete. They were worthy of carrying their ancestor's soul in this life.


After the child had completed the scary task, it would be granted entrance into the ancestral burial mound to retrieve an artifact from a deceased ancestor and this item would show them who they had been in a past life ultimately granting the child more knowledge and honor to possess in this life.

The sweet and sugary part of Halloween relates to the fall, and specifically to the hibernation cycle of the bear. Once the child has completed a scary task and discovered who they were, they were then rewarded with feasting on sweets, or traditionally honey.

That is the short version of the cult of the bear and hopefully explains a little bit about European tradition. Obviously, we can't practice most of these beliefs anymore because of the way the church has made us fear death turning it into taboo to interact with the dead and ultimately forget who we are.


Now we have no more traditional culture, no knowledge of past lives, no identity. Just lost souls easily controlled and looking to be saved.

Luckily, though, we are able to have little reminders such as Halloween to rekindle the ancient embers of ancestral memory.

So scare some kids, eat some sweets, honor your dead and have a great Halloween!

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Never have I celebrated Halloween but it sure have become a world wide celebrated Holiday, even in Romania. We have some costume themed holiday as well in some parts of the country the new generation doesn't celebrate it anymore. It's the old that still keep traditions alive.


Would you wear something like this?

See, now that looks really cool! I would totally wear it!

The saying goes โ€Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.โ€

I am sure Romania has some crazy pagan traditions. Please don't be offended but are the pagan gods of Romania the same as the Slavs? Can't remember the thunder God but there is a flower named after him.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I really have no clue. I am not a religious person and I am pretty bad at history. I can say that I know better the gods from the Hindu tradition than from my own. If you find any information regarding such God please let me know.

The funny thing is thing European paganism has its roots in India, similar to Hinduism. So maybe that is why you are so drawn to it. I didn't find much about Romanian paganism, but I saw that it's pretty popular there even constenting to become the national religion. The main God being Zalmoxis. Interesting stuff. It is said Odin himself came from the east and settled in Denmark teaching about Hindu type beliefs. It could be their advanced culture back in the day traveling around the world and each location adapted their beliefs to fit their lifestyle. To me history is fascinating!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Zamolxis. Well... regarding to him there is the legend that says the Dacians who are our ancestors used to pray to Zamolxis and even sacrifice animals for him in one cave near the Danube in the vicinity of my town which is supposed to have been a sanctuary thousands of years ago.
More details and pictures about the cave you can find in here:
I only visited it once...
If you are passionate about history check on the Dacians, our ancestors, that were great men and made history against the Romans. Unfortunately not too much Dacian blood runs through our veins.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for all this information! It's very interesting.
I especially like two statements: Fairytales, traditions, and rituals held the medical knowledge our ancestors needed to survive. and Now we have no more traditional culture, no knowledge of past lives, no identity. Just lost souls easily controlled and looking to be saved.
Seems to me the destruction of our traditional knowledge has been carefully and deliberately manipulated so that we have no choice but to rely on big business to "treat" medical conditions that we used to be able to treat ourselves. And they are killing us not so slowly.

Truly depressing. Since moving to Germany I never even realized how bad it was in the US. Here, you would rarely give a child antibiotics. In the us every time we went in we left with antibiotics. Pain meds are virtually no in existence here, same with drug epidemic. Medicine isnโ€™t meant to be a business. I am getting sick just writing about it. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

It gives me hope to hear you are meeting with success. I'm so happy to hear this. US medicine is toxic and must be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately, the worst of it, vaccines, are fast being made MANDATORY. I am astonished at how many intelligent people are accepting forced injections of substances into every one on earth. Much much scarier than anything Trump has done or will do. Although he's in on it now too.

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