
I do quite a bit better, and I just flip a coin to decide.

This comment, golden!

There's a research in the finance world on this topic that says picking stocks by throwing dart works better than a managed mutual fund, for instance.

Here's the article on that topic which I thought was interesting.

And a small video of a debate on the topic with someone who followed that practice.

Some investor did try to test this theory. They built 3 portfolios of 10 stocks each in various indexes in India and weren't too impressed with the outcome.

more people need to see this. His calls are ridiculous.

Right? I wish I could take credit for creating the mock portfolio though but right?

As a matter of curiosity...

How does this stack up with other signal-senders of your choosing?

With such an effort to point out the flaws of a person it makes sense to place such into context. :c)

It doesn't matter what other callers are doing! The argument Haejin's followers are giving for rewarding his posts so well is how his calls make them money. This is their counter agument to the fact that he does not use his Steem Power to upvote anyone but himself (and a handful of carefully selected Haejin Advocates).

If he is not upvoting his followers content to spread the wealth, then he must be making them gobs of money through his trading advice.

If his trading advice is not making them gobs of money, and is, in fact, losing them money, then this is a strict counter to the argument being made in his defense.

The circle goes round and round.

Au contraire...

If one feels the need to lay a claim against a person's performance then there HAS to be a baseline. This if the original poster wants his claims to be considered intellectually honest in presentation.

Now whether that baseline is absolute or relative is entirely up to the original poster.

Once one sets one's targets and handily demonstrates that Haejin either does not meet the absolute targets that one has set (and keeping in mind that a lack of others who actually do meet those targets obviously nullifies the argument), or performs worse than others who make predictions within the same space (whether due to his same claimed methodology or others), THEN there would be a valid case to call out Haejin's credibility in the matter.

Yes - its a little more work - but its a matter of formulating one's arguments correctly and in an adequately complete format.

There are 2 factors at play with him though

  1. His TA : At one point I recall over 450 coins had at least doubled. So when people act like his TA was great, when in fact it was below the total market % gains as a whole, then why is it so great? Like someone posted above, you would have just as likely had better results throwing darts at a dartboard with random coins.

Then early this year, dozens of people suggested that BTC was correcting, he first ignored it (even had alt accounts flag responses), but eventually came around, but that did not stop him from posting TA suggesting several alt coins were still going to moon. If alts are so dependent on BTC trends, then it is terrible TA to suggest BTC is tanking but at the same time all these alts would moon. At one point a user on here was tracking his calls this year at a -70%.

  1. His system abuse. He either has multiple accounts or is with a group of people scamming the system. Most of his rewards coming from the same people, who upvote his work immediately after posting, even when it is a 20 min video of bad TA that has not changed for several days. So content isn't even being viewed and its already earned him more than most people make on here in a month

He has these same people needlessly flagging posters who provide good input, but because it doesnt agree with his TA, he wants it hidden. Posts like mine in his BERN, RAIN, bitconnect thread that suggested people research the coin as they are either a scam, dead, etc. How did that work for me? I had my rep take a huge hit from him and his group. He likely made $900 from it. How are those coins doing. absolutely terrible. Like REALLY bad. BCC callout was predicting $550, it is at $1.95.

To be honest, if he was making $10-30 a post based on the people actually reading his content and using it then I would have no problem. The problem is his rewards are a joke and they come from the same whales over and over again. There are people providing TA on here that is on par or better than him that make less than $5 a post.

Well I personally don't read TA's or anything like that. My portfolio is mostly SNG (shits and giggles)
My god, someone should make a coin, name it shits and giggles and make the symbol for it be SNG

Anyways I agree with Mikepm74 in that the point is to debunk the argument that his calls make you money.

Me neither. My technical process is more like an amalgamation of frenzied "OMG-itzgoingdown-ARGH!" interspliced with zen-like "HODL.... HODL.... .... HODL....!" ;cP

SnG Coin would be a fun coin to see on the market. I doubt I'd touch it even if Haejin gave it props though. ;cP

Your aim, especially if vindicated by truth, is noble enough. As replied to mikepm74, I still feel that it is important to provide a greater context if you want your data to have a lot more weight than it currently has. Whether it be against absolute targets or relative comparisons.

I actually understand and agree with your sentiment. Saying haejin is bad due to his picks dropping without putting it relative to anything else could just be a sign of a bad market and if he loses less, on average, than others then it would show confidence and the opposite is true as well that if he was worse relative to others.

However compared to his projections (all of which are positive) he is off. Not that anyone expects that exact dollar value to reached and fr it to plateau there but rather the general idea of something trending upwards or downwards, and since a lot of these have a negative 1, 7, and 30 day trends it argues that his ideas of them containing a downward trend is, well, foolish...

I do want to note that I understand markets are deemed unpredictable in most cases and the only reason why I would even attack haejin on such a thing is due to his followers arguing how often he is correct about these sorts of things. Without relative comparisons of others portfolios, it is impossible to truly say how good/bad he is but yeah. I do understand your point and agree.

LOL shots fired.

Hence the account name... cough cough

Hmmmm nice information and tips

the guy is a fraud. his so called analysis is second hand & borrowed from technical analysts. its a cynically motivated game of smoke and mirrors designed to generate a cukt like status. a 2 year old could yield similar returns.

Negative returns... Hmm... I wonder how his followers are still coping with him..

Most of them are probably to poor to actually invest in crypto and just follow him in hopes of being able to someday be rich...

They just hope they will get an upvote from him or some other follower of his. 95% of his followers probably never even heard of blockchain in their life.

Even if they were rich, and if they followed hes advice would get poor really fast.

Well they think his TA made them rich when they got into the market in the summer/fall. Meanwhile 450 coins more than doubled in that time frame and the total market went up at a higher % than his TA calls. This year someone was tracking him at -70%(this was mid February).

I did say hes charts are like some little kid draw them with crayons randomly. I think i read somewhere or watched some video where they talk about some study done where they make a cat do trade predictions where she did better than wall street folk. Ok i did google it for you guys. But my point of view is that there are 2 many idiots like that hejin guy in the world so cat isnt really that smart they are just that stupid :D Here if someone wants to read it or has missed it.

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