My @haejin Update & Request For Solution!

in #haejin6 years ago (edited)

My @haejin Update & Request For Solution!

As I'm sure most of you are aware I have flagged every post -100% that @haejin has made for around 6 weeks now. I am unable to do to much damage to his posts resulting in only about a $5 to $6 decrease per post. I am still happy with my effort and I put my foot down to help stop the reward abuse.

I have been able to return $50 to $60 in rewards to the pool daily. I still feel that this is the right thing to do and will not stop flagging unless we can come up with a solution to this issue.

Community Unwritten Standard

It seems as though the community has an unwritten standard of around 4 to 5 posts a day maximum. I think that if @haejin reduced his post number to a maximum of 4 to 5 times a day and only 4 to 5 @ranchorelaxo upvotes per day I will stop all flags. I still feel that it would be excessive in terms of rewards but it would be more acceptable by the entire community.

I have been contacted privately by a lot of Steemians who are waiting for the right time to jump in on the flags. They are waiting until a time when we can actually put a stop to him fully and put him to $0.00

I don't want him to be $0.00 I don't think his effort and content should be $0.00 nobody's posts that are actually written with effort should be $0.00. I feel that the rewards from 4-5 posts daily would still be a lot of earnings and a reasonable solution.

Where's the meme's?

I have decided to stop creating degrading meme's against him for two reasons. The first being that it is not bringing more support to me by doing so and the second being that it's actually quite rude and I really don't like acting in that fashion.

I think that most people now all know where I stand and how I feel on the situation. I don't need to keep up with making people aware of what side I'm on.

Compile 2 coins per post?

I understand you cannot compile many coins into one post since it would be difficult and sometimes time is of the essence. You could however combine two coins into one post. Many times I have witnessed you create posts only fifteen minutes apart from each other. These could have been in the same post!

Willing to stop the flags?

I'm willing to stop flagging if he can reduce his posting to 4-5 per day max! I also am willing to have a civil conversation on this post with @haejin! I welcome you to discuss this solution with me here on this post!

Image Source


Let's discuss this here @haejin!

Edited: @haejin refuses to discuss. Full flag mode will continue. @flagthedonkey and @weflaghaejin are excepting delegations.

You took the lead, I am interested in seeing the response. Good work my friend. I got flagged talking to you before, I refuse to accept being flagged by association.

That's his main tactic. Flagging people who voice opinions. He wants to put the fear into people so they shut up

Sounds very similar to a bernie tactic hmmm, I will help you within a few months, I am working on it, and watching what is going on bro.

You're awesome dude! I like your style and looking forward to seeing more of your farm experiment and your food is free project. My wife was telling me all about your plans. :)

Bro from day 1, I have seen what is going down here, I am 100% behind you, and thank you for noticing my project, I call it 1 by 1, as in 1 by 1 we can change this mess world we find ourselves in. and we will and you will, when I have enough power here, count me in.

Sounds amazing. We love giving away our produce that we grow and our eggs too! It's a great thing to do. Really good for the kids as well. Your daughter will love it :)

She does not understand it for now, she will in the future though, I am bringing her up, like I dare say you are your children, to not be prisoners to government?

You are more awesome than me, you are taking on more than I am on here, for now.

Hello, newbie here, care to explain to me what flagging is and why it matters? Where can I learn more about it.

Not a chance lol, it gets me flagged.

@haejin will never discuss his rape of the reward pool, because simply he has no foot to stand on. No argument he could put together would back up his sheer greed.

You are right. I'm finished trying to discuss this with him. Full flag mode continues! Delegations to @flagthedonkey and @weflaghaejin are always welcomed!

To be honest, I was not going to upvote, as I've seen this story carry on for too long and could not see why you are reaching out to him for a compromise. Why should he? If, at some time, he is forced to stop, he will leave here a multi-millionaire and he'll carry on laughing at us for a long time.

However, seeing him downvote you and others just because you are trying to initiate a discussion, I guess it got my blood boiling again and I've tried upvoting you a few times.

I will go to take a look at @flagthedonkey. In the meantime, all I can do to help is resteem this post. I don't have many visitors at my blog (wouldn't it be nice to know how many?), but I hope it brings at least one more person to join you in your fight.

I hope so as well. Thank you for reaching out to me my friend. I'm only trying to help the entire community and platform.

I had made a delegation of 100 and intended leaving it there for as long as it is needed, but something I had not foreseen has come up.

I saw a poster was being attacked by Bernie and friends and seeing he is a new guy, I offered advice, suggesting he apologises for whatever he has done or else abandons his account and starts anew. His reaction? To tell me to mind my own business and since then he keeps flagging me.

My flagging him has no 'bite' to it, though I obviously do not understand how it all works, for he has a rep of 8 and about that amount in Steempower and yet he is able to damage me to the value of about $5 in one flag.

