🤬 World War Haejin - What is Really Happening?

in #haejin7 years ago (edited)

Like most of you I'm still fairly new to Steemit, but been around long enough and lurked in the shadows to get a hang of the platform and see how it flows.

I've seen some people who I believe deserve a lot more up votes get nothing in return.

I've seen others who I don't understand why people upvote their post get paid great $$$

I'm always a little bit miffed about what is really upvoted, but it comes with the territory and it "is what it is" IMO.

Then comes a user named @Haejin which really needs no introduction.

I started following Haejin back during late September/Early October before "he became crazy famous" or so I'd like to think lol.

That was when his payout was around $2.22 <--- much different than today.

I honestly don't remember how I found him, but I started to see that his calls where actually decent.  I mean all you care is to be more right than wrong and you'll probably make decent returns!

Then out of the blue one day recently I see drama going down...ugh.

I don't get it I said to myself - anyone who has followed him long enough has probably made money off his calls so wtf would someone be mad about?

Too much money being paid out to him?  Ok....at this point is legitimately confused.

I've seen users consistently get paid $1o0, $200 even up to $400 on a single post!

So what's the difference here?

Well to play devils advocate you could say he posts sometimes up to 10 times per day where others only post maybe up to 3.  But either way what is the difference between the two users?

At the end of the day I'm still highly confused why everyone is all up in arms about this situation and being 100% serious I'd love some clarification.

I plan on staying on steemit for a long time and wish to see it grow to be a great community so I want to be "in the know" when it comes to controversial things.

Am I being ignorant in not understanding why people are mad at him for getting paid the money he gets?

I understand there will always be people on both sides of the coin. (See what I did there)  Some people believe there shouldn't even be billionaires in this world where others don't care.

This is life as we know it and not everyone will agree.  Totally understood.  But really...why do I feel like one guy posting Elliott Wave Analysis has single handedly - somehow - caused a massive Flag War?!

He's not even posting something controversial by nature.  Either his calls are pure crap or they're decent...like you can literally go back and see if they were good or not.  That's it!

For sake of going past the basics - if I were Haejin I would have just made one post and said guys here is what is happening and if you want to support me please do because I want to make $$$ and help others out at the same time and would have just left it at that.

I think emotions got involved too much at some point and it's rekindled the fire at points when maybe it didn't need to be.  But either way, he still posts TA on crypto....like how much more basic can you get?

You now have people like @BernieSanders and @themarkymark IMO just using the limelight to gain as much free upvotes as possible since there is always an opposite side to any major controversy.

I've seen nobody yet call them out and say why are you collecting so much upvote $$$ from your bashing on the situation.  

I personally don't care if they get paid good $$$ or not on this controversy because I believe in letting it be free!

I mean isn't that why were are all kind of here?  As little censorship as possible with the ability to make money while posting stuff that we would have just posted to Facebook anyways without the payout!?

I mean again though what is the difference say between @kingscrown and @Haejin

I'm not talking about content, but payout potentials. (obviously kings is posting more news based)

Not bashing either one of them because I personally like both and follow both and don't care how much they do or don't get paid.

I just can't figure out why there is such a HUGE uproar.

Please - Seriously - Someone explain to me what I'm missing and why this is such a huge ordeal so I can too join the resistance or stay put where I am.

Here's to possibly having someone misunderstand this post and causing drama for myself  😡  😡  😡 



I remember following haejin when he was earning nothing. A couple of dollars as well. If people dont like it why not use their votes to promote people that they do like. I never understand why people always have to tear each other down.
I got sick of his repitition so just stopped following and problem solved.

exactly, this mudslinging makes all parties look bad

I know. It would make people think twice about being part of a site where people will band together to take your earnings away. Ive seen it before with people down voting just because they dont agree with how people post rather than trying to erase spam.
If its not hurting you why worry about it.

Yeah that's literally what I do. I almost NEVER down vote, I just don't vote if I don't like it. If it's pure spam and easy to see then I'll flag unless I'm too lazy lol.

But I feel like right now is an important time for the community to grow in a positive direction rather than a negative one. I don't have a good solution for the current problem, but if I come up with one I'll definitely voice it.

The only solution to situations like these is for people to talk to each other. I've been involved in running sports clubs for years and we have had plenty infighting in the past. Everybody has their own point of view as to how things should run. It has split the place in two and the only way to get back together was to talk and actually listen to the other points of view.
Nobody is ever 100% right or 100% wrong. It usually lies in the middle somewhere.

Agreed! Well said.

Bernie aint getting a pay day. . His post are flagged to shit. But i do notice this haejin dude doesn't engage, isn't active and seems to give any fucks about steemit.

