
NOPE! Only if he removes his posts and comments spamming my posts. IF he agrees to that, i will remove the downvotes so he can take down the posts and comments. AND a post of apology to Mr. Peter Brandt whom he outrageously defamed!!

Whoever initiated starts cleaning up first.

And you remove ALL your upvotes to Kabir88 and IF NOT all 7 day rewards are game.

I will also power up about another $250k if the prior status quo returns.

IF NOT all 7 day rewards are game.

You took all of my potential rewards for 3 months straight, and it didn't change who I am. Don't you get it? I'm here for more than to just make a quick buck, I'm here for the long haul. I believe in this place. I believe in our future together.

How do you see the future of the #STEEM blockchain? As a major stakeholder, what is your vision for this place, for our future?

Here is your target of defense @kabir88.....who's self upvoting his own comments like there is no tomorrow with his alternate account! Check his wallet and the below activities! Go ahead, defend this hyprocrite at the cost of your own. Is it worth it? All of you guys have two faces behind you! For instance, your circle jerking vote ring...meanwhile, you all act so rightous! LMAO!

When @kabir88's comments look like this, then I'll be flagging him myself.


As for my 'circle jerk' ...

Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at 9.37.05 AM.png

0% self voting, 376 upvotes, 119 accounts

Then enjoy what you've got now and enjoy more. No need to hold a philosphical discussion on the future of Steem with you. You heard my reasonable terms to revive the truce.

I am Haejin!! Unchangeable!

I am Haejin!! Unchangeable!

But you have changed, immensely. You used to have a motto to "Do no harm", but you changed it because we pointed out the hypocrisy of that statement given that you do actually do a lot of harm. You used to provide videos. Now you just spam worthless images. Your constant siphoning of the reward pool to fill your wallet decreases the price of Steem, delaying wider adoption. You are an invasive species with no natural predators in this environment. The difference is that while you stand against change, we embrace it. We are adapting, and the result of that adaptation is that it will become more difficult for you to earn here.

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