Haiku 13 (Darkness)

in #haiku5 years ago


Rolling down my cheek

Pain escaping a cracked heart

Liquid agony

This Haiku was inspired by:

I don't cry often but when I do, I cry rivers who could fill the ocean. Like all humans on this planet there are a few things that bring me great sadness. One of them is losing my Dad a few years back. There is a lot of pain, anger and sadness still inside me that needs to find a way out! I have trouble crying, because to me it shows weakness which is a totall fucked up lie and I damn well know it! Never the less, I hardly cry but when I get hit by door number 12 and it brings me back to the moment I lost him, I cry for hours on end. Gosh, I miss that man! He was the best Dad a girl could ever have! Tears... Liquid agony.... yet a blessing when they finally find their way out of my eyes onto my cheeks.

I want to learn more about Haiku's and because of that I do the Haiku Zoo show together with Breeze and the haiku's that I share here are written with the help of the wonderful @thebugiq. He is always an amazing friend when it comes to helping me write and to poke my mushy brain! Thank you BUG!

What is Haiku?

Haiku is a form of poetry, first made popular in Japan, which has become appreciated around the world. Haiku poets are challenged to convey a vivid message in only 17 syllables.

One of the greatest Haiku poets was the Samurai, Basho (1644-94). Basho's father was also a Samurai from the Iga province. To become a Samurai, Basho served a local lord who was fond of writing.

Basho learned the style of writing Haiku, and wrote under the name, Sobo. During the years, Basho traveled throughout Japan writing and further developing the Haiku style. He died in Osaka, Japan in 1694, and continued to write haiku up until his death. A sample of Basho's haiku style:

Spring morning marvel
lovely nameless little hill
on a sea of mist

In Japan these poems are valued for their simplicity, openness, depth and lightness. Structural Rules

• Use exactly 17 syllables
• Syllables are arranged in three lines of 5-7-5
• Avoid similes and metaphors
• Refers to a season of the year

What is a Haiku about?

Haiku poems can describe anything, but are seldom complicated or hard to
understand. Almost all Haiku has a dominant impression, or main idea, that appeals strongly to one of the five senses.

The Seasonal Theme

Each Haiku must contain a kigo, a season word, which indicates what season of the year the Haiku is set. For example, blossoms would indicate spring, snow would give the idea of winter, mosquitos would imply summertime. The seasonal words isn't always that obvious, you might needs to consider the theme of the poem to find it.

For example:

Clouds appear and bring
to men a chance to rest from
looking at the moon

©Original Haiku Poeticsnake



I hear ya - i lost my father last December straight after Xmas and have felt empty since

Oh my Dear Sweet SNEKKY, I am moved 😿💘😻😿

Beautiful haiku about sadness and darkness.

I'm sorry to hear about your father passing. It's hard losing a loved one. Personally, I think that crying shows courageous.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry to hear about the lost of your dad. Can be really painful to grab

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