@tuck-fheman like me. .. is an OG of steemit.

We have been here from damn near the beginning and established a personal relationship with the community.

Tuck also created a project like #spl which encourages and promotes the #community interactions by participating in a FREE poker tournament. This has become the cornerstone for change in steemit as other communities, whether liked or disliked. . Can set their differences aside and enjoy the game of poker and maybe win some SBD.

Haejins actions have put the spl existence in jeapordy... despite the fact he's still pulling in a good amount of money after Tuck disagreed with the amount of his rewards.

And that's where the concern is. .. Haejin doesn't care about you or anybody else on steemit.. he's just another "dollar vigilante" who cares less about what anybody thinks on here. . Just in it for his own personal gain.


I’ve been a Steemian for a whopping three days. Soooooo

lol just some drama between two members. Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you! Guess I’ll just sit back and watch lol

lol I'm sure it won't last forever and I'm sure it won't be the last one!

Either way I think Steemit has a lot to offer and will be awesome if you just give it some more time. 👍

I’m super excited about it thus far! The freedom and energy are captivating! Even through some drama here and there we can learn and grow and prosper... for now I am just learning how to understand all the words lol

I've been on steemit for about 45 mins, and about 75% of the content I've browsed has mentioned this guy haejin. Thank you for posting this, as I would love to get some answers, as well. As for the other 25%, this place seems pretty rad. I will say, I was disappointed to get 'excited' about the #spl and then realize it probably won't be around for too much longer like @mrwang mentioned above. That said, I'm excited to get to know the community... some illimunation on the "Steemit Enemy #1" situation would be cool. Cheers!

Try not to worry about it. The majority of the community on here are great and supportive. Get involved and enjoy what is great about the site instead of getting wrapped up in the drama of a few.
It should blow over fairly fast.

Dang fresh out the womb! Welcome man! Haejin is a hot topic right now and I'm curious to see how this all plays out. I hope not terrible for everyone personally involved!

Great summary of the squabbles among major influencers. It certainly wont be the last time we see something like this. Greed, jealously, or simply being a troll, we will see mud slinging take place among users again and again and again....

True. It's practically impossible to be on the internet and not have some kind of issue explode. I just didn't personally see this one coming!

I literally remember messaging my friend being like whoa what is going on with all these Haejin posts right now? I'm confused why is everyone so angry...then all this craziness started happening. Just wish it would settle down.

I made post about haejin as well which pretty much discusses same topics you mentioned.

A few people considered Haejin's posts over-valued (no big deal and this is how the Steemit community is self-governed), so they flagged a post or two.

One of the people who flagged a Haejin post is Tuck Fheman (he runs the Steemit Poker League "SPL").

The big mistake Haejin made is: he retaliated and flagged the posts that Tuck uses to pay the winners of the poker tournaments.

In other words - Haejin didn't just keep it a flag-war of whales - he made innocent poker-players pay. Most of these 600-people are minnows who had nothing to do with any of this....(they're just people involved in a Steemit community).

The action Haejin took is absolute proof that he will make everyone pay for his greed and addiction to power.


I'm one of those poker players and I agree his posts are way over-valued. He has too much power - (not talking about the money) and not just on Steemit. He can pick any shit coin out there, tell his little groupies how great it is and the shitcoin or token pumps and becomes over-valued along with he-himself. (A one-man pump-&-dump).

Overtime I think people could argue someone could become an influencer and start to "sway prices"...BUT that takes a lot of time IMO. Haejin has only been posting for a few months and it wasn't till recently he started posting a lot. But I've watched his calls, some aren't winners and some are literally like spot on (Literally within a penny close) so it's hard for me to agree he's a pump and dump.

I do agree it sucks if innocent people get caught in the middle of the crap show cause most of us just want to enjoy the platform and make money at the same time...not much more.

I know nothing about Tuck, but it sounds like he's a supporter of the community which is cool.

On the flip side if it happened to me idk what I would do. I guess I'd ignore it unless it was annihilating my payouts...at that point I'd try to figure out how to counter the situation.

I keep going back to the same mentality though - a huge chunk of users wouldn't even care about steemit if there was no pay out. Just a personal opinion.

There will always be winners and losers of any situation - heck look at my post payouts lol! This post alone has been one of my most profitable and it's not even talking about something I enjoy! I consistently lose on this platform, but I keep trying! ;)

I don't have a great solution for the situation that is occurring, but I get why Haejin would be annoyed and why tuck + his followers would be upset.

Maybe some good and positive things can come from this in some way shape or form. Maybe the payout system needs to be adjusted or maybe the flag system needs to be altered...or possibly both idk.

Either way, I'm hoping the community can settle down and figure out how this type of thing won't get to this level again.

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