As a temporary measure, I will need to withdraw my delegation so as to strengthen my flagging, but as soon as I've finished with him I will check with you, in case you still need what help I can give.

I don't know the result, but was thinking of making each post of mine to refuse any reward. At least he will not have the satisfaction of reducing them.

All my best to you and your wife.

I am always at your blog bro, you reached out to me early on, I never forget.

lol, sometimes I am lucky and pick the nice guys.

From what I'm reading above, I better go through your posts to find out what you are up to (your farm project).

Well I see he answered by downvoting. Big shock. The donkey doesn't give a crap about steem or the community. He is a scammer taking all the money he can while he can. Therefore trying to reason with him is pointless.

@hendrix22 I love what you bring to the community here and all I can say is thank you and keep up the good work.

I mean God Damn....This post was completely fair. There was no name-calling, no blaming, no nothing. It was a post asking for a conversation. @haejin could have at least read it. Maybe he did, but flagging it without a response kind of says he didn't. He can't be that much of an asshole, can he? I thought he had some
sort of sympathy or at least negotiating within him, but I guess I was wrong. This post gave him the chance and he pretty much said fuck you. @haejin, I hope you are happy with how you responded to @hendrix22 after he had a formal, civilized post. Which let's not forget, he is taking maybe $6 out of your hundreds of sbd rewards. I hope I am wrong, but so far, this flag with no response shows what kind of person you are.

Oh I got my answer from him indeed. Full flag mode will continue. @flagthedonkey and @weflaghaejin could use some delegations if you know anyone able to.

He's fucked dude! Looks like I'll be flagging for a long time. @flagthedonkey and @weflaghaejin could use some delegations if you know anyone able to.

Dear sis and hubby, if the cave troll gets too much...

Drop agro (video game logic)

Sorry about the FB msg @lyndsaybowes but if we work together I know we can win this.

Mmo's have prepped us for this time.

Selflessness is how the creator extends his magic and if our focus is the kids we will get there.

I msged you from the kids gaming account and i hope we can do some fun stuff together for the kiddos.
Best of luck
And I hope we get to work on our tourism campain this summer!!
Much love

This has been a big issue for the last few months, I think its time to try a new thing, I suggest to creat an account X so everyone who wants to fight this reward pool war, by doing this the amount of $$ taken would be more and also no one is risking his own account to be flagged by him. As you said a civil conversation would be the best but is hard to get people to think with a cold mind when it comes to money.

That account has been created. It's @flagthedonkey

Never heard of that account, Im gonna check it

@hendrix22: not sure if that´s gonna work out buddy... as far as things had been so far there used to be some kind of "peace" between @haejin and the witnesses after a consens was reached. What I saw was that this did not last any long and @haejin increased the number of posts per day massively... I doubt that he will at any point agree to this as he would be loosing cash... in fact he´s only here to milk the system as much as possible.

That is what I believe and to be honest I would be more then happy to meet up face ot face with him as well...

I must try and see if we can resolve this. I am still flagging as we speak and the battle is still on until we see a response and actions. Also anyone can delegate to @flagthedonkey

hey @hendirxx22 ... how is things? Have we made any progress on this matter? rgds

@haejin isn't interested in negotiating, yet. We need to muster more steem power behind our cause – and cause a damaging impact on his posts to force him to the table.

I agree man. I'm working hard on it constantly. @flagthedonkey and @weflaghaejin could use some delegations if you know anyone able to.

You're absolutely right @haejin should stop this. Because he misusing the community . It's really great that you raising your voice against this damn activities. Keep doing this , we're here to support you. @hendrix22

I hope we can come to an agreement. I would much rather be using my power to upvote everyone's good content. You can delegate to @flagthedonkey at anytime as well

I struggle hard to make good content and content people would like and enjoy reading. I am lucky to make 5.00 on a post and I see him making 10 posts a day and 400.00 or more on each post. I is discouraging to me and I can flag him but my little downvote of .10 would never make a difference.

I totally hear you. There isn't much of spreading the wealth going on here. This is why I have been focusing all my attention to stop him.

Yes exactly @basicstoliving , if this is to continue , many will just give up and leave the platform! So it is in everyone's long term interest to resolve this problem.

All of this seems totally fair my man and very reasonable way of going about it. I hope @haejin takes the time to read it before flagging. While the memes did bring a lot of attention, I think it is wise to go about it in a more understanding way, especially since you're not trying to flag him to 0 and understand that he does deserve rewards. Best of luck buddy!

Thanks for understanding and supporting. I feel that we can put an end to this if we can all agree together on a reasonable amount of posts/rewards per day.

What is the value of his downvote? I did an upvote on the previous message but it still stayed at zero.

On that comment -0.93$ I believe on the post around -62.49$

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