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RE: Mizu No Oto - Every Image Has Its Haiku Contest - WEEK #10 - Double Digit Special!

in #haikucontest6 years ago

Thank you so much for the support you're doing to this post! You're awesome! I already know it, but now I have further confirmation!

Vote your favorite haiku down here!


@theironfelix charmed me and gave me a chuckle. I don't know if haiku is supposed to do that, but he's got my vote this week. Of course, I love so many others. A pleasure to read them.

Amé la fotografía de esta semana. Produjo pensamientos que convirtieron a la hoja y la madera en personajes, humanizando la vida vegetal. Personalmente me hizo percatarme de que aún queda mucha vida y hermosura en una hoja seca y en la madera agrietada. Mi Haiku preferido esta semana es el de @oacevedo quien resume este sentimiento mío en su primer verso "cuento de otoño".

I loved this week's photography. It produced thoughts that turned the leaf and wood into characters, humanizing plant life. Personally it made me realize that there is still a lot of life and beauty in a dry leaf and cracked wood. My favorite Haiku this week is @oacevedo who sums up this feeling of mine in his first verse "Autumn story".

Amigos, vuelve a estar difícil la decisión del voto por uno de los ejercicios concursantes, pues estimo que hay varios bastante buenos. Me gustan los de @calluna, @oacevedo, @agmoore y @marlyncabrera. Aunque quizás no sea aceptado, según las reglas, comparto mi voto entre los ejercicios de @calluna y @oacevedo. En ambos resalto la delicadeza de la palabra. En el de @oacevedo una síntesis particular y muy sugerente en su primer verso: "Cuento de otoño", que expresa la historia del encuentro fortuito de los dos elementos naturales: hoja y madera, en los dos versos siguientes. En el de @calluna, se concentra un sentido filosófico acerca de la vida expresado en advertir el cambio tácito de la hoja viva a su vejez y muerte que nutre nuevamente la vida; todo ello dicho en un expresivo lenguaje descriptivo.


Friends, the decision to vote for one of the competing exercises is once again difficult, since I believe there are several quite good exercises. I like those of @calluna, @oacevedo, @agmoore and @marlyncabrera. Although it may not be accepted, according to the rules, I share my vote between the exercises of @calluna and @oacevedo. In both I emphasize the delicacy of the word. In the @oacevedo a particular and very suggestive synthesis in its first verse: "Story of autumn", which expresses the history of the fortuitous encounter of the two natural elements: leaf and wood, in the following two verses. In @calluna, a philosophical sense about life is concentrated, expressed in the tacit change of the living leaf to its old age and death that nourishes life again; all this said in an expressive descriptive language.

I would vote for @oacevedo with his simple yet deep imagine. It enshrines an authentic zen spirit.

My vote goes to @moonprincess. Not sure about the syllable count. Only made a date today.