@haejin's Self Upvoting Has Reached 99.39% !!

in #haejin6 years ago (edited)

Oh...I know, it's just because of "malicious flagging" right?

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Funny though, @haejin flags all of my posts at the 7 day mark (because he thinks no one will notice if he does it that way) and more recently he and @starjuno have started flagging my 7 day old comments as well. They're apparently really concerned about me taking 15 cents (on comments) from the rewards pool.

So what is my self upvote % from all of this "malicious flagging"?

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@haejin flags my account more than any others, but I won't use that as an excuse to upvote myself 99.39%. Why? Because I care about this place. And I care about my friends here. I want to see everyone thrive, not just myself.

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Learn About the STEEM Rewards Pool & Why @haejin is Being Flagged By Hundreds of STEEM Users

Full Article Here


Your favourite Tank,



Keep up your one sided anti-@haejin posts and the downvotes will correlate.

Though, you fail to present, on balance, your nasty posts like the whale shitting memes or racist donkeys. Your hubby's (@hendrix22) rapid fire FU haejin hate posts were psychotic and seem to be have dissipated. A positive improvement. Though, his anti-haejin memes of a gay guy riding a donkey hiding his erect penis under a hat...that was gross. The subterfuge degrees you two will go to have been impressive (e.g. the buttocks post). And yet you try and post yourself as a genteel homesteader..however; I see you as anything but; based on your nasty memes! Most of all, your propensity to incite others to do your bidding on hate downvotes and posts and comments; has been consistent! You've said that I flag like a bitch and yet the TRUE BITCH is YOU!

On Que!: @lyndsaybowes will again post the memes of shitting whale or gay guy riding with an erect penis hidden under a hat riding the donkey....in 3,2, 1....!

Did you really think that constantly calling me a donkey and posting the insulting memes along with your one sided videos will induce any change? Really? Wrong! Do you think @fulltimegeek's video of spitting on my name and his downvotes or any other downvotes will bring about any positive change? Wrong again! I will only push back!

I shall NEVER bend my knee to any of you self righteous haters or trolls!

Newton's 3rd Law: Whatever you push will by guarantee, push back. I've been pushing pack to you and @hendrix22 (your hubby). Would you like to try a different tact? I assure you, I am the most tenacious human alive today.

Check out the peace made with @thabiggdogg!

Your move.

Always playing the victim...do you think anyone even believes your garbage? Look at this comment, 8 downvotes, and 1 upvote (coming only from yourself, as always).

So you flag everything I do for months and months, because some memes hurt your feelings. Seems legit. Maybe you should get some therapy for that.

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To whoever reads this comment, please consider enrolling @lyndsaybowes onto @steembasicincome.

She does a lot for this platform helping people like you and I and deserves all the support we can give her.

Please upvote for others to see.

You're such a sweetheart!

Hey @lyndsaybowes ;) So I obviously know the history and the story behind all of this, but why target you so much? I know you're vocal about him, but you're certainly not the only one. Seriously, what gives?


Your favourite Tank,

As in Frank the Tank? If so, I love you even more :)

I actually don't know why I'm singled out so much haha! I guess I'm just that awesome <3 <3 <3

I love Frank the Tank, but Tank in this instance is referring to the character role I have in the real life mmorpg game @fulltimegeek started to defeat @haejin: "A Cave Troll Quest":

A tank (also known as a meat shield) is a style of character in gaming, often associated with a character class. A common convention in real-time strategy games, role-playing games, fighting games, multiplayer online battle arenas and MUDs, tanks redirect enemy attacks or attention toward themselves in order to protect other characters or units. Since this role often requires them to suffer large amounts of damage, they rely on large amounts of vitality or armor, healing by other party members, evasiveness and misdirection, or self regeneration.[1]

Tanks are often represented as large or heavily armoured.


ahh I see! That's even more awesome than Frank the Tank ;) I'm so glad to be a part of @friendsofgondor to help with your "healing" then too!

I don't know you well, but I know enough to say that you are a force to be reckoned with, so Tank is awesomely appropriate. Keep up the good fight :)

Yesss! God bless all of the healers/clerics <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Love you Lynn!!

Happy to help! Sending love your way too :)

You really are a tank warrior princess.

And yeah, history finds it easier for men to focus on harassing women because we're "weaker".

He's just sharing his true colors, again waiting on that karmatic rebound to snap back.
Thats a thing,

I never could EVER get out of thr karma rebound...

Quantum physics says : Pray for the mofo ~ send love get love.

Healer class here ♡
Multispec with a side of arcane dps.

We need costumes now...
To the sewing room!!!!

I'm glad that someone is trying to kill the biggest cancer on Steemit.

There are actually a shit tonne of people trying to help defeat this crazy end boss, check out this post, it's 19 days old, and a new update is coming soon, but this will show you all of the Steemians who care, are downvoting, and how much they have each put back in the rewards pool: https://steemit.com/mmorpg/@flagawhale/flag-a-whale-payout-damage-estimates-usd61-787-53-total-damage-to-haejin-s-payouts

And this bitch heajin flagged this post...

HAHAA of course, you should look down my blog, for the last 2 months he's flagged all of my posts when they hit the 7 day mark LMAO. This loser has no life. He actually even stalks my comments too, removing rewards from any that have a few cents on them, if they're 7 days old. Who in their right mind has time to do that every day?

@haejin is so bad people. he has flagged my account for no cause. he has done this behavior with many steem user.

Yeah i came to know about this yesterday, actuallay haejin is fooling to this community.

Bully's don't care, and thats just how it seemed to be.

Hes's probablysome one Eric Trump sitting out of the spotlight but trying to impress daddy by his "knowledge" about stocks and prices.

I still hope we can let this be something new that its reached its peak point in battle.

They will never admit they are wrong, that would require some sort of moral compass. What we do know is they are about as popular in the community as ... those people are irl.

So you ready for the next phase? ♡
Because Looooord goodness everything going on I want to begin this before anything else escalates.

It DOES NOT MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE. In the end all we have is what we did for this world and for others, can't bring money to the other side. All truth is revealed and we cannot run from ourselves anymore, so best to face it all in life so we can have a good time after we move on to the next one.

Karma wheel keeps on turning baby.
Just like our planet, and the seasons.

Welcome to the new world ~ thanks for weeling it in.

We have a lot more work to do, while abusers still try to push their power around as if that some how even matters in the grand scheme of things.

Kudos to whom ever made that gif... 😂

You are so right my friend, and I'm so glad you are here and haven't let any of this stuff discourage you!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I believe very much we are a soul team, you guys said you have been playing your role and you've rallied together all the needed support for the future of this "battle".

It translates through all things.
Corruption is corruption and its core is selfish greed.

Individuals have the power to change towards kindness and generosity though and are granted this opportunity to change by grace ... but many don't won't see why untill Karma kicks their ass for being a bad soul kids by "sky father and earth mother"...

So on that note:
Thanks for being so dang epic eh?
XD Just sayin ~ even when hes being a butt you continue to have this composure and grace.

Thats tough stuff to pull off being such a busy epic mom/homesteader mme!!!
L337 skills!


He is pathetic moron. Just wrote post about him. Maybe if he start using charts I recommended to him, he will receive some help. LOL

😂 😂 Omg that gif is great. Did you do that yourself?

Haha fair enough